The GOP convention is over, and those seeking to overturn the voice of the voters failed in their attempt to keep power concentrated within the elite circles. Now we wait with concern to see if the democrats will be able to pull free from their overlords or not. It is a problem I discuss often with my democrat and liberal friends: do you actually support whats happening in DC? They tell me "no, but I oppose republicans!" Then I talk to them, draw out their actual thoughts with examples and scenarios and opinions on laws, and discover they didnt realize most of their firmly held beliefs about republicans are fantasies and lies fed to them by the power-mongers of DC; that they actually DO agree with the actual policies of the conservative republicans, just not the soundbites played by the media. Interestingly, they see that as a "sneaky trick"; yet another duplicity to hate republicans for. And people wonder why I find liberals and democrats so silly.
Ultimately, while I have my preferences, I am willing to accept any legal candidate who fairly and honestly wins in a free and democratic election.
But as trump and bernie have both pointed out, the democrat primary was rigged. It was rigged 8 years ago, when the party ordered hillary to let the cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House win. The only way to appease her and prevent her burning the entire party to the ground was to promise her "nexties". Hence the "super delegate" bullshit, where some party flunky with orders from the elites gets more of a say than any of the voters.
And while everyone knew it was happening, now we have the proof that the party did everything it could to screw bernie over and gift-wrap the nomination for hillary. Thats not fair, not free, not honest. Thats not the voice of We the People. And so I cannot support her, even if she does win the election. Only by cheating, collusion, and favors did she advance this far; God only knows what she did to keep from being charged in the several crimes that FBI freely admitted she committed, but refused to prosecute her for.
No. An election between trump and bernie would have been the voice of the people. And the elites might be right, it could be bad for the country in the short term. But it wouldnt be as bad as this, the elites trying to kill democracy, which will have long-term ramifications. If they win, We the People lose.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
The truth about guns
so matt damon wants to open his mouth about who should be allowed to own guns. Even as he's praising Australia for their buy-back, their papers, FINALLY able to get trie crime statistics from their government, find out crime has been exploding at an 80% growth rate for the last decade. The Aussie PM is threatening the criminal biker gangs of the country that smuggle guns that he is going to get serious about it. Meanwhile, they'll just shoot some more cops, and a couple innocent citizens for kicks.
Damon is too much the retarded moron to comprehend the underlying message most the films of his career have hung on: no one screws with you if they think you can kill them. Democrats keep using that mindset to justify taking guns from the people least likely to use them illegally. The biker gangs of Australia prove what most of us already knew, what prohibition already proved: if you make it illegal, then only criminals will have it, be it guns, booze, drugs; whatever.
Damon is too much the retarded moron to comprehend the underlying message most the films of his career have hung on: no one screws with you if they think you can kill them. Democrats keep using that mindset to justify taking guns from the people least likely to use them illegally. The biker gangs of Australia prove what most of us already knew, what prohibition already proved: if you make it illegal, then only criminals will have it, be it guns, booze, drugs; whatever.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
And the Storm continues....
I had been waiting for things to calm down after hillary was declared too incompetent to be arrested for her crimes.
Funny thing, that. People see only what they want to, and democrats somehow actually saw comey's saying she DID commit the crimes, but was either too incompetent, too senile, or too stupid to have malicious intent as saying she was not guilty. Of course, the problem is that much like illegal immigration, drug possession or most weapons charges, the specific 2 articles he chose to focus on (while ignoring a good dozen others he was ordered to investigate for) DONT REQUIRE malicious intent. Hell, they dont even require your knowledge you're committing a crime, as the many lawyers on the congressional committee pointed out.
Then we had yet another angry black man acting like a worthless POS animal, living down to the stereotype thats become far too much a reality these days. 5 cops dead and 6 wounded, and that bwas just the start. Since then there's been at least one more officer killed every day. BLM, Black Panthers, and the other agitators and hate-mongers got their wish. And they are seeing how little it is tolerated, and how they've lost any forward movement they hoped to gain since their lunacy started. Now a good many decent, law abiding, respectable, kind people cheer the cops on. A criminal trying to kill a cop to keep from being arrested didnt get much sympathy before; now, Blue Lives Matter! And they matter far more than the filth trying to kill them. Shoot the ghetto scum for the same reason you shoot rabid dogs: to protect society.
Then there are the multiple muslim terrorist attacks, even as the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House tries to omport more, hoping they will succeed where his black armies of ghetto filth have failed; more dead white people, more chaos, more damage to America.
And then there's the coup in Turkey, where the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House congratulates hard-liner muslim extremists running the government, of course.
I guess Im going to have to stop waiting, because the shit-storm doesnt show any signs of slowing down. The only real question now is will Americans keep putting up with this, or not?
Funny thing, that. People see only what they want to, and democrats somehow actually saw comey's saying she DID commit the crimes, but was either too incompetent, too senile, or too stupid to have malicious intent as saying she was not guilty. Of course, the problem is that much like illegal immigration, drug possession or most weapons charges, the specific 2 articles he chose to focus on (while ignoring a good dozen others he was ordered to investigate for) DONT REQUIRE malicious intent. Hell, they dont even require your knowledge you're committing a crime, as the many lawyers on the congressional committee pointed out.
Then we had yet another angry black man acting like a worthless POS animal, living down to the stereotype thats become far too much a reality these days. 5 cops dead and 6 wounded, and that bwas just the start. Since then there's been at least one more officer killed every day. BLM, Black Panthers, and the other agitators and hate-mongers got their wish. And they are seeing how little it is tolerated, and how they've lost any forward movement they hoped to gain since their lunacy started. Now a good many decent, law abiding, respectable, kind people cheer the cops on. A criminal trying to kill a cop to keep from being arrested didnt get much sympathy before; now, Blue Lives Matter! And they matter far more than the filth trying to kill them. Shoot the ghetto scum for the same reason you shoot rabid dogs: to protect society.
Then there are the multiple muslim terrorist attacks, even as the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House tries to omport more, hoping they will succeed where his black armies of ghetto filth have failed; more dead white people, more chaos, more damage to America.
And then there's the coup in Turkey, where the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House congratulates hard-liner muslim extremists running the government, of course.
I guess Im going to have to stop waiting, because the shit-storm doesnt show any signs of slowing down. The only real question now is will Americans keep putting up with this, or not?
Sunday, July 10, 2016
The eternally offended
Julie Roginsky is offended by Trump's "Star of David" tweet. Somehow, a red, filled in star is supposed to be the same as the Star of David. trump says it refers to a sherrif's badge which (except for the red) it looks identical to. She calls him a liar, and says that even if its the truth, he should be more sensitive.
Should we demand that every sheriff department in the nation change their badges to something else to satisfy her whiny thin-skinned worthless ass? (reporters being, by definition, worthless) I'll admit, I have trouble comprehending how people can claim to be adults when they are so weak, helpless and fragile that mere words cause them injury. Maybe the Army just did too good a job toughening me up, but it takes, ya now, actual physical violence to hurt me.
And this is really the point of our problems this last year:
Blacks are "hurt" that no one is kissing their ass; to tell them bluntly to Grow TFU is supposedly "racist". If using the word "peanut butter" and saying they should be treated the same as me makes me racist, fine! All they really succeed in doing isproving themselves too moronically ignorant to be allowed into adult society.
Nearly every single piece of gutter filth rightfully removed from both society and existence over the last few years was shot because they were trying to kill a cop. Both the law and public opinion outside the ghettos where this filth multiply, its a basic fact: try to kill a cop, and he's going to shoot you. Somehow, these worthless dregs ruining society for the rest of us feel that its "racist" to be prevented from killing cops, especially white cops; "id be nuttin but pyur bigotry an' racisist dat dey fights back." *sigh* You almost want to give them 6 months confinement to a reform school just for the crime against the English language, even before you address the sheer retardation it takes to believe the stupidity pouring out of the sewers they use for mouths.
The rhetoric from other "minorities" is just as bad, though they havent been stupid enough to resort to violence yet. Which is a good thing. The blacks want to repeat the riots and race war of the 60s. This time they wont face stoned hippies full of white guilt ready to take their side. They'll face people that have already given them equality, and saw how they squandered it; people raised to live MLK's dream, only to be told "it wasnt enough" because blacks were only treated equal; they will face large numbers of people that quite willingly own guns, have military training, and combat experience. No one wants to be responsible for starting the war that eliminates the 17% of our nation responsible for so many of its woes. But tolerance is just about used up, especially when "its not a hate crime" for degenerate blacks to target whites, even after saying their sole motivation is to find white to hurt, but its a hate crime if its "white on black" no matter the circumstances.
We have a president that says "we cant know the reasons or motivations", and attributes the cause to mental illness and social injustice when the mass murderer is black or muslim. The POS that murdered 5 Dallas cops made very clear to anyone listening he was going to kill cops, especially white cops. And we're supposed to try and find some shred of reason to paint this as anything other than the blatant racist bigotry that it was. But for the last year, we've watched endlessly as cops, white or BLACK, shooting a black thug trying to kill them, is a "hate crime".
Orlando- The muslim psycho stops multiple times before and during to ensure that everyone understands he has sworn himself to allah and isis and that he's doing it as part of jihad. But our cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House cant bring himself to say the word "terrorist" until after almost a week, where even fellow democrats are bashing him to call a spade shovel a shovel spade. (oh no, I used the word "spade" in a post talking about blacks. they'll snivel its "racist" lolololololo)
Essentially, the eternally offended are taking over our country:
Atheists are perpetually offended at anything that acknowledges religion exists
Homos are offended that not everyone loves them
Blacks are offended that they arent ruling everything
muslims are offended that there are other religions
And the rest of us arent allowed to be free from their anger.
Friday, July 8, 2016
The difference between blacks and muslims
There is a simple difference between blacks and muslims anymore: even democrats and liberals will admit that there are dangerous muslims (well, at least those not connected to the current administration will admit it) Jihadists, extremists, whatever you want to call them, no one can deny they are here and they want to kill us, and they should be stopped. Even democrats ask why the "moderate" muslims arent doing more to help contain the problem and capture the jihadists that endanger everyone and vilify their religion.
Then we look at blacks; almost every black injured by a law enforcement officer was either resisting arrest or trying to kill the cop. Most were caught "red handed" committing another crime, and then attacked the officer, usually while under the influence of drugs. And yet, democrats and liberals side with the black agitators that openly demand more blacks try to kill cops, especially white officers. Somehow, its "racism" to arrest a man for actually committing a crime. (though after the clinton farce, they may have a point) Its "racism" for an officer to resist an attempt on his life. The scum and filth of our nation proudly march demanding whites, especially white cops, be killed, just for being white, but obama's administration doesnt consider that bigotry or "hate speech", while a white man trying to protect himself from these savage animals is automatically suspected of being a bigot. Even as the victim, somehow it is the white man's fault the animals tried to kill him.
Idiots in the media and politics claim this is a civil rights matter; that blacks are searching for justice and "equality". By chanting "kill whitey" and "kill cops" as they look for new targets to attack? To these predatory beasts, it is somehow unfair that the most basic laws of our nation: "no killing" and "no fighting" are applied to them as equally as to anyone else. Their words and actions prove they do not want equality or "fairness" but rather to be the same jungle animals bent on genocide that their ancestors were, and that they shouldnt have to face any of the consequences for it.
The cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House says that this is the reason to ban guns. These animals have already proven themselves willing to break the most basic laws of civilization; what makes you think they will obey a gun ban? Either obama is truly an idiot, or he just wants white Americans to be helpless before the animals who have openly declared a willingness and desire to kill whites. In reading the autobiographies, lokking over the legislative history, and his governance these last 7&1/2 years, it is quite believable that the cowardly traitor is working to aid muslims and blacks in their stated missions of killing off white people.
When a dog goes rabid, you shoot it. Not to punish it, but to protect the rest of society. These rabid dogs need to be put down for the same reason. And I really dont see any reason to feel guilty about it. If you want to be a monster, threatening the lives and safety of innocents, then you deserve a bullet to the head.
Then we look at blacks; almost every black injured by a law enforcement officer was either resisting arrest or trying to kill the cop. Most were caught "red handed" committing another crime, and then attacked the officer, usually while under the influence of drugs. And yet, democrats and liberals side with the black agitators that openly demand more blacks try to kill cops, especially white officers. Somehow, its "racism" to arrest a man for actually committing a crime. (though after the clinton farce, they may have a point) Its "racism" for an officer to resist an attempt on his life. The scum and filth of our nation proudly march demanding whites, especially white cops, be killed, just for being white, but obama's administration doesnt consider that bigotry or "hate speech", while a white man trying to protect himself from these savage animals is automatically suspected of being a bigot. Even as the victim, somehow it is the white man's fault the animals tried to kill him.
Idiots in the media and politics claim this is a civil rights matter; that blacks are searching for justice and "equality". By chanting "kill whitey" and "kill cops" as they look for new targets to attack? To these predatory beasts, it is somehow unfair that the most basic laws of our nation: "no killing" and "no fighting" are applied to them as equally as to anyone else. Their words and actions prove they do not want equality or "fairness" but rather to be the same jungle animals bent on genocide that their ancestors were, and that they shouldnt have to face any of the consequences for it.
The cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House says that this is the reason to ban guns. These animals have already proven themselves willing to break the most basic laws of civilization; what makes you think they will obey a gun ban? Either obama is truly an idiot, or he just wants white Americans to be helpless before the animals who have openly declared a willingness and desire to kill whites. In reading the autobiographies, lokking over the legislative history, and his governance these last 7&1/2 years, it is quite believable that the cowardly traitor is working to aid muslims and blacks in their stated missions of killing off white people.
When a dog goes rabid, you shoot it. Not to punish it, but to protect the rest of society. These rabid dogs need to be put down for the same reason. And I really dont see any reason to feel guilty about it. If you want to be a monster, threatening the lives and safety of innocents, then you deserve a bullet to the head.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Time for another Reality Check
So I saw an article about this mentally ill man with fake tits claiming he was being "oppressed" and "persecuted" because he wasnt allowed to use the little girls room. Thats not a euphemism either, he wanted to use a bathroom used by the girls little leaguers (no one over 12) Because it was closer that the public park bathrooms.
The very next article was about honor killings in Pakistan; if the poor girl doesnt live perfectly according to the laws of Islam, they set her on fire. If they care, or want to be merciful, they choke her unconscious first.
I wish I could take all these sniveling thin-skinned pansies and send them to Pakistan for 3 months, just to see what REAL oppression looks like.
The very next article was about honor killings in Pakistan; if the poor girl doesnt live perfectly according to the laws of Islam, they set her on fire. If they care, or want to be merciful, they choke her unconscious first.
I wish I could take all these sniveling thin-skinned pansies and send them to Pakistan for 3 months, just to see what REAL oppression looks like.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Pintrest win
I was surfing pintrest and saw "non-powered amplifiers for smartphone music". Sounded interesting. So I looked closer at the catagory; unfortunately, it was all merchants selling these things. Some were PVC pipe with a slot cut for your phone. Some were wood blocks. All were priced $50 or more. The one that really caught my eye and seemed silly was a cedar wood block version Etsy was selling for $65 dollars. Basically, it was a 4 inch cube with a half inch slot cut in the top for the phone and a 2&1/4 inch hole bored into a side 90* perpendicular to the phone slot.
I spent $45 on a forstner bit, which Ive been wanting anyway for several other projects, (almost mandatory for Adirondack furniture) to bore the hole, and used my miter saw for the slot. I had scrap 4x4 laying around from another project. 5 minutes of work, using scrap materials, instead of spending $65. Looks good, works decent; its more for sound in the garage, rather than any audiophile trying to play in his room. I wish every job was this easy.
I spent $45 on a forstner bit, which Ive been wanting anyway for several other projects, (almost mandatory for Adirondack furniture) to bore the hole, and used my miter saw for the slot. I had scrap 4x4 laying around from another project. 5 minutes of work, using scrap materials, instead of spending $65. Looks good, works decent; its more for sound in the garage, rather than any audiophile trying to play in his room. I wish every job was this easy.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Its about trust?
Sometimes, I have to wonder if the media clowns and politicians live on the same planet as the rest of us. They claim hillary's problem is getting people to trust her. Even FOX is dragging the overly mauled dead horse as an excuse why everyone hates hillary, even those voting for her.
Did these idiots drink leaded paint as children instead of kool-aid? Lived under the whole power transfer complex? Used as hockey pucks while infants? Exactly how much and what kind of brain damage do you have to have to think hillary's problems are about "trust"?
In 2008, this stupid hag claimed she was dodging snipers on a visit to Bosnia. She hadnt even finished the damned speech, and even MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic agenda, had to call bull$h!t and play the footage of the 10yr old girl giving her flowers as greeting. Even in 2008, her lies, her willingness to abuse and destroy any woman that tried to escape her husband's sexual assaults, and her greedy willingness to ignore laws and sell out to foreign hostile countries for cash had been well documented. Only the deluded and retarded (or senile old relics like pelosi, who cant even remember what decade she's in) would use the worlds "clinton" and "trust" in the same speach, unless it was opening argument to a (very rightly needed) criminal trial.
No. There is something even more basic that "trust" that leads even those that are planning to vote for her to hate her. Its just the little tiny things, like:
When asked why she let a US Ambassador be assassinated, answering "what difference does it make?"
Or, when asked why she letting the government's most confidential secrets leek, answering "so what? Everyone does it."
When asked bluntly why she broke a law she helped her husband put into place, answering "it wasnt convenient."
It's not that we dont trust hillary. Or rather, its not just that we dont trust hillary.
In the 70s, Nixon swore he wasnt a crook.
In the 80s, Reagan couldnt remember if he was a crook.
In the 90s bill and hillary said it depends on your definition of crook.
This last several years, hillary's been saying "Of course Im a crook. So what?"
She feels she is above the law; doesnt understand why nearly 5 years of public confessions, not just of the initial crimes, but of all the cover-ups, illegal deals, cronyism, corruption, and general douche-baggery and asshattery she has given has so many demanding she be arrested and tried. To her, its "a vast raaht-wang republican gub'mint witch-hunt conspir'cy ta bring me down", ignoring the fact that she HAS already confessed to committing all these crimes people want her arrested for.
And it is that blatant disregard for law and authority; her belief that the constitution only applies when she wants it to, and to who she wants it to; that she clearly believes is "seperate and NOT equal" law, rather than the 14th Amendment; that is her problem. She thinks she's aristocracy in a country that never had any. She's demanding her rights as "nobility" during a time when her own party base is trying to go classic Marxist. (RE: kill the nobles and split their loot among all) She's classic French fool "Marie Antoinette" complaining about her "suffering", and if the poor lack bread, then they should eat cake. Someone should probably remind her how that turned out for Marie.
Did these idiots drink leaded paint as children instead of kool-aid? Lived under the whole power transfer complex? Used as hockey pucks while infants? Exactly how much and what kind of brain damage do you have to have to think hillary's problems are about "trust"?
In 2008, this stupid hag claimed she was dodging snipers on a visit to Bosnia. She hadnt even finished the damned speech, and even MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic agenda, had to call bull$h!t and play the footage of the 10yr old girl giving her flowers as greeting. Even in 2008, her lies, her willingness to abuse and destroy any woman that tried to escape her husband's sexual assaults, and her greedy willingness to ignore laws and sell out to foreign hostile countries for cash had been well documented. Only the deluded and retarded (or senile old relics like pelosi, who cant even remember what decade she's in) would use the worlds "clinton" and "trust" in the same speach, unless it was opening argument to a (very rightly needed) criminal trial.
No. There is something even more basic that "trust" that leads even those that are planning to vote for her to hate her. Its just the little tiny things, like:
When asked why she let a US Ambassador be assassinated, answering "what difference does it make?"
Or, when asked why she letting the government's most confidential secrets leek, answering "so what? Everyone does it."
When asked bluntly why she broke a law she helped her husband put into place, answering "it wasnt convenient."
It's not that we dont trust hillary. Or rather, its not just that we dont trust hillary.
In the 70s, Nixon swore he wasnt a crook.
In the 80s, Reagan couldnt remember if he was a crook.
In the 90s bill and hillary said it depends on your definition of crook.
This last several years, hillary's been saying "Of course Im a crook. So what?"
She feels she is above the law; doesnt understand why nearly 5 years of public confessions, not just of the initial crimes, but of all the cover-ups, illegal deals, cronyism, corruption, and general douche-baggery and asshattery she has given has so many demanding she be arrested and tried. To her, its "a vast raaht-wang republican gub'mint witch-hunt conspir'cy ta bring me down", ignoring the fact that she HAS already confessed to committing all these crimes people want her arrested for.
And it is that blatant disregard for law and authority; her belief that the constitution only applies when she wants it to, and to who she wants it to; that she clearly believes is "seperate and NOT equal" law, rather than the 14th Amendment; that is her problem. She thinks she's aristocracy in a country that never had any. She's demanding her rights as "nobility" during a time when her own party base is trying to go classic Marxist. (RE: kill the nobles and split their loot among all) She's classic French fool "Marie Antoinette" complaining about her "suffering", and if the poor lack bread, then they should eat cake. Someone should probably remind her how that turned out for Marie.
Trump calling for arrest
Many politicians, on both sides, are criticizing Trump, saying he has gone beyond all sense of taste or even decency to be demanding his presumed opponent, hillary, be arrested. "Never before has one candidate accused another of felonies" they claim. The fact that the talking heads, demagogues, and politicos are so serious when they make such a lie just makes it even more funny, at least to me.
We're supposed to forget that obama, the disgrace to all Americans, was accusing Romney of 1st degree murder? According to the cowardly, honor-less traitor disgracing The People's House, Romney deliberately planned and co-ordinated the death of a woman just to save a few dollars.
The truth of the story? 4 years after Romney held any authoritative position anywhere in the company, owning a margin of stock that left him well below "Controlling interest" (this means he couldnt have done anything, even if he had known about the issue) A man who had left employment of that company found out the company insurance would no longer pay for his wife's medical bills.
Imagine that. You stop working for a company, and they take away the benefits they give you. Before I saw this 50something year old man on the news, schlepping for obama, I would have thought only college students (well, and certain European countries) were so stupid as to think this was "unfair".
Now, on the other hand, lets look at hillary's actions, and the actions obama is leaving her to hang for (because, honestly, pretty much nothing about the entire pooch-screw when she was the disgrace of state could have been done with out the president's approval) :
Within hours of the attack, we already knew the "movie" lie was just that, a lie. A lie she told on the news to the public. And a lie she told during multiple congressional inquiries and hearing, which is perjury. Democrats pilloried poor Scooter Libby for that, simply because he couldnt keep repeating the same story, word perfect for 3 years straight. And, coincidentally, he got 3 years in a Federal Penitentiary for it. Hillary couldnt keep the same story from before lunch until after. But she's not in jail yet. We have the standard, we have the precedent, we have inarguable proof of crime and guilt. We also have very obvious bias and refusal to enforce the law.
Then came the claim help couldnt have come fast enough; 4 dead Americans, one being an ambassidor, and she had the gall to say "what difference does it make?" In spite of 4 Carrier Battle Fleets in the area, all carrying 2 full wings (around a hundred planes) of combat aircraft capable of Mach 1, who could have put initial air support on-target, or the Missile Frigates of the carrier group who could launch their Tomahawk Missiles with a thousand mile range, accurate to with-in a foot, to clear the roads a bit, or the Marine Emergency team in Italy, who could have been there (from frikken ITALY!!! much less all the other, CLOSER forces the disgrace has fighting his secret wars the public hasnt been told about) in 2 hours. They claim "2 hours was too long!" So, they sat and watched live satalite feed for 8 hours as Americans fought, waiting for help that they refused to send. Even today, 5 years later, the military involved still provide evidence for the "stand-down" orders this joke of an administration claims it never made.
We have proof that the ambassador had been reporting attacks for 18 months prior to his death. He had been asking for a reinforced AMERICAN security team, instead of being forced to trust his safety to the very people threatening to kill him. We knews within a day that not only did he report this was going to happen and ask for help; just about every informant the CIA, DIA, and the rest of the alphabet soup of Intelligence Agencies (all 41 of them) had known this was coming and warned the State Department, and been ignored. Dereliction of Duty IS a prosecutable felony offense for federal employees, especially when people get killed because of it.
We knew from the out-set Benghazi was a weapons cache obama intended to supply Syrian Al Qaeda and Libyan Taliban with. He didnt believe any of us from the military who pointed out that such equipment would end up in the hands of Afghani Taliban and International Al-Qaeda, and now we find that ISIS is using it too. Bluntly, hillary, on orders from obama (according to the congressional records) was going to pull the same Iran weapons deal that nearly got Reagan impeached 30 years ago.
All of this was kept on her private server, yet another felony that she's already confessed to. The illegal use of private property for government purposes, lack of security, intentional destruction of evidence, espionage, use of classified information for personal gain.....
And all of this is not in doubt. She has publicly confessed, either in Congressional hearings or inquiries, (both of which are public record, and cant be blocked or suppressed) or during interviews, speeches, and debates.
We have proof of crimes. We have public confession of committing those crimes.
Trump is right:
Why is she not arrested and on trial?
We're supposed to forget that obama, the disgrace to all Americans, was accusing Romney of 1st degree murder? According to the cowardly, honor-less traitor disgracing The People's House, Romney deliberately planned and co-ordinated the death of a woman just to save a few dollars.
The truth of the story? 4 years after Romney held any authoritative position anywhere in the company, owning a margin of stock that left him well below "Controlling interest" (this means he couldnt have done anything, even if he had known about the issue) A man who had left employment of that company found out the company insurance would no longer pay for his wife's medical bills.
Imagine that. You stop working for a company, and they take away the benefits they give you. Before I saw this 50something year old man on the news, schlepping for obama, I would have thought only college students (well, and certain European countries) were so stupid as to think this was "unfair".
Now, on the other hand, lets look at hillary's actions, and the actions obama is leaving her to hang for (because, honestly, pretty much nothing about the entire pooch-screw when she was the disgrace of state could have been done with out the president's approval) :
Within hours of the attack, we already knew the "movie" lie was just that, a lie. A lie she told on the news to the public. And a lie she told during multiple congressional inquiries and hearing, which is perjury. Democrats pilloried poor Scooter Libby for that, simply because he couldnt keep repeating the same story, word perfect for 3 years straight. And, coincidentally, he got 3 years in a Federal Penitentiary for it. Hillary couldnt keep the same story from before lunch until after. But she's not in jail yet. We have the standard, we have the precedent, we have inarguable proof of crime and guilt. We also have very obvious bias and refusal to enforce the law.
Then came the claim help couldnt have come fast enough; 4 dead Americans, one being an ambassidor, and she had the gall to say "what difference does it make?" In spite of 4 Carrier Battle Fleets in the area, all carrying 2 full wings (around a hundred planes) of combat aircraft capable of Mach 1, who could have put initial air support on-target, or the Missile Frigates of the carrier group who could launch their Tomahawk Missiles with a thousand mile range, accurate to with-in a foot, to clear the roads a bit, or the Marine Emergency team in Italy, who could have been there (from frikken ITALY!!! much less all the other, CLOSER forces the disgrace has fighting his secret wars the public hasnt been told about) in 2 hours. They claim "2 hours was too long!" So, they sat and watched live satalite feed for 8 hours as Americans fought, waiting for help that they refused to send. Even today, 5 years later, the military involved still provide evidence for the "stand-down" orders this joke of an administration claims it never made.
We have proof that the ambassador had been reporting attacks for 18 months prior to his death. He had been asking for a reinforced AMERICAN security team, instead of being forced to trust his safety to the very people threatening to kill him. We knews within a day that not only did he report this was going to happen and ask for help; just about every informant the CIA, DIA, and the rest of the alphabet soup of Intelligence Agencies (all 41 of them) had known this was coming and warned the State Department, and been ignored. Dereliction of Duty IS a prosecutable felony offense for federal employees, especially when people get killed because of it.
We knew from the out-set Benghazi was a weapons cache obama intended to supply Syrian Al Qaeda and Libyan Taliban with. He didnt believe any of us from the military who pointed out that such equipment would end up in the hands of Afghani Taliban and International Al-Qaeda, and now we find that ISIS is using it too. Bluntly, hillary, on orders from obama (according to the congressional records) was going to pull the same Iran weapons deal that nearly got Reagan impeached 30 years ago.
All of this was kept on her private server, yet another felony that she's already confessed to. The illegal use of private property for government purposes, lack of security, intentional destruction of evidence, espionage, use of classified information for personal gain.....
And all of this is not in doubt. She has publicly confessed, either in Congressional hearings or inquiries, (both of which are public record, and cant be blocked or suppressed) or during interviews, speeches, and debates.
We have proof of crimes. We have public confession of committing those crimes.
Trump is right:
Why is she not arrested and on trial?
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