I had been waiting for things to calm down after hillary was declared too incompetent to be arrested for her crimes.
Funny thing, that. People see only what they want to, and democrats somehow actually saw comey's saying she DID commit the crimes, but was either too incompetent, too senile, or too stupid to have malicious intent as saying she was not guilty. Of course, the problem is that much like illegal immigration, drug possession or most weapons charges, the specific 2 articles he chose to focus on (while ignoring a good dozen others he was ordered to investigate for) DONT REQUIRE malicious intent. Hell, they dont even require your knowledge you're committing a crime, as the many lawyers on the congressional committee pointed out.
Then we had yet another angry black man acting like a worthless POS animal, living down to the stereotype thats become far too much a reality these days. 5 cops dead and 6 wounded, and that bwas just the start. Since then there's been at least one more officer killed every day. BLM, Black Panthers, and the other agitators and hate-mongers got their wish. And they are seeing how little it is tolerated, and how they've lost any forward movement they hoped to gain since their lunacy started. Now a good many decent, law abiding, respectable, kind people cheer the cops on. A criminal trying to kill a cop to keep from being arrested didnt get much sympathy before; now, Blue Lives Matter! And they matter far more than the filth trying to kill them. Shoot the ghetto scum for the same reason you shoot rabid dogs: to protect society.
Then there are the multiple muslim terrorist attacks, even as the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House tries to omport more, hoping they will succeed where his black armies of ghetto filth have failed; more dead white people, more chaos, more damage to America.
And then there's the coup in Turkey, where the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House congratulates hard-liner muslim extremists running the government, of course.
I guess Im going to have to stop waiting, because the shit-storm doesnt show any signs of slowing down. The only real question now is will Americans keep putting up with this, or not?
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