
Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Orlando Embarrassment

The truths have come out., and the democrats must work extra hard to try spinning people's attention away from them:

 The shooter was a muslim jihadist under FBI investigation. Twice. One investigation was ordered to be ended by Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security, the second ordered to be closed by Hillary's State Department. This started, happend, and tragically ended entirely under the watch of the obama administration; there's no one to blame.

The 9-1-1 call recorded his declaration of faith and loyalty, both to is;am and to ISIS, but both obama and hillary spent several days trying to deny the tragedy was islamic terrorism.

obama has now turned to blaming the guns, because inanimate lumps of metal somehow force people to become monsters, in his delusional world. Except that this crazed psycho bought all his guns legally.

Indeed, the laws we used to have on the books that would have prevented his purchase or access, arent gun laws, but rather intelligence-sharing laws obama chose to end. The same "walls" bill and hillary built in the 90s that led to the intel agencies not being able to share the information in time to prevent 9/11, that even bill and hillarey admitted were short-sighted, poorly planned and implemented, and needed to be ended in light of that tragedy..... obama has spent the last several years rebuilding.

Democrats from obama the failure on down are trying to spin this, because it shows, just as clearly as the 9/11 commission said, that weapons arent the issue. The dedication of the enemy, and the fact that most democrat ideology plays right into the enemy's hands, are the problem.

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