
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Trump won

So, the ruling elites have been workung overtime, scratching their collective ass, unable to understand why Trump won. The only answers they can comprehend sre the "-isms", that race, gender, etc are why trump won.

And, as usual, they're so wrong it would make a typically shitty hollywood comedy flop if anyone filmed it. So here are the REAL reasons trump won:

1) Life sucks under the elites, and has for a quarter century, and the elites didnt care. Thanks to slick Willie, too worried about sexually molesting women to pay attention to the moronic mistakes his staff were making, the trade agreements shipped our jobs off to mexico and china. If you studied economics, yes, this is supposedly a "good" idea, but only for the very top and very bottom of the economic spread; everyone in-between gets fucked. As we've seen happen. Why do you think quality of life is improving in the shit-holes, and here, the rich get richer while everyone else gets screwed? Thats the way the model is SUPPOSED to work. The rulers knew it, and didnt care. "let them eat wheat grass." :roll: Damned fools didnt realize that by copying the attitudes of the French Monarchy, they would get the French revolution. Fortunately, we're civilized enough not to lop off heads.

2) And then, since dem filth took over about a decade ago, theres been the grand inquisition against middle/upper-middle class: if you manage to succeed well enough to earn $125K a year, you get punished. Never mind the fact that in places like CA, much of FL, NY (hell all of New England, really) $125,000 is just middle class; you can just barely pay all the bills on that.
Aint much sense in striving to hit that pay level when the tax bracket means you'll take home smaller checks than if you were earning "only" $120grand a year. The dem policies put a cap on how well you want to do, dissuading people from even trying to achieve beyond a certain point.

Its much like welfare; until you find a job with a certain pay level (in Indiana, it happens to be $60K annual) you're actually better off to stay on welfare and try for all the extra programs, and live off of other people's money. The same with the democrat tax plans; if you intend to earn over the $125K mark, its going to have to be a huge jump over it, or your actually better off staying just below, where you get to keep more of your money. Basically, you're forbidden from being successful, unless you can make the jump directly into the upper 0.01%
It shouldm be obvious how that ruins lives and the country.
And it should piss everyone off.

3) The insults; the way the elites decided anyone who disagreed with them was a bigot; It wasnt bad enough that they set out to destroy everyone's life, then they had to start insulting the victims for being upset about it. And couldnt figure out why the victims were becoming even more angry.

4) Michael Moore
I was shocked to discover I actually agreed with thus guy on something. Paraphrased, his rant says:

"What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. Working-class middle Americans have lost their jobs, houses, and cars; they have terrible health care plans; they're angry. On Nov. 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth … and put a big f---ing X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives: Donald J. Trump."

Even HE gets it:
Life has sucked for the average blue collar worker (regardless of color, religion, gender, or even planet of origin) for decades. And its kept getting worse. No one has cared, and the few that noticed only used it for lip-service to gain votes. obama the cowardly traitorous filth disgracing The People's House only won because people thought he would help the lower half of America, not sell it out to the muslims, allowing them to kill us at their leisure. Trump promised to put some foot to ass and put the rungs back in the social economic ladder that would let those of us at the bottom start climbing up again. Like odumbass' win, the people are buying into trump, begging for a chance to regain the old America, where the American Dream was possible for everyone, not just the filthy rich.

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