
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Castro is dead.

Castro is dead. Democrats and liberals tell us we should "respect and celebrate" his life. That he was "a hero".

A "hero" that jailed and killed any who disagreed with him, and has been doing so since 1947. A ruler so feared and reviled by his people that there are more Cubans living in America, refugees who fled for their lives, than there are  left living in Cuba itself.

We are supposed to respect his support of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. Except that Mandela wasnt jailed for being black, Mandela was jailed for hanging tires filled with gasoline around people's necks and tossing matches into the mix. Mandela was jailed for cutting limbs off of innocent women and children with machetes in the middle of the street in broad daylight as "protest". Mandela was arrested, tried, and legally thrown in prison for doing in the 1950s exactly what ISIS is doing today in the Middle East. If Mandela were starting his reign of terror in today's climate instead of pushing up daisies, we would be trying to put a drone-launched Hellfire missile up his ass, as we are currently doing to Kony and the rest of his "Lord's Resistance Army" fanatics, instead of "celebrating his legacy", as liberal dumb-asses keep demanding we do. Castro helped a fellow anti-capitalism terrorist. Of course the American Left loves that.

Saddam ruled similar to Castro. But Saddam didnt support communism, nor was a friend of JFK. So it was ok to blow Saddam's brains out, while we're supposed to "celebrate" a bastard more evil, who tortured and killed almost as many, in spite of ruling a country so much smaller, both in size and population.

Joseph Stalin, the Russian Dictator that slaughtered more innocent civilians than Hitler, considered Castro too extreme, too brutal, too savage, and unfit to truly align with. But our current American Left mourn's Castro's passing, and sees Castro as a "hero".

Ask any Cuban decent American about Castro. The stories of his atrocities make even callous soldiers blanch in their cruelty. The fact that even as recently as a decade ago, failure to vote for Castro was still an executable "crime" in Cuba, a fact condemned by the UN and most civilized countries of the world, is ignored by the American Left, who demands we "celebrate" his life and wait "for History to judge" this murderous bastard.

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