
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Trump calling for arrest

Many politicians, on both sides, are criticizing Trump, saying he has gone beyond all sense of taste or even decency to be demanding his presumed opponent, hillary, be arrested. "Never before has one candidate accused another of felonies" they claim. The fact that the talking heads, demagogues, and politicos are so serious when they make such a lie just makes it even more funny, at least to me.

We're supposed to forget that obama, the disgrace to all Americans, was accusing Romney of 1st degree murder? According to the cowardly, honor-less traitor disgracing The People's House, Romney deliberately planned and co-ordinated the death of a woman just to save a few dollars.

The truth of the story? 4 years after Romney held any authoritative position anywhere in the company, owning a margin of stock that left him well below "Controlling interest" (this means he couldnt have done anything, even if he had known about the issue) A man who had left employment of that company found out the company insurance would no longer pay for his wife's medical bills.

Imagine that. You stop working for a company, and they take away the benefits they give you. Before I saw this 50something year old man on the news, schlepping for obama, I would have thought only college students (well, and certain European countries) were so stupid as to think this was "unfair".

Now, on the other hand, lets look at hillary's actions, and the actions obama is leaving her to hang for (because, honestly, pretty much nothing about the entire pooch-screw when she was the disgrace of state could have been done with out the president's approval) :

Within hours of the attack, we already knew the "movie" lie was just that, a lie. A lie she told on the news to the public. And a lie she told during multiple congressional inquiries and hearing, which is perjury. Democrats pilloried poor Scooter Libby for that, simply because he couldnt keep repeating the same story, word perfect for 3 years straight. And, coincidentally, he got 3 years in a Federal Penitentiary for it. Hillary couldnt keep the same story from before lunch until after. But she's not in jail yet. We have the standard, we have the precedent, we have inarguable proof of crime and guilt. We also have very obvious bias and refusal to enforce the law.

Then came the claim help couldnt have come fast enough; 4 dead Americans, one being an ambassidor, and she had the gall to say "what difference does it make?" In spite of 4 Carrier Battle Fleets in the area, all carrying 2 full wings (around a hundred planes) of combat aircraft capable of Mach 1, who could have put initial air support on-target, or the Missile Frigates of the carrier group who could launch their Tomahawk Missiles with a thousand mile range, accurate to with-in a foot, to clear the roads a bit, or the Marine Emergency team in Italy, who could have been there (from frikken ITALY!!! much less all the other, CLOSER forces the disgrace has fighting his secret wars the public hasnt been told about) in 2 hours. They claim "2 hours was too long!" So, they sat and watched live satalite feed for 8 hours as Americans fought, waiting for help that they refused to send. Even today, 5 years later, the military involved still provide evidence for the "stand-down" orders this joke of an administration claims it never made.

We have proof that the ambassador had been reporting attacks for 18 months prior to his death. He had been asking for a reinforced AMERICAN security team, instead of being forced to trust his safety to the very people threatening to kill him. We  knews within a day that not only did he report this was going to happen and ask for help; just about every informant the CIA, DIA, and the rest of the alphabet soup of Intelligence Agencies (all 41 of them) had known this was coming and warned the State Department, and been ignored. Dereliction of Duty IS a prosecutable felony offense for federal employees, especially when people get killed because of it.

We knew from the out-set Benghazi was a weapons cache obama intended to supply Syrian Al Qaeda and Libyan Taliban with. He didnt believe any of us from the military who pointed out that such equipment would end up in the hands of Afghani Taliban and International Al-Qaeda, and now we find that ISIS is using it too. Bluntly, hillary, on orders from obama (according to the congressional records) was going to pull the same Iran weapons deal that nearly got Reagan impeached 30 years ago.

All of this was kept on her private server, yet another felony that she's already confessed to. The illegal use of private property for government purposes, lack of security, intentional destruction of evidence, espionage, use of classified information for personal gain.....

And all of this is not in doubt. She has publicly confessed, either in Congressional hearings or inquiries,  (both of which are public record, and cant be blocked or suppressed) or during interviews, speeches, and debates.

We have proof of crimes. We have public confession of committing those crimes.
Trump is right:
Why is she not arrested and on trial?

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