
Monday, February 13, 2017

Advice for democrats

If they want to save their party, there are several things they should consider doing:

1) try finding a candidate who hasnt held power since before most their supporters were born. When the average age of the liberal democrat voter is "early thirties", they just dont relate to the same issues that motivate people like Nancy Pelosi, who's elderly dementia has her fighting battles already won back in the 1960s. They disagree with the aging original hippies that "recycling" old tires and plastic by throwing them in the ocean to "build new reefs" and similar catastrophic disasters we "couldnt wait for evidence wouldnt make things worse, or the planet would die" to implement, that are proving far more a cause for our current environmental disasters that "global warming", CO2, or any of the current eco-terrorist fads.

Detroit, Chicago, NYC, DC, LA; the list of Mega-Cities where liberals have held power for decades covers pretty much all of them, and every single one has sunk worse, rather than getting better under democrat givernance. Crime increases, as does the demand for tax dollars to welfare queens; the exporting of jobs forces those who would prefer to work to the welfare and unemployment lines. The willingness to work does no good when there are no jobs within an hour of where you live, and you cant afford to move. Detroit is a donut; the city itself deserted and dead as even the suburbs are being fled for safer, less crime-infested, corrupt, over-taxed ghettos anywhere else. Or at least, thats what the people leaving Detroit say. But when the "Town" area, near "downtown" where the few not run off by crime and violence take the empty lots that used to be a city, and turn them into farms, you see the long-term results of liberal democrat practices of the last century.The ways the old-timers still demand they be allowed to rule.

2) Choose candidates who arent criminals. Billy had to fight in '92, even with as bad as Bush sr had done. Mainly because even then, slick Willie was already infamous for being a serial rapist that hadnt been arrested because he was in office. Gore's campaign suffered mostly from the simple problem that
A) either he had known and helped the Clintons commit their crimes, and therefore shouldnt be eligible to rum
B) Was telling the truth that he had no clue of any of the significant number of federal felonies bill and hillary committed while in the White House. And such oblivious ignorance made him unfit to run.
And these were the comments of moderate to middle democrats.
Then you roll out obama, the guy who refuses to produce a simple document most of us have to produce at least once a month for most basic business, for 5 years. But claims he has nothing to hide. He seals every single record with his name on it, while claiming he has nothing to hide. The guy acts like a paranoid conspiracy nutter convinced the govt is out to get him, and dummycrats actually support the insanity.
And then you bring back hillary for a 3rd time. After she's just narrowly escaped being charged with treason.

3) Stop running to the left of Europe. In case you havent noticed, even Europe doesnt support European style Socialism anymore. Even they admit it's failed; well, the ones that havent dedicated themselves to bankrupting themselves with it. America opposed that stupidity to begin with; the majority of us arent interested in running off that cliff with you idiots.

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