Sometimes, I have to wonder if the media clowns and politicians live on the same planet as the rest of us. They claim hillary's problem is getting people to trust her. Even FOX is dragging the overly mauled dead horse as an excuse why everyone hates hillary, even those voting for her.
Did these idiots drink leaded paint as children instead of kool-aid? Lived under the whole power transfer complex? Used as hockey pucks while infants? Exactly how much and what kind of brain damage do you have to have to think hillary's problems are about "trust"?
In 2008, this stupid hag claimed she was dodging snipers on a visit to Bosnia. She hadnt even finished the damned speech, and even MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic agenda, had to call bull$h!t and play the footage of the 10yr old girl giving her flowers as greeting. Even in 2008, her lies, her willingness to abuse and destroy any woman that tried to escape her husband's sexual assaults, and her greedy willingness to ignore laws and sell out to foreign hostile countries for cash had been well documented. Only the deluded and retarded (or senile old relics like pelosi, who cant even remember what decade she's in) would use the worlds "clinton" and "trust" in the same speach, unless it was opening argument to a (very rightly needed) criminal trial.
No. There is something even more basic that "trust" that leads even those that are planning to vote for her to hate her. Its just the little tiny things, like:
When asked why she let a US Ambassador be assassinated, answering "what difference does it make?"
Or, when asked why she letting the government's most confidential secrets leek, answering "so what? Everyone does it."
When asked bluntly why she broke a law she helped her husband put into place, answering "it wasnt convenient."
It's not that we dont trust hillary. Or rather, its not just that we dont trust hillary.
In the 70s, Nixon swore he wasnt a crook.
In the 80s, Reagan couldnt remember if he was a crook.
In the 90s bill and hillary said it depends on your definition of crook.
This last several years, hillary's been saying "Of course Im a crook. So what?"
She feels she is above the law; doesnt understand why nearly 5 years of public confessions, not just of the initial crimes, but of all the cover-ups, illegal deals, cronyism, corruption, and general douche-baggery and asshattery she has given has so many demanding she be arrested and tried. To her, its "a vast raaht-wang republican gub'mint witch-hunt conspir'cy ta bring me down", ignoring the fact that she HAS already confessed to committing all these crimes people want her arrested for.
And it is that blatant disregard for law and authority; her belief that the constitution only applies when she wants it to, and to who she wants it to; that she clearly believes is "seperate and NOT equal" law, rather than the 14th Amendment; that is her problem. She thinks she's aristocracy in a country that never had any. She's demanding her rights as "nobility" during a time when her own party base is trying to go classic Marxist. (RE: kill the nobles and split their loot among all) She's classic French fool "Marie Antoinette" complaining about her "suffering", and if the poor lack bread, then they should eat cake. Someone should probably remind her how that turned out for Marie.
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