So, Lynch, Head of the Dept of Justice (which no longer qualifies for that title) now wants to destroy evidence and tamper with facts to hide the motivations of the shooter in Orlando, "in order to determine [his] motives." Removing and destroying the 911 tape where he swore loyalty to ISIS doesnt change the fact he did it, or remove it as a reason.
Lynch (and the rest of the obamination administration) want this to be about guns and gays and crazies. Well, ISIS and its supporters are crazy, but ojackwagon has sided with the muslims; a point he made in his autobiographies before he got into politics, and has kept.
There's no evidence the shooter was gay, except from liberals, who claim everyone is gay a little, at various points in their life. Rather reminds me of Siggy Freud, the whack-job shrink who figured that just because he wanted to bang his mom, it must be normal. He whipped all his BS into garbage no one could prove was wrong, even though everyone knew it was. Just like modern democrat politicians; especially hillary and obama.
And then there's the guns...Democrats cant declare martial law and turn the Republic into an Empire, Roman style, as long as the civilian populace has the fire-power to resist. Why do you think democrats are so dead-set on stealing your guns from you? Laws we've had on the books since the 1930s should have prevented the jihadist from buying his guns.
But the obama administration hasnt bothered to enforce too many laws these last 8 years.At least they're consistent; consistently refusing to uphold the law, as per their oaths. And the "new" laws the democrats want to put in place wouldnt have stopped the chuckle-head from getting his guns either. They would only have prevented normal people from having access to the fire-arms that keep criminal, traitorous, cowardly would-be tyrants like obama and hillary in their place.
Our problem isnt mental illness, jihadists, guns, or terrorism. Its democrats that side with those across the world that want to destroy America. And there is a very simple and accurate word for people like that: traitor.
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