
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lena Dunham

So we have a woman who's whole mission in life is to pretend to be someone else.
She is eager to expose as much of her nude body to the paparazzi as they can stomach; lets face it, she may not be ugly, but there are FAR more photogenic actresses willing to get naked. I know the days of classy actresses like Audrey Hepburn are long gone, but she and her peers sink the bar to new lows that mean "classless" needs to be redefined". Given her willingness to flaunt her nudity and willingness to screw anything desperate enough to crawl in the sack with her...well, here in Indiana, we have a few names for women like that, and none are complimentary. 

As if all this wasnt enough indication that this woman should be considered a colossal failure in life, (and an indictment of our society that she isnt) trump's win last week left her deciding she's going to go ask a rock in the Arizona desert for the answers to all the great questions of life. Yep, a rock. As if that wasnt crazy enough, she expects it to answer her. This humongous train-wreck is what Lena Dunham calls a life, and the media demands we not only care, but give it special attention as a guiding influence in our own.

Well, God has a purpose for everyone, even if that purpose is simply to be an example of what not to be.

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