
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Unaccounted factors to global warming

The "man-made" warmer crowd continues, in the face of all reality, to claim its people in cars causing the planet to warm up. Nevermind that planetary temperatures have remained fairly constant for over a decade. Nevermind that the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s spewed out far more C02 (among other pollutants) in 25 years than we saw during the second half of the 1900s. Nevermind that the models have been proven irreconcilably wrong (we've passed the 10 year mark that was supposed to doom the planet, and we're no where close to the tragedies predicted) We still have glaciers, and while some are melting, others are growing.

I wont address all the terrible crimes against science and humanity committed by the IPCC and the man-made warmers in general; too many others have done a far better job. Instead, Id like to look at several factors the warmers refuse to acknowledge as having any bearing on the topic. Which is why their opinions cant be trusted.

First off, they dont factor in any solar activity; flares, sun spots, and other phenomena. If you want to discuss temperature, you should start with the heat source, right? Logically, that should be a significant factor in the data. Except they still havent done any models factoring in the sun and its known effects.

Next would be another factor we already know causes massive changes to the climate world-wide. Volcanoes. True, we cant predict them, but the computer models left off the effects of the ones already erupting and effecting gthe atmosphere, and the models were never corrected for further volcanic activity. We have reliable records of 2 "Year(s) of no Summer" the first in 535-536, and the second in 1816, where volcanic ash blocked enough Solar radiation from getting to the earth that crops failed, and there was snow in July and August in most places. We know, through both science and history, of the massive impact, and how it lasts for some time, when a volcano erupts. We also know of how much (and what kind of) gas pours out with the eruptions. And yet, none of these men thought to include such data, even when trying to update their computer programs.

The next few possible factors are pure speculation on my part, I will admit.
Its seems every year for the last 20, there have been massive forest fires on the West Coast. The laws of environmentalists forbidding the clean-up of underbrush were well intentioned, but make the perfect tinder to start monsters that tend to take hundreds of miles before the fires is put out. Anyone who's worked with fire will tell you it does crazy things: It can cause gale force winds to form, pushing the air in front of it,or a back-draft can suck air to a near-vacuum. It can form a vortex going up or down, literally a tornado of flame and heat. I find it curious that all this heat, over all that area, shifting the air so much, doesnt affect the climate?

Move on to the power companies; towers extend a quarter mile in to the air for nuke, coal, or natural gas. The super-heated steam rises another quarter to half mile before it cools enough to stop being visible. That much heat should be affecting climate as well, especially with how common they are.

Solar farms are even worse, though much more rare, thank God. The air over a solar farm can reasch over 1000 degrees. That has to be affecting things.

Personally, I doubt humans are capable of harming the planet significantly. But I cant take seriously any claim to be a "scientific" study when I can thing of so many factors, right of the top of my head, that can skew the results that werent accounted for.

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