
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Retire pelosi

So, the senile old bat has spent several years now saying how she'd fight to make abortions legal, apparently unable to remember Roe v Wade is (unfortunately) the law of the land. And she wants to make Birth Control a "civil right" for women in America, apparently unable to remember that the SCotUS did that in the late 1960s.  And just yesterday, she's complaining "While its only been a couple of weeks since the inauguration, we've seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on." She never did explain which Bush. Its been 16years since "Dubya" took office, 8 since he left. And another 8 on top of that since his dad was in.

She's more than 3/4s of a century old; at this age, elderly dementia, alzheimers, and senility tend to ravage the mind of people who held high-stress careers, and she's been a politician (a very high stress career, according to her) her entire life. Even though I disagree with every idea and position she's ever held, I thank her for her dis-service to our nation, and we dont need another senile, demented old fool trying to lead us through battles already won while unable to grasp what century we're in.

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