So democrats, in their usual incompetent way, are using the blood of innocents to push the tired old line that guns are evil.
Never mind the fact that this man had somehow passed Hillary Clinton's State department background check, and another from Each Sec of the Dept of Homeland Security, as well as two FBI investigations, ALL done during the Obama administration.
Was special preference shown because of his color, religion, heritage, or any of the other excuses democrats like to give for failing to do their job right? We may never know. But reporters arent having to dig too hard to find no doubts that this man was a proud jihadist with ties to ISIS and other terrorist groups, a fact obama and hillary are having a hard time admitting. An Afghan/Paki muslim with ties to the Taliban, basically the poster child of what we've been at war with for over 15 years now, and obama keeps ordering the US military to provide aid to, under obama's administration, in spite of the endless red flags going up, was allowed to buy fire-arms legally, even after he started saying what he intended to use them for. For (beep)'s sake, he called 911 to swear allegiance to ISIS just before the attack, and hillary still tried to say he wasnt a muslim terrorist.
But supposedly, it was the gun's fault.
I gotta admit, if thats the case, I am truly impressed.
Ive starved my guns, beat them, dropped them, thrown them against the wall, kicked them in the mud; just about every kind of abuse I could think of, and they still wont kill anyone FOR me. Nope, I gotta do the leg work myself, go to where the person is, and pull that trigger before anyone dies. That this paki can train a gun to kill for him; now thats an impressive trick I aint never seen successfully performed before. Id even volunteer to risk my life, to see how its done; how he can order that gun to kill me without anyone touching it.
Maybe we should stop worrying about the guns and spend more time worrying about the psychos, crazies, and sick (beep)s carrying them. The news doesnt report how many shootings are prevented by armed US citizens. Fact is, fire-arms were banned in that area; I dont know if it's city ordnance, state law, or just the rules of the club. But one veteran with a pistol could have saved a lot of lives.
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