The modern union movement has a problem. Even the public labor unions, those bastions of liberal-educated bureaucrats that have no problem screwing America over every time they "re-negotiate" with themselves, (which is a conflict of interest in any other venue) is seeing people leaving by the thousands.
Now that they cannot force you to be a member against your will, and order your employer to withhold the dues from your check even if you're not a member (at least, if you live in a Right to Work state) the unions are watching people leave. Its gotten so bad, the unions are actually sueing people to prevent them from leaving. Which isnt helping the PR disaster that the unions face.
So why is everyone leaving?
Well, aside for mafia-style "you're in whether you want to be or not", and "you'll pay, even if you arent in", and the violence still used to ram through votes to force organizing votes,m where the shop decides if it even wants to be union (heh, guess how many are allowed to vote "no". "Da union makes yop an offer you cant refuse") there's the simple fact that union thigs are still assaulting, shooting, and terrorizing people for the inion and the democrats, and the papers are documenting it.
But ultimately, the real problem of the unions is that most people arent stupid enough for the lies to work. Back in grandpa's day, when there was no OSHA, no labor laws, no set work schedule, and Eyrope's 30 hr work week with 2 months vacation, etc etc sounded good, unions worked to protect the blue collar guys that risked life and limb just to put food on the table.
That doesnt happen today. Going to work everyday isnt a threat to your life, unless its a good target for jihadists. But the danger of unsafe equipment and working conditions? Life threatening hazards with no safety factors? Maybe if your an illegal working in a slave-shop. Unless your in the military, a First Responder, or one of those few jobs where they tell you before you can even apply that its a dangerous work environment (like cleaning nuclear reactors or working on high voltage power lines) there simply arent many jobs left in this country where you have to worry, even on a monthly basis, of being crippled or killed.
The union claims its going to "improve on your benefits". Then it uses most the money from the dues to fund democrats. Whether you want that or not. Democrats who want to tax the thunder out of "investments", like the stock market, money markets, hedge funds, etc. You know (or maybe you dont) all those things that fund your union pension. The money isnt in your 401K or union pension because the democrats your union bought into office are now taxing the piss out of your "retirement investments" so that you wont have jack to retire on.
Democrats passed obamacare, which made it a crime not to have insurance. And your union insurance is a "Cadillac" plan, meaning your going to be penalized for having it, assuming the union doesnt cancel all insurance plans to save money for buying more democrats.
Perhaps the most entertaining problem is the lie unions tell about money:
They will claim that the company has billions, and it "owes" you the worker "your fair share", as if your paycheck isnt exactly that. The union shows gross income, deliberately lies about expenses of the company, and enforces the laws it bought that make it illegal for the company to plead its case as to why it cant turn 90% of the gross income over to the employees as pay. Now, in my father's day, when graduating high school was rare, and the only people that took econ classes were getting degrees in economics, the union could tell those lies, and some were stupid enough to believe it. But our population is too educated today for that to work. Well, most of us are. The liberal democrats are too deluded, insane, and hell-bent on turning us into the kind of socialist republic thats already failed in Europe for truth or reality to matter to them.
They demand that a company have less than a 10% profit margin (with all extra going to the workers) while Fed Law demands that a company have at least 20% profit, to cover any unexpected liabilities. (ie: paying your bills if you get hurt) Thats what happened when the Bakers union shu down the twinkie factory. The union, without caring about the actual workers, preferred to shut down the bakery and get everyone fired, rather than back down from demands for "more".
We have seen too often in the papers, where the union demands pay raises, and the company says, "raises with layoff or firing, or no pay raise, but everyone stays employed" and the unions choose the raises almost every time.
1) They dont do any of the good things they used to
2) most people dont support the things they are proud of doing today
3) They've switched from symbiotic to parasite, and they are killing their hosts
And the membership is sick of it.
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