As a little kid, when I looked at elderly black Americans, I saw pride. And I also saw pain. The first-hand view of the slights and real abuses suffered by their grandparents and parents right in front of them, to say nothing of what they endured themselves.... A young child couldnt understand the kind of emotional scars that leaves, not how those scars never go away. And hte pride of pain overcome, hardship overcome, of winning their right to be seen as equal to all others.
The black peers my parents' age didnt have pain in their eyes; they had rage. They used that rage to justify their terrorism: their symbol- a closed fist-promising violence; their ringing cries of "bah anay me-ans necessary"-used to justify the savage inhuman monsters gunning down children, pregnant women, and other "soft targets" as we would call them today. The only difference between the Black Panthers (both of Farrakhan's day and ours) and ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc is geography. They all use the same terrorist tactics, preying on the innocent, weak and helpless because they are too cowardly and weak to face a real fight. Monstrous beasts that deserved to be slaughtered as quickly as possible were instead raised as desirable, respectable, and valued citizens, allowing the cancer of their hate to fester in our society.
Then we reach the blacks of my generation, who had never known such hardship. There was joy and pride in their eyes as youth. But when they got older, and had to stand as adults, they found out "life sucks". And they were stupid enough to think it was because they were black, rather than understanding, as most the world does, that "Life sucks" is a universal constant, as real and impartial and continuous as gravity or the Pythagorean theorem or Pi. This made them sullen, angry and bigoted, and they forgot everything their ancestors had fought so hard to achive.
And their children are worse, with a ridiculous sense of entitlement, no realistic concept of what bigotry or even hardship really means, and just as quick as their racist, inhuman grand[parents to brutalize and kill "what peoplez" because they think it will do something other that get them arrested, possible even killed.
In 1952, The "gang of 9" were 9 black children who had been the center of the Brown v Board of Education case that ended segregation. They had to be escorted to school by a platoon of Infantry soldiers for their safety; they risked their lives evey single day for the right to receive a decent education. This is the second generation demanding the "right" to be able to drop out of school and put on welfare, supported by America, simply because they dont want to work.
The good Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr died for, among other things, the right for black people to vote, and have that vote count equal to anyone else's. Today, we fight tooth and nail to get black people to care enough to e ven register, much less actually vote.
When the civil rights act passed in 1964, blacks talked of how they intended to have a renaissance period; they would revolutionize music, business, law, blah blah blahblah. The whole world would change, and it would be blacks changing it, and for the better. What few changes they have mad have been disasters. What the fuck happened?
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