
Monday, November 14, 2016

Day Six

And still the protests continue.....

We have a select section of bigoted  negroids that think only in terms of skin color, and so assume that trump's win is about racism, unable to comprehend that the rest of us care more about the content of your character (or lack of character, in their case). No one cares what black people say or think anymore because most every one that gets on tv is spouting the bigoted, moronic horseshit these f^*ktards encourage.

Then we have the skank sluts claiming to be feminists. The Director of the FBI announced hill-bitch was too stupid and incompetent to comprehend the severity and seriousness of her crimes; she was mentally unfit to stand trial because she couldnt comprehend why or how she had broken the law. Then, on weiner's porn computer, they found 650 THOUSAND emails showing she most certainly did understand, and had deliberately played the FBI for chumps.

The feminazi skanks somehow think that holding a bitch responsible for her treasonous spying is "sexist". This is why no one gives a shit what feminists think anymore, because they keep spouting retarded shit like this.

Liberalism is, quite simply, a mental illness. How else can you classify any "philosophy" that makes such lobotomizing statements as:
"if you manage to crawl above the lower 30% of Amercia's economic division, you deserve to be punished!"
"Soldiers should be sent to war, but not sent food, ammo, or equipent to fight that war!"
"You have the freedom to do anything you want, as long as "what you want" is to do everything I say, and agree with everything I say!"

These protestors are doing the very things they spent the week before the election demanding the nation take steps to criminalize and prevent from happening, when they thought it would be trump supporters. And they deny that they are hypocrites. America would be better off without this filth; tap the Marines; issue live ammo; authorize lethal force; and inform the Marines "no prisoners, no tolerance".

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