
Sunday, July 10, 2016

The eternally offended

Julie Roginsky is offended by Trump's "Star of David" tweet. Somehow, a red, filled in star is supposed to be the same as the Star of David. trump says it refers to a sherrif's badge which (except for the red) it looks identical to. She calls him a liar, and says that even if its the truth, he should be more sensitive.

Should we demand that every sheriff department in the nation change their badges to something else to satisfy her whiny thin-skinned worthless ass? (reporters being, by definition, worthless) I'll admit, I have trouble comprehending how people can claim to be adults when they are so weak, helpless and fragile that mere words cause them injury. Maybe the Army just did too good a job toughening me up, but it takes, ya now, actual physical violence to hurt me.

And this is really the point of our problems this last year:

Blacks are "hurt" that no one is kissing their ass; to tell them bluntly to Grow TFU is supposedly "racist". If using the word "peanut butter" and saying they should be treated the same as me makes me racist, fine! All they really succeed in doing isproving themselves too moronically ignorant to be allowed into adult society.

Nearly every single piece of gutter filth rightfully removed from both society and existence over the last few years was shot because they were trying to kill a cop. Both the law and public opinion outside the ghettos where this filth multiply, its a basic fact: try to kill a cop, and he's going to shoot you. Somehow, these worthless dregs ruining society for the rest of us feel that its "racist" to be prevented from killing cops, especially white cops; "id be nuttin but pyur bigotry an' racisist dat dey fights back." *sigh* You almost want to give them 6 months confinement to a reform school just for the crime against the English language, even before you address the sheer retardation it takes to believe the stupidity pouring out of the sewers they use for mouths.

The rhetoric from other "minorities" is just as bad, though they havent been stupid enough to resort to violence yet. Which is a good thing. The blacks want to repeat the riots and race war of the 60s. This time they wont face stoned hippies full of white guilt ready to take their side. They'll face people that have already given them equality, and saw how they squandered it; people raised to live MLK's dream, only to be told "it wasnt enough" because blacks were only treated equal; they will face large numbers of people that quite willingly own guns, have military training, and combat experience. No one wants to be responsible for starting the war that eliminates the 17% of our nation responsible for so many of its woes. But tolerance is just about used up, especially when "its not a hate crime" for degenerate blacks to target whites, even after saying their sole motivation is to find white to hurt, but its a hate crime if its "white on black" no matter the circumstances.

We have a president that says "we cant know the reasons or motivations", and attributes the cause to mental illness and social injustice when the mass murderer is black or muslim. The POS that murdered 5 Dallas cops made very clear to anyone listening he was going to kill cops, especially white cops. And we're supposed to try and find some shred of reason to paint this as anything other than the blatant racist bigotry that it was. But for the last year, we've watched endlessly as cops, white or BLACK, shooting a black thug trying to kill them, is a "hate crime".

Orlando- The muslim psycho stops multiple times before and during to ensure that everyone understands he has sworn himself to allah and isis and that he's doing it as part of jihad. But our cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House cant bring himself to say the word "terrorist" until after almost a week, where even fellow democrats are bashing him to call a spade shovel a shovel spade. (oh no, I used the word "spade" in a post talking about blacks. they'll snivel its "racist"  lolololololo)

Essentially, the eternally offended are taking over our country:
Atheists are perpetually offended at anything that acknowledges religion exists
Homos are offended that not everyone loves them
Blacks are offended that they arent ruling everything
muslims are offended that there are other religions

And the rest of us arent allowed to be free from their anger.

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