Ahh, November. That one month of the year where men dont shave, in order to call attention to all the health problems, mental problems, social problems, sexual problems, and every other kind of problem that only men suffer from.
From getting your balls checked for cancer, to yet another sensitivity class because you prefer to call women you dont know "hun" or "darlin" instead of "ho", "bitch", or any of the other "quaint" ebonics terms the ghetto slime have infected our language with, these are problems women just plain dont have. The same way they claim we cant understand the burden of breast cancer because we dont have boobies, they cant understand burden of testicular cancer, no matter how much they claim to the otherwise. (and arguing will just get you yet another trip to HR's sensitivity training)
So its entertaining to see these dumb bitches whining that Ni-Shave November isnt inclusive enough of women, and so must go. Ummm, the only month of the year we arent eyebrow deep in your sniveling, bitching, whining, and crying about every little boo-boo, every almost-sad feeling; the one month of the year we arent required by the politically correct police to be head-up your cooch to our shoulders, your now pissing and moaning "doesnt include you enough"? Are you naturally this retarded, or are you going out of your way to act like a lobotomized brain-dead dumb bitch? No, seriously; I didnt think anyone could miss such a simple point with such an epic fail unless it was intentional.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Castro is dead.
Castro is dead. Democrats and liberals tell us we should "respect and celebrate" his life. That he was "a hero".
A "hero" that jailed and killed any who disagreed with him, and has been doing so since 1947. A ruler so feared and reviled by his people that there are more Cubans living in America, refugees who fled for their lives, than there are left living in Cuba itself.
We are supposed to respect his support of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. Except that Mandela wasnt jailed for being black, Mandela was jailed for hanging tires filled with gasoline around people's necks and tossing matches into the mix. Mandela was jailed for cutting limbs off of innocent women and children with machetes in the middle of the street in broad daylight as "protest". Mandela was arrested, tried, and legally thrown in prison for doing in the 1950s exactly what ISIS is doing today in the Middle East. If Mandela were starting his reign of terror in today's climate instead of pushing up daisies, we would be trying to put a drone-launched Hellfire missile up his ass, as we are currently doing to Kony and the rest of his "Lord's Resistance Army" fanatics, instead of "celebrating his legacy", as liberal dumb-asses keep demanding we do. Castro helped a fellow anti-capitalism terrorist. Of course the American Left loves that.
Saddam ruled similar to Castro. But Saddam didnt support communism, nor was a friend of JFK. So it was ok to blow Saddam's brains out, while we're supposed to "celebrate" a bastard more evil, who tortured and killed almost as many, in spite of ruling a country so much smaller, both in size and population.
Joseph Stalin, the Russian Dictator that slaughtered more innocent civilians than Hitler, considered Castro too extreme, too brutal, too savage, and unfit to truly align with. But our current American Left mourn's Castro's passing, and sees Castro as a "hero".
Ask any Cuban decent American about Castro. The stories of his atrocities make even callous soldiers blanch in their cruelty. The fact that even as recently as a decade ago, failure to vote for Castro was still an executable "crime" in Cuba, a fact condemned by the UN and most civilized countries of the world, is ignored by the American Left, who demands we "celebrate" his life and wait "for History to judge" this murderous bastard.
A "hero" that jailed and killed any who disagreed with him, and has been doing so since 1947. A ruler so feared and reviled by his people that there are more Cubans living in America, refugees who fled for their lives, than there are left living in Cuba itself.
We are supposed to respect his support of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. Except that Mandela wasnt jailed for being black, Mandela was jailed for hanging tires filled with gasoline around people's necks and tossing matches into the mix. Mandela was jailed for cutting limbs off of innocent women and children with machetes in the middle of the street in broad daylight as "protest". Mandela was arrested, tried, and legally thrown in prison for doing in the 1950s exactly what ISIS is doing today in the Middle East. If Mandela were starting his reign of terror in today's climate instead of pushing up daisies, we would be trying to put a drone-launched Hellfire missile up his ass, as we are currently doing to Kony and the rest of his "Lord's Resistance Army" fanatics, instead of "celebrating his legacy", as liberal dumb-asses keep demanding we do. Castro helped a fellow anti-capitalism terrorist. Of course the American Left loves that.
Saddam ruled similar to Castro. But Saddam didnt support communism, nor was a friend of JFK. So it was ok to blow Saddam's brains out, while we're supposed to "celebrate" a bastard more evil, who tortured and killed almost as many, in spite of ruling a country so much smaller, both in size and population.
Joseph Stalin, the Russian Dictator that slaughtered more innocent civilians than Hitler, considered Castro too extreme, too brutal, too savage, and unfit to truly align with. But our current American Left mourn's Castro's passing, and sees Castro as a "hero".
Ask any Cuban decent American about Castro. The stories of his atrocities make even callous soldiers blanch in their cruelty. The fact that even as recently as a decade ago, failure to vote for Castro was still an executable "crime" in Cuba, a fact condemned by the UN and most civilized countries of the world, is ignored by the American Left, who demands we "celebrate" his life and wait "for History to judge" this murderous bastard.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Meandering through the headlines
So obama is saying he doesnt intend to constantly deride trump, but will step back to his community rabble-rousing roots whenever he feels it's important. He should remember that almost every single one of his elections was won by him bribing courts to unseal records. If he becomes too much of an inconvenience, his records can just as easily be unsealed, and America will finally know what he's been hiding these last 8 years.
Nancy Pelosi has been the House Democrat leader for 14 years, and is now facing a serious challenge. She doesnt know why. Well, lets look at her record:
A) in 2007, she took control as Speaker saying $5-$6 and higher for a gallon of gas was a great thing. Of course all her liberal elite friends, the people who hire driving services to hail them around thought this was great; it kept "the rabble" off the roads. The rest of America felt is sucked, as they had to quit jobs because they couldnt afford to drive to work.
B) "We have to pass it so you can know whats in it" Yeah, even the grade-school civics classes knew thats not how its supposed to work
C) for the last 8 years, this old bat has been fighting for "women's rights" to abortion and birth control, apparently forgetting that those battles had already been won decades before, when most the voters she's trying to win werent even a scratch in daddy's pants yet.
I dont know why California is so hell-bent on sending this poor old biddy, clearly suffering from elderly dementia and Alzheimer's, back to congress over and over. It's almost cruel to keep the senile old bag working when it's clear she doesnt even know what decade she's in.
Bloomington Indiana, home of one of the biggest party colleges in the state, and almost as liberal as the California college towns, decided that Easter and Christmas were "too christian", and Columbus Day was "too white", so they decided to rename them. Well, maybe Im just too logical, but if a Christian holiday, that exists only because of the religion, is too religious, then you should just shut up and be forced to work it like it's any other day (no extra pay, no special benefits, no nothing) while those that are religious take the time off for observances, as guaranteed by their 1st Amendment rights. Or you can just go ahead and ban ALL religious observance, including muslim, jewish, etc etc etc. Well, maybe we can keep Beltane; getting drunk, then getting naked and dancing around a bonfire sounds kinda fun, as long as we do it in decent weather.
A bunch of pampered self-righteous arrogant broadway actors took it upon themselves to lecture a popular governor and future VP about how he should govern, apparently too stupid to realize that VPs dont govern. They're just there to give the late-night talk show hosts something to monologue about. Sadly, these chumps cant understand that its precisely this sort of behavior that has ensured no one cares about their opinions in the first place.
And finally, an interesting comparison is about to take place, though it will take time to draw the data.
When obama took office, democrats controlled all 3 houses: White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. And couldnt get jacksh^t done. They blamed the fact they couldnt get their own party to support their lunacy on the republicans, and begged for a filibuster-proof control. When they got it, they still couldnt get anything done.
Trump is taking office with the republicans holding all three houses. But there are a whole lot of republicans that REALLY dont want to work with trump. Will they remain as deaf to the public as they have been for the last 8 years? Will they work with the man who won? Will they be as ruthless, and steamroll over democrats the way democrats ruthlessly rolled over them these last 8 years? It will be interesting to evaluate how these two parties respond when given a clear mandate and the near-unstoppable power to follow that mandate. Assuming the republicans finally turned up their hearing aids enough to understand what that mandate is.
Nancy Pelosi has been the House Democrat leader for 14 years, and is now facing a serious challenge. She doesnt know why. Well, lets look at her record:
A) in 2007, she took control as Speaker saying $5-$6 and higher for a gallon of gas was a great thing. Of course all her liberal elite friends, the people who hire driving services to hail them around thought this was great; it kept "the rabble" off the roads. The rest of America felt is sucked, as they had to quit jobs because they couldnt afford to drive to work.
B) "We have to pass it so you can know whats in it" Yeah, even the grade-school civics classes knew thats not how its supposed to work
C) for the last 8 years, this old bat has been fighting for "women's rights" to abortion and birth control, apparently forgetting that those battles had already been won decades before, when most the voters she's trying to win werent even a scratch in daddy's pants yet.
I dont know why California is so hell-bent on sending this poor old biddy, clearly suffering from elderly dementia and Alzheimer's, back to congress over and over. It's almost cruel to keep the senile old bag working when it's clear she doesnt even know what decade she's in.
Bloomington Indiana, home of one of the biggest party colleges in the state, and almost as liberal as the California college towns, decided that Easter and Christmas were "too christian", and Columbus Day was "too white", so they decided to rename them. Well, maybe Im just too logical, but if a Christian holiday, that exists only because of the religion, is too religious, then you should just shut up and be forced to work it like it's any other day (no extra pay, no special benefits, no nothing) while those that are religious take the time off for observances, as guaranteed by their 1st Amendment rights. Or you can just go ahead and ban ALL religious observance, including muslim, jewish, etc etc etc. Well, maybe we can keep Beltane; getting drunk, then getting naked and dancing around a bonfire sounds kinda fun, as long as we do it in decent weather.
A bunch of pampered self-righteous arrogant broadway actors took it upon themselves to lecture a popular governor and future VP about how he should govern, apparently too stupid to realize that VPs dont govern. They're just there to give the late-night talk show hosts something to monologue about. Sadly, these chumps cant understand that its precisely this sort of behavior that has ensured no one cares about their opinions in the first place.
And finally, an interesting comparison is about to take place, though it will take time to draw the data.
When obama took office, democrats controlled all 3 houses: White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. And couldnt get jacksh^t done. They blamed the fact they couldnt get their own party to support their lunacy on the republicans, and begged for a filibuster-proof control. When they got it, they still couldnt get anything done.
Trump is taking office with the republicans holding all three houses. But there are a whole lot of republicans that REALLY dont want to work with trump. Will they remain as deaf to the public as they have been for the last 8 years? Will they work with the man who won? Will they be as ruthless, and steamroll over democrats the way democrats ruthlessly rolled over them these last 8 years? It will be interesting to evaluate how these two parties respond when given a clear mandate and the near-unstoppable power to follow that mandate. Assuming the republicans finally turned up their hearing aids enough to understand what that mandate is.
What the HELL has happened to Black America?
As a little kid, when I looked at elderly black Americans, I saw pride. And I also saw pain. The first-hand view of the slights and real abuses suffered by their grandparents and parents right in front of them, to say nothing of what they endured themselves.... A young child couldnt understand the kind of emotional scars that leaves, not how those scars never go away. And hte pride of pain overcome, hardship overcome, of winning their right to be seen as equal to all others.
The black peers my parents' age didnt have pain in their eyes; they had rage. They used that rage to justify their terrorism: their symbol- a closed fist-promising violence; their ringing cries of "bah anay me-ans necessary"-used to justify the savage inhuman monsters gunning down children, pregnant women, and other "soft targets" as we would call them today. The only difference between the Black Panthers (both of Farrakhan's day and ours) and ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc is geography. They all use the same terrorist tactics, preying on the innocent, weak and helpless because they are too cowardly and weak to face a real fight. Monstrous beasts that deserved to be slaughtered as quickly as possible were instead raised as desirable, respectable, and valued citizens, allowing the cancer of their hate to fester in our society.
Then we reach the blacks of my generation, who had never known such hardship. There was joy and pride in their eyes as youth. But when they got older, and had to stand as adults, they found out "life sucks". And they were stupid enough to think it was because they were black, rather than understanding, as most the world does, that "Life sucks" is a universal constant, as real and impartial and continuous as gravity or the Pythagorean theorem or Pi. This made them sullen, angry and bigoted, and they forgot everything their ancestors had fought so hard to achive.
And their children are worse, with a ridiculous sense of entitlement, no realistic concept of what bigotry or even hardship really means, and just as quick as their racist, inhuman grand[parents to brutalize and kill "what peoplez" because they think it will do something other that get them arrested, possible even killed.
In 1952, The "gang of 9" were 9 black children who had been the center of the Brown v Board of Education case that ended segregation. They had to be escorted to school by a platoon of Infantry soldiers for their safety; they risked their lives evey single day for the right to receive a decent education. This is the second generation demanding the "right" to be able to drop out of school and put on welfare, supported by America, simply because they dont want to work.
The good Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr died for, among other things, the right for black people to vote, and have that vote count equal to anyone else's. Today, we fight tooth and nail to get black people to care enough to e ven register, much less actually vote.
When the civil rights act passed in 1964, blacks talked of how they intended to have a renaissance period; they would revolutionize music, business, law, blah blah blahblah. The whole world would change, and it would be blacks changing it, and for the better. What few changes they have mad have been disasters. What the fuck happened?
The black peers my parents' age didnt have pain in their eyes; they had rage. They used that rage to justify their terrorism: their symbol- a closed fist-promising violence; their ringing cries of "bah anay me-ans necessary"-used to justify the savage inhuman monsters gunning down children, pregnant women, and other "soft targets" as we would call them today. The only difference between the Black Panthers (both of Farrakhan's day and ours) and ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc is geography. They all use the same terrorist tactics, preying on the innocent, weak and helpless because they are too cowardly and weak to face a real fight. Monstrous beasts that deserved to be slaughtered as quickly as possible were instead raised as desirable, respectable, and valued citizens, allowing the cancer of their hate to fester in our society.
Then we reach the blacks of my generation, who had never known such hardship. There was joy and pride in their eyes as youth. But when they got older, and had to stand as adults, they found out "life sucks". And they were stupid enough to think it was because they were black, rather than understanding, as most the world does, that "Life sucks" is a universal constant, as real and impartial and continuous as gravity or the Pythagorean theorem or Pi. This made them sullen, angry and bigoted, and they forgot everything their ancestors had fought so hard to achive.
And their children are worse, with a ridiculous sense of entitlement, no realistic concept of what bigotry or even hardship really means, and just as quick as their racist, inhuman grand[parents to brutalize and kill "what peoplez" because they think it will do something other that get them arrested, possible even killed.
In 1952, The "gang of 9" were 9 black children who had been the center of the Brown v Board of Education case that ended segregation. They had to be escorted to school by a platoon of Infantry soldiers for their safety; they risked their lives evey single day for the right to receive a decent education. This is the second generation demanding the "right" to be able to drop out of school and put on welfare, supported by America, simply because they dont want to work.
The good Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr died for, among other things, the right for black people to vote, and have that vote count equal to anyone else's. Today, we fight tooth and nail to get black people to care enough to e ven register, much less actually vote.
When the civil rights act passed in 1964, blacks talked of how they intended to have a renaissance period; they would revolutionize music, business, law, blah blah blahblah. The whole world would change, and it would be blacks changing it, and for the better. What few changes they have mad have been disasters. What the fuck happened?
Saturday, November 19, 2016
"Let them eat cake"......
So we see the fashion industry has jumped on the bandwagon, railing at the results of the election, throwing tantrums, and refusing to "dress" the future First Lady. One hag, who's sole claim to fame has been wrapping the wookie in tentage and claiming its "fashion" these last 8 years, decided she refused to work with the trump family. Guess the trumps are lucky they didnt ask her.
The theater children, only a half-step less contemptible than hollywood, for the same reasons, decided to lecture the future VP, apparently to ignorant of the material in the play they've been doing for months to understand vice presidents have no power; they exist only to give the talentless hacks doing "late night" material for their monologues. Maybe if they'd had a meaningful message, it could have been overlooked? But no, they had to continue the same tantrums as the rest of the snowflakes.
What none of these meaningless, worthless asshats can comprehend is that it is exactly this self-centered, elitist attitude that handed trump his victory; their being arrogant assholes for decades led to this revolt. They have, for a quarter century, been calling on the average man to suffer every more while they live in ever greater luxury, while claiming that luxury to be hardship, in effect paralleling perfectly the French aristocracy just before the Revolution. the only question left is which asshat is so out of touch as to be titled today's Marie Antoinette?
The theater children, only a half-step less contemptible than hollywood, for the same reasons, decided to lecture the future VP, apparently to ignorant of the material in the play they've been doing for months to understand vice presidents have no power; they exist only to give the talentless hacks doing "late night" material for their monologues. Maybe if they'd had a meaningful message, it could have been overlooked? But no, they had to continue the same tantrums as the rest of the snowflakes.
What none of these meaningless, worthless asshats can comprehend is that it is exactly this self-centered, elitist attitude that handed trump his victory; their being arrogant assholes for decades led to this revolt. They have, for a quarter century, been calling on the average man to suffer every more while they live in ever greater luxury, while claiming that luxury to be hardship, in effect paralleling perfectly the French aristocracy just before the Revolution. the only question left is which asshat is so out of touch as to be titled today's Marie Antoinette?
Friday, November 18, 2016
If not for double standards, they'd have none at all
In 1999, Senator Jeff Sessions (currently recommended for Attorney General under Trump) called successfully for Alabama native Rosa Parks to be
given the Congressional gold medal, one of the highest awards a civilian can receive. In doing so, Sessions made a
passionate call for lawmakers to renew the principle of equality under
the law.
“As legislators, we should work to strengthen the appreciation for this fundamental governing principle by recognizing those who make extraordinary contributions towards ensuring that all American citizens have the opportunity, regardless of their race, sex, creed, or national origin, to enjoy in the freedoms that this country has to offer,” Sessions said, before calling Parks a “living embodiment of this principle.”
A year later, Sessions attached an amendment to an appropriations bill that gave $1 million to Alabama for the Rosa Parks Library, Museum and Learning Center at Troy State University Montgomery Campus as a way of memorializing the Montgomery Bus Boycott, for which Parks’ protest was the impetus.
In 2005, after Parks’ death, Sessions gave a passionate tribute to her on the floor of the Senate, saying “history will remember Rosa Parks for shaking America's conscience and changing the course of our Nation for the better.”
In 2012, Sessions introduced a resolution to the Senate floor, along with Michigan Democratic senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, to observe the 100th anniversary of Parks’ birth. “Her courage ignited major changes in our nation and lead a revolution in race relations. Mrs. Parks will always be remembered as a courageous individual, who confronted injustice head-on and, in so doing, changed our nation. Her legacy continues to endure,” Sessions said.
When Senator Sessions was U.S. Federal Attorney, he filed a number of desegregation lawsuits in Alabama and he also voted in favor of the 30-year extension of the Civil Rights Act,and also voted to confirm Attorney General Eric Holder.
And he is still accused of being a racist
A) because he's attached to the Trump administration
B) because he's from Alabama. Personally, Im getting rather sick of the liberal asshats of this country accusing everyone else of being bigots when the only real signs of racism come from the liberals.
After all, its liberals that tell all the so-called minorities they cant succeed unless a bunch of old white men in DC do it for them. And the minorities suck it up like candy every time.
“As legislators, we should work to strengthen the appreciation for this fundamental governing principle by recognizing those who make extraordinary contributions towards ensuring that all American citizens have the opportunity, regardless of their race, sex, creed, or national origin, to enjoy in the freedoms that this country has to offer,” Sessions said, before calling Parks a “living embodiment of this principle.”
A year later, Sessions attached an amendment to an appropriations bill that gave $1 million to Alabama for the Rosa Parks Library, Museum and Learning Center at Troy State University Montgomery Campus as a way of memorializing the Montgomery Bus Boycott, for which Parks’ protest was the impetus.
In 2005, after Parks’ death, Sessions gave a passionate tribute to her on the floor of the Senate, saying “history will remember Rosa Parks for shaking America's conscience and changing the course of our Nation for the better.”
In 2012, Sessions introduced a resolution to the Senate floor, along with Michigan Democratic senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, to observe the 100th anniversary of Parks’ birth. “Her courage ignited major changes in our nation and lead a revolution in race relations. Mrs. Parks will always be remembered as a courageous individual, who confronted injustice head-on and, in so doing, changed our nation. Her legacy continues to endure,” Sessions said.
When Senator Sessions was U.S. Federal Attorney, he filed a number of desegregation lawsuits in Alabama and he also voted in favor of the 30-year extension of the Civil Rights Act,and also voted to confirm Attorney General Eric Holder.
And he is still accused of being a racist
A) because he's attached to the Trump administration
B) because he's from Alabama. Personally, Im getting rather sick of the liberal asshats of this country accusing everyone else of being bigots when the only real signs of racism come from the liberals.
After all, its liberals that tell all the so-called minorities they cant succeed unless a bunch of old white men in DC do it for them. And the minorities suck it up like candy every time.
Hypocrisy in action
When otraitor openly admitted he wanted to make America a fully socialist country, anyone that opposed the idea was "racist".
Anyone who opposed his plan to steal every last penny from the middle class and give it to Louise Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and his billionaire donators was an "ebul bigot".
No one was allowed to even suggest disagreement with his moronic communist ideas, extremely racist views, and liberal lunacies without being savaged by the entire media, most politicians, and half the country, collectively, being called every insult in the book, with plenty made-up on the spot to explain new "outrages".
Not even the most violent of the racist groups called for odipshit to be assassinated, even though, given the numerous counts of treason he committed, there was plenty of justification. Never did anyone call for his wife and children to raped. (only democrats consider that acceptable "protest")
Bush never defended himself, never rubbed odumbass's nose in the fact that reality kept justifying Bush, the chemical weapons were found (and kept being denied; even today, the democrats will admit soldiers were poisoned, but by WMDs that "were never there; that didnt exist". Figure out that stupidity) Bush did everything in his power to ensure peaceful transition of power, and then stepped aside, accepting the will of the people, to let the traitorous coward sabotage our country, without any attempt to foment discord or rebellion.
Its been just over a week. Democrat filth have murdered almost 25 people, and wounded hundreds more. Calls to assassinate Trump for the sole "crime" of defeating a traitor and spy in a fair and honest election now number at around 5 million. 3 million people of the total 5million not only want trump assassinated, they want all his male family members also murdered, and all his female family membersraped (apparently, its been upped to "gang-raped by niggers" because in the supposedly non-racist democrat mind:
A) its ok for anyone, especially white people, to call blacks "niggers".
B) being "gang-raped" by blacks would somehow be worse than being "gang-raped" at all?)
Odisgrace has joined hollywood, the media, and many democrat politicians, and is now openly calling for rebellion against the results of the fair and legal election. Which makes sense, given he only won his through criminal activities, like forcing open sealed records and blatant voter-registration fraud and actual voter fraud.
They are demanding to get rid of the electoral college, since that system is the only reason:
A) we even have republican victories
B) Anyone living outside of Southern California and NYC gets to have a voice in choosing our leaders.
Looking at the democrat platform (both words and deeds) for the last 15 years, it not surprising they are trying to strip most of America from having a voice, or rights, or any freedoms at all in this country. They want to go back to medieval Europe, with themselves as the aristocrats.
Anyone who opposed his plan to steal every last penny from the middle class and give it to Louise Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and his billionaire donators was an "ebul bigot".
No one was allowed to even suggest disagreement with his moronic communist ideas, extremely racist views, and liberal lunacies without being savaged by the entire media, most politicians, and half the country, collectively, being called every insult in the book, with plenty made-up on the spot to explain new "outrages".
Not even the most violent of the racist groups called for odipshit to be assassinated, even though, given the numerous counts of treason he committed, there was plenty of justification. Never did anyone call for his wife and children to raped. (only democrats consider that acceptable "protest")
Bush never defended himself, never rubbed odumbass's nose in the fact that reality kept justifying Bush, the chemical weapons were found (and kept being denied; even today, the democrats will admit soldiers were poisoned, but by WMDs that "were never there; that didnt exist". Figure out that stupidity) Bush did everything in his power to ensure peaceful transition of power, and then stepped aside, accepting the will of the people, to let the traitorous coward sabotage our country, without any attempt to foment discord or rebellion.
Its been just over a week. Democrat filth have murdered almost 25 people, and wounded hundreds more. Calls to assassinate Trump for the sole "crime" of defeating a traitor and spy in a fair and honest election now number at around 5 million. 3 million people of the total 5million not only want trump assassinated, they want all his male family members also murdered, and all his female family members
A) its ok for anyone, especially white people, to call blacks "niggers".
B) being "gang-raped" by blacks would somehow be worse than being "gang-raped" at all?)
Odisgrace has joined hollywood, the media, and many democrat politicians, and is now openly calling for rebellion against the results of the fair and legal election. Which makes sense, given he only won his through criminal activities, like forcing open sealed records and blatant voter-registration fraud and actual voter fraud.
They are demanding to get rid of the electoral college, since that system is the only reason:
A) we even have republican victories
B) Anyone living outside of Southern California and NYC gets to have a voice in choosing our leaders.
Looking at the democrat platform (both words and deeds) for the last 15 years, it not surprising they are trying to strip most of America from having a voice, or rights, or any freedoms at all in this country. They want to go back to medieval Europe, with themselves as the aristocrats.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Lena Dunham
So we have a woman who's whole mission in life is to pretend to be someone else.
She is eager to expose as much of her nude body to the paparazzi as they can stomach; lets face it, she may not be ugly, but there are FAR more photogenic actresses willing to get naked. I know the days of classy actresses like Audrey Hepburn are long gone, but she and her peers sink the bar to new lows that mean "classless" needs to be redefined". Given her willingness to flaunt her nudity and willingness to screw anything desperate enough to crawl in the sack with her...well, here in Indiana, we have a few names for women like that, and none are complimentary.
As if all this wasnt enough indication that this woman should be considered a colossal failure in life, (and an indictment of our society that she isnt) trump's win last week left her deciding she's going to go ask a rock in the Arizona desert for the answers to all the great questions of life. Yep, a rock. As if that wasnt crazy enough, she expects it to answer her. This humongous train-wreck is what Lena Dunham calls a life, and the media demands we not only care, but give it special attention as a guiding influence in our own.
Well, God has a purpose for everyone, even if that purpose is simply to be an example of what not to be.
She is eager to expose as much of her nude body to the paparazzi as they can stomach; lets face it, she may not be ugly, but there are FAR more photogenic actresses willing to get naked. I know the days of classy actresses like Audrey Hepburn are long gone, but she and her peers sink the bar to new lows that mean "classless" needs to be redefined". Given her willingness to flaunt her nudity and willingness to screw anything desperate enough to crawl in the sack with her...well, here in Indiana, we have a few names for women like that, and none are complimentary.
As if all this wasnt enough indication that this woman should be considered a colossal failure in life, (and an indictment of our society that she isnt) trump's win last week left her deciding she's going to go ask a rock in the Arizona desert for the answers to all the great questions of life. Yep, a rock. As if that wasnt crazy enough, she expects it to answer her. This humongous train-wreck is what Lena Dunham calls a life, and the media demands we not only care, but give it special attention as a guiding influence in our own.
Well, God has a purpose for everyone, even if that purpose is simply to be an example of what not to be.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Planned Parenthood's professional protesters
Ok, lets do the math:
Planned Parenthood is paying $15 per hour and promising 77hours a week
so thats 40 hours at $15=$600
and another 37 hours at time and a half, or $22.50=$832.50
So each protester gets $1432.50 per week of protesting Trump.
and Planned Parenthood is averaging 11,000 people at these events they protest, so they are spending $15,757,500 PER EVENT, and having at least 3 events a week. So they are spending 47,272,500 PER WEEK.
Last year, they took in a total of 553.7 million for operating expenses. Total, for the entire year. And for the last two months, they have been spending almost 10% of that, EACH WEEK, for eight weeks, to bus protesters in to cause trouble.
Now, if they've spent nearly 80% of their reported income (10% each week for 8 weeks is 80%) just on "protests" against trump (polite wording from the media for what more honestly should be called riots) how much do you think is being spent on anything else? Considering the fact that abortions make up 3/4ths or more of their medical expenditures, is there really anything else going on? Is there enough money left to pay for anything else, really?
And the ones getting paid $15/hour are the bottom of the barrel; they pay up to $35 and $45 and hour for "special events".
Planned Parenthood is paying $15 per hour and promising 77hours a week
so thats 40 hours at $15=$600
and another 37 hours at time and a half, or $22.50=$832.50
So each protester gets $1432.50 per week of protesting Trump.
and Planned Parenthood is averaging 11,000 people at these events they protest, so they are spending $15,757,500 PER EVENT, and having at least 3 events a week. So they are spending 47,272,500 PER WEEK.
Last year, they took in a total of 553.7 million for operating expenses. Total, for the entire year. And for the last two months, they have been spending almost 10% of that, EACH WEEK, for eight weeks, to bus protesters in to cause trouble.
Now, if they've spent nearly 80% of their reported income (10% each week for 8 weeks is 80%) just on "protests" against trump (polite wording from the media for what more honestly should be called riots) how much do you think is being spent on anything else? Considering the fact that abortions make up 3/4ths or more of their medical expenditures, is there really anything else going on? Is there enough money left to pay for anything else, really?
And the ones getting paid $15/hour are the bottom of the barrel; they pay up to $35 and $45 and hour for "special events".
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Next from our "peaceful" protesters
It took several years for the scum infesting the democrats to start calling for the rape of the Female Bush family members and assassination of the male ones. Its only taken them a week to get there for trump. The media is still calling this "peaceful" and doesnt consider it in the least sexist or misogynist for democrats to DEMAND women be raped. That tells alot about the media, and about democrats. No decent, civilized, humane, sane person could or should belong to a group that expresses their displeasure by demanding rape and murder of those they disagree with.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Day Six
And still the protests continue.....
We have a select section of bigoted negroids that think only in terms of skin color, and so assume that trump's win is about racism, unable to comprehend that the rest of us care more about the content of your character (or lack of character, in their case). No one cares what black people say or think anymore because most every one that gets on tv is spouting the bigoted, moronic horseshit these f^*ktards encourage.
Then we have the skank sluts claiming to be feminists. The Director of the FBI announced hill-bitch was too stupid and incompetent to comprehend the severity and seriousness of her crimes; she was mentally unfit to stand trial because she couldnt comprehend why or how she had broken the law. Then, on weiner's porn computer, they found 650 THOUSAND emails showing she most certainly did understand, and had deliberately played the FBI for chumps.
The feminazi skanks somehow think that holding a bitch responsible for her treasonous spying is "sexist". This is why no one gives a shit what feminists think anymore, because they keep spouting retarded shit like this.
Liberalism is, quite simply, a mental illness. How else can you classify any "philosophy" that makes such lobotomizing statements as:
"if you manage to crawl above the lower 30% of Amercia's economic division, you deserve to be punished!"
"Soldiers should be sent to war, but not sent food, ammo, or equipent to fight that war!"
"You have the freedom to do anything you want, as long as "what you want" is to do everything I say, and agree with everything I say!"
These protestors are doing the very things they spent the week before the election demanding the nation take steps to criminalize and prevent from happening, when they thought it would be trump supporters. And they deny that they are hypocrites. America would be better off without this filth; tap the Marines; issue live ammo; authorize lethal force; and inform the Marines "no prisoners, no tolerance".
We have a select section of bigoted negroids that think only in terms of skin color, and so assume that trump's win is about racism, unable to comprehend that the rest of us care more about the content of your character (or lack of character, in their case). No one cares what black people say or think anymore because most every one that gets on tv is spouting the bigoted, moronic horseshit these f^*ktards encourage.
Then we have the skank sluts claiming to be feminists. The Director of the FBI announced hill-bitch was too stupid and incompetent to comprehend the severity and seriousness of her crimes; she was mentally unfit to stand trial because she couldnt comprehend why or how she had broken the law. Then, on weiner's porn computer, they found 650 THOUSAND emails showing she most certainly did understand, and had deliberately played the FBI for chumps.
The feminazi skanks somehow think that holding a bitch responsible for her treasonous spying is "sexist". This is why no one gives a shit what feminists think anymore, because they keep spouting retarded shit like this.
Liberalism is, quite simply, a mental illness. How else can you classify any "philosophy" that makes such lobotomizing statements as:
"if you manage to crawl above the lower 30% of Amercia's economic division, you deserve to be punished!"
"Soldiers should be sent to war, but not sent food, ammo, or equipent to fight that war!"
"You have the freedom to do anything you want, as long as "what you want" is to do everything I say, and agree with everything I say!"
These protestors are doing the very things they spent the week before the election demanding the nation take steps to criminalize and prevent from happening, when they thought it would be trump supporters. And they deny that they are hypocrites. America would be better off without this filth; tap the Marines; issue live ammo; authorize lethal force; and inform the Marines "no prisoners, no tolerance".
Sunday, November 13, 2016
"peaceful" protests; several shot but none dead....yet
So, its been 5 days since trump won. We're still seeing rioting, looting, vandalism, traffic stopped by burning obstructions (and white people assaulted at those stops), buildings being set on fire if there's anything that looks like support for trump, or even support for business, and there have been reports now of about 20 people shot, though none dead yet, thank god.
This is what the media terms "peaceful" protest. But only when done by democrats or blacks. If done by anyone else, the media would be demanding the National Guard be deployed with orders to shoot first, forget the questions, and shoot again.
Buy why are these psychopathic homicidal monsters so worked up over this election?
Basically, they believed the echo chamber saying they would win. They believed that the larger part of America that's been suffering for decades; the part that ISNT academia, or rich, or gay, or liberal, and therefore has been getting shit on and forced to slave away to provide for the convenience of the rest; these idiots honestly believed the "silent majority" either didnt exist, or didnt matter. They expected hillary-the-criminal to breeze into her coronation with no problems, and turn the whole government into communist USSR. They cant understand why anyone would resist that. They cant understand why people they've continuously raped and beaten for decades didnt cheerfully bend over to take it up the ass again.
Yes, they really are that f*^king retarded.
And its only because the media has long since sold out any hint of ethics or integrity (like calling protests that: beat people near to death; burn buildings; and encourage mass shootings; Calling that "peaceful") that such dangerously insane, mentally damaged morons are allowed among the general population.
This is what the media terms "peaceful" protest. But only when done by democrats or blacks. If done by anyone else, the media would be demanding the National Guard be deployed with orders to shoot first, forget the questions, and shoot again.
Buy why are these psychopathic homicidal monsters so worked up over this election?
Basically, they believed the echo chamber saying they would win. They believed that the larger part of America that's been suffering for decades; the part that ISNT academia, or rich, or gay, or liberal, and therefore has been getting shit on and forced to slave away to provide for the convenience of the rest; these idiots honestly believed the "silent majority" either didnt exist, or didnt matter. They expected hillary-the-criminal to breeze into her coronation with no problems, and turn the whole government into communist USSR. They cant understand why anyone would resist that. They cant understand why people they've continuously raped and beaten for decades didnt cheerfully bend over to take it up the ass again.
Yes, they really are that f*^king retarded.
And its only because the media has long since sold out any hint of ethics or integrity (like calling protests that: beat people near to death; burn buildings; and encourage mass shootings; Calling that "peaceful") that such dangerously insane, mentally damaged morons are allowed among the general population.
Friday, November 11, 2016
The blind, deaf and stupid
so, its been 4 days since the election.. And the media, the politicians, and hollywood are still trying to tell people what to think, what to feel, how the people were supposed to vote. Apparently these poor fools still cant comprehend the idea that Americans dont like to be told what to do.
And now we watch as all the people that ranted that elections should be accepted regardless of outcome or undeniable proof of fraud are rioting, vandalizing, and assaulting in protest of a completely legal and legitimate election. Its just about time to order the military to lock and load, and patrol the streets with standing orders to leave no surviving rioters or looters.
And now we watch as all the people that ranted that elections should be accepted regardless of outcome or undeniable proof of fraud are rioting, vandalizing, and assaulting in protest of a completely legal and legitimate election. Its just about time to order the military to lock and load, and patrol the streets with standing orders to leave no surviving rioters or looters.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Why Trump won
So, the ruling elites have been workung overtime, scratching their collective ass, unable to understand why Trump won. The only answers they can comprehend sre the "-isms", that race, gender, etc are why trump won.
And, as usual, they're so wrong it would make a typically shitty hollywood comedy flop if anyone filmed it. So here are the REAL reasons trump won:
1) Life sucks under the elites, and has for a quarter century, and the elites didnt care. Thanks to slick Willie, too worried about sexually molesting women to pay attention to the moronic mistakes his staff were making, the trade agreements shipped our jobs off to mexico and china. If you studied economics, yes, this is supposedly a "good" idea, but only for the very top and very bottom of the economic spread; everyone in-between gets fucked. As we've seen happen. Why do you think quality of life is improving in the shit-holes, and here, the rich get richer while everyone else gets screwed? Thats the way the model is SUPPOSED to work. The rulers knew it, and didnt care. "let them eat wheat grass." :roll: Damned fools didnt realize that by copying the attitudes of the French Monarchy, they would get the French revolution. Fortunately, we're civilized enough not to lop off heads.
2) And then, since dem filth took over about a decade ago, theres been the grand inquisition against middle/upper-middle class: if you manage to succeed well enough to earn $125K a year, you get punished. Never mind the fact that in places like CA, much of FL, NY (hell all of New England, really) $125,000 is just middle class; you can just barely pay all the bills on that.
Aint much sense in striving to hit that pay level when the tax bracket means you'll take home smaller checks than if you were earning "only" $120grand a year. The dem policies put a cap on how well you want to do, dissuading people from even trying to achieve beyond a certain point.
Its much like welfare; until you find a job with a certain pay level (in Indiana, it happens to be $60K annual) you're actually better off to stay on welfare and try for all the extra programs, and live off of other people's money. The same with the democrat tax plans; if you intend to earn over the $125K mark, its going to have to be a huge jump over it, or your actually better off staying just below, where you get to keep more of your money. Basically, you're forbidden from being successful, unless you can make the jump directly into the upper 0.01%
It shouldm be obvious how that ruins lives and the country.
And it should piss everyone off.
3) The insults; the way the elites decided anyone who disagreed with them was a bigot; It wasnt bad enough that they set out to destroy everyone's life, then they had to start insulting the victims for being upset about it. And couldnt figure out why the victims were becoming even more angry.
4) Michael Moore
I was shocked to discover I actually agreed with thus guy on something. Paraphrased, his rant says:
"What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. Working-class middle Americans have lost their jobs, houses, and cars; they have terrible health care plans; they're angry. On Nov. 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth … and put a big f---ing X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives: Donald J. Trump."
Even HE gets it:
Life has sucked for the average blue collar worker (regardless of color, religion, gender, or even planet of origin) for decades. And its kept getting worse. No one has cared, and the few that noticed only used it for lip-service to gain votes. obama the cowardly traitorous filth disgracing The People's House only won because people thought he would help the lower half of America, not sell it out to the muslims, allowing them to kill us at their leisure. Trump promised to put some foot to ass and put the rungs back in the social economic ladder that would let those of us at the bottom start climbing up again. Like odumbass' win, the people are buying into trump, begging for a chance to regain the old America, where the American Dream was possible for everyone, not just the filthy rich.
And, as usual, they're so wrong it would make a typically shitty hollywood comedy flop if anyone filmed it. So here are the REAL reasons trump won:
1) Life sucks under the elites, and has for a quarter century, and the elites didnt care. Thanks to slick Willie, too worried about sexually molesting women to pay attention to the moronic mistakes his staff were making, the trade agreements shipped our jobs off to mexico and china. If you studied economics, yes, this is supposedly a "good" idea, but only for the very top and very bottom of the economic spread; everyone in-between gets fucked. As we've seen happen. Why do you think quality of life is improving in the shit-holes, and here, the rich get richer while everyone else gets screwed? Thats the way the model is SUPPOSED to work. The rulers knew it, and didnt care. "let them eat wheat grass." :roll: Damned fools didnt realize that by copying the attitudes of the French Monarchy, they would get the French revolution. Fortunately, we're civilized enough not to lop off heads.
2) And then, since dem filth took over about a decade ago, theres been the grand inquisition against middle/upper-middle class: if you manage to succeed well enough to earn $125K a year, you get punished. Never mind the fact that in places like CA, much of FL, NY (hell all of New England, really) $125,000 is just middle class; you can just barely pay all the bills on that.
Aint much sense in striving to hit that pay level when the tax bracket means you'll take home smaller checks than if you were earning "only" $120grand a year. The dem policies put a cap on how well you want to do, dissuading people from even trying to achieve beyond a certain point.
Its much like welfare; until you find a job with a certain pay level (in Indiana, it happens to be $60K annual) you're actually better off to stay on welfare and try for all the extra programs, and live off of other people's money. The same with the democrat tax plans; if you intend to earn over the $125K mark, its going to have to be a huge jump over it, or your actually better off staying just below, where you get to keep more of your money. Basically, you're forbidden from being successful, unless you can make the jump directly into the upper 0.01%
It shouldm be obvious how that ruins lives and the country.
And it should piss everyone off.
3) The insults; the way the elites decided anyone who disagreed with them was a bigot; It wasnt bad enough that they set out to destroy everyone's life, then they had to start insulting the victims for being upset about it. And couldnt figure out why the victims were becoming even more angry.
4) Michael Moore
I was shocked to discover I actually agreed with thus guy on something. Paraphrased, his rant says:
"What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. Working-class middle Americans have lost their jobs, houses, and cars; they have terrible health care plans; they're angry. On Nov. 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth … and put a big f---ing X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives: Donald J. Trump."
Even HE gets it:
Life has sucked for the average blue collar worker (regardless of color, religion, gender, or even planet of origin) for decades. And its kept getting worse. No one has cared, and the few that noticed only used it for lip-service to gain votes. obama the cowardly traitorous filth disgracing The People's House only won because people thought he would help the lower half of America, not sell it out to the muslims, allowing them to kill us at their leisure. Trump promised to put some foot to ass and put the rungs back in the social economic ladder that would let those of us at the bottom start climbing up again. Like odumbass' win, the people are buying into trump, begging for a chance to regain the old America, where the American Dream was possible for everyone, not just the filthy rich.
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