The modern union movement has a problem. Even the public labor unions, those bastions of liberal-educated bureaucrats that have no problem screwing America over every time they "re-negotiate" with themselves, (which is a conflict of interest in any other venue) is seeing people leaving by the thousands.
Now that they cannot force you to be a member against your will, and order your employer to withhold the dues from your check even if you're not a member (at least, if you live in a Right to Work state) the unions are watching people leave. Its gotten so bad, the unions are actually sueing people to prevent them from leaving. Which isnt helping the PR disaster that the unions face.
So why is everyone leaving?
Well, aside for mafia-style "you're in whether you want to be or not", and "you'll pay, even if you arent in", and the violence still used to ram through votes to force organizing votes,m where the shop decides if it even wants to be union (heh, guess how many are allowed to vote "no". "Da union makes yop an offer you cant refuse") there's the simple fact that union thigs are still assaulting, shooting, and terrorizing people for the inion and the democrats, and the papers are documenting it.
But ultimately, the real problem of the unions is that most people arent stupid enough for the lies to work. Back in grandpa's day, when there was no OSHA, no labor laws, no set work schedule, and Eyrope's 30 hr work week with 2 months vacation, etc etc sounded good, unions worked to protect the blue collar guys that risked life and limb just to put food on the table.
That doesnt happen today. Going to work everyday isnt a threat to your life, unless its a good target for jihadists. But the danger of unsafe equipment and working conditions? Life threatening hazards with no safety factors? Maybe if your an illegal working in a slave-shop. Unless your in the military, a First Responder, or one of those few jobs where they tell you before you can even apply that its a dangerous work environment (like cleaning nuclear reactors or working on high voltage power lines) there simply arent many jobs left in this country where you have to worry, even on a monthly basis, of being crippled or killed.
The union claims its going to "improve on your benefits". Then it uses most the money from the dues to fund democrats. Whether you want that or not. Democrats who want to tax the thunder out of "investments", like the stock market, money markets, hedge funds, etc. You know (or maybe you dont) all those things that fund your union pension. The money isnt in your 401K or union pension because the democrats your union bought into office are now taxing the piss out of your "retirement investments" so that you wont have jack to retire on.
Democrats passed obamacare, which made it a crime not to have insurance. And your union insurance is a "Cadillac" plan, meaning your going to be penalized for having it, assuming the union doesnt cancel all insurance plans to save money for buying more democrats.
Perhaps the most entertaining problem is the lie unions tell about money:
They will claim that the company has billions, and it "owes" you the worker "your fair share", as if your paycheck isnt exactly that. The union shows gross income, deliberately lies about expenses of the company, and enforces the laws it bought that make it illegal for the company to plead its case as to why it cant turn 90% of the gross income over to the employees as pay. Now, in my father's day, when graduating high school was rare, and the only people that took econ classes were getting degrees in economics, the union could tell those lies, and some were stupid enough to believe it. But our population is too educated today for that to work. Well, most of us are. The liberal democrats are too deluded, insane, and hell-bent on turning us into the kind of socialist republic thats already failed in Europe for truth or reality to matter to them.
They demand that a company have less than a 10% profit margin (with all extra going to the workers) while Fed Law demands that a company have at least 20% profit, to cover any unexpected liabilities. (ie: paying your bills if you get hurt) Thats what happened when the Bakers union shu down the twinkie factory. The union, without caring about the actual workers, preferred to shut down the bakery and get everyone fired, rather than back down from demands for "more".
We have seen too often in the papers, where the union demands pay raises, and the company says, "raises with layoff or firing, or no pay raise, but everyone stays employed" and the unions choose the raises almost every time.
1) They dont do any of the good things they used to
2) most people dont support the things they are proud of doing today
3) They've switched from symbiotic to parasite, and they are killing their hosts
And the membership is sick of it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
Playboy decides to cater to straight men again
After two years of catering to the preferences of gay men and militant feminazis, and ending nudity in its magazines, which just "coincidentally" produced some of the worst sales years ever for the magazine, Playboy decided to return the features that actually attracted the people BUYING it in the first place. After all, who cares about a threatened "boycott" from people who dont buy or read your work anyway? The stupid snowflakes, libtarded, and millennials finally realized that getting invited to cocktail parties of people that will hate you just as much, even if they invited you, doesnt pay the bills.
Advice for democrats
If they want to save their party, there are several things they should consider doing:
1) try finding a candidate who hasnt held power since before most their supporters were born. When the average age of the liberal democrat voter is "early thirties", they just dont relate to the same issues that motivate people like Nancy Pelosi, who's elderly dementia has her fighting battles already won back in the 1960s. They disagree with the aging original hippies that "recycling" old tires and plastic by throwing them in the ocean to "build new reefs" and similar catastrophic disasters we "couldnt wait for evidence wouldnt make things worse, or the planet would die" to implement, that are proving far more a cause for our current environmental disasters that "global warming", CO2, or any of the current eco-terrorist fads.
Detroit, Chicago, NYC, DC, LA; the list of Mega-Cities where liberals have held power for decades covers pretty much all of them, and every single one has sunk worse, rather than getting better under democrat givernance. Crime increases, as does the demand for tax dollars to welfare queens; the exporting of jobs forces those who would prefer to work to the welfare and unemployment lines. The willingness to work does no good when there are no jobs within an hour of where you live, and you cant afford to move. Detroit is a donut; the city itself deserted and dead as even the suburbs are being fled for safer, less crime-infested, corrupt, over-taxed ghettos anywhere else. Or at least, thats what the people leaving Detroit say. But when the "Town" area, near "downtown" where the few not run off by crime and violence take the empty lots that used to be a city, and turn them into farms, you see the long-term results of liberal democrat practices of the last century.The ways the old-timers still demand they be allowed to rule.
2) Choose candidates who arent criminals. Billy had to fight in '92, even with as bad as Bush sr had done. Mainly because even then, slick Willie was already infamous for being a serial rapist that hadnt been arrested because he was in office. Gore's campaign suffered mostly from the simple problem that
A) either he had known and helped the Clintons commit their crimes, and therefore shouldnt be eligible to rum
B) Was telling the truth that he had no clue of any of the significant number of federal felonies bill and hillary committed while in the White House. And such oblivious ignorance made him unfit to run.
And these were the comments of moderate to middle democrats.
Then you roll out obama, the guy who refuses to produce a simple document most of us have to produce at least once a month for most basic business, for 5 years. But claims he has nothing to hide. He seals every single record with his name on it, while claiming he has nothing to hide. The guy acts like a paranoid conspiracy nutter convinced the govt is out to get him, and dummycrats actually support the insanity.
And then you bring back hillary for a 3rd time. After she's just narrowly escaped being charged with treason.
3) Stop running to the left of Europe. In case you havent noticed, even Europe doesnt support European style Socialism anymore. Even they admit it's failed; well, the ones that havent dedicated themselves to bankrupting themselves with it. America opposed that stupidity to begin with; the majority of us arent interested in running off that cliff with you idiots.
1) try finding a candidate who hasnt held power since before most their supporters were born. When the average age of the liberal democrat voter is "early thirties", they just dont relate to the same issues that motivate people like Nancy Pelosi, who's elderly dementia has her fighting battles already won back in the 1960s. They disagree with the aging original hippies that "recycling" old tires and plastic by throwing them in the ocean to "build new reefs" and similar catastrophic disasters we "couldnt wait for evidence wouldnt make things worse, or the planet would die" to implement, that are proving far more a cause for our current environmental disasters that "global warming", CO2, or any of the current eco-terrorist fads.
Detroit, Chicago, NYC, DC, LA; the list of Mega-Cities where liberals have held power for decades covers pretty much all of them, and every single one has sunk worse, rather than getting better under democrat givernance. Crime increases, as does the demand for tax dollars to welfare queens; the exporting of jobs forces those who would prefer to work to the welfare and unemployment lines. The willingness to work does no good when there are no jobs within an hour of where you live, and you cant afford to move. Detroit is a donut; the city itself deserted and dead as even the suburbs are being fled for safer, less crime-infested, corrupt, over-taxed ghettos anywhere else. Or at least, thats what the people leaving Detroit say. But when the "Town" area, near "downtown" where the few not run off by crime and violence take the empty lots that used to be a city, and turn them into farms, you see the long-term results of liberal democrat practices of the last century.The ways the old-timers still demand they be allowed to rule.
2) Choose candidates who arent criminals. Billy had to fight in '92, even with as bad as Bush sr had done. Mainly because even then, slick Willie was already infamous for being a serial rapist that hadnt been arrested because he was in office. Gore's campaign suffered mostly from the simple problem that
A) either he had known and helped the Clintons commit their crimes, and therefore shouldnt be eligible to rum
B) Was telling the truth that he had no clue of any of the significant number of federal felonies bill and hillary committed while in the White House. And such oblivious ignorance made him unfit to run.
And these were the comments of moderate to middle democrats.
Then you roll out obama, the guy who refuses to produce a simple document most of us have to produce at least once a month for most basic business, for 5 years. But claims he has nothing to hide. He seals every single record with his name on it, while claiming he has nothing to hide. The guy acts like a paranoid conspiracy nutter convinced the govt is out to get him, and dummycrats actually support the insanity.
And then you bring back hillary for a 3rd time. After she's just narrowly escaped being charged with treason.
3) Stop running to the left of Europe. In case you havent noticed, even Europe doesnt support European style Socialism anymore. Even they admit it's failed; well, the ones that havent dedicated themselves to bankrupting themselves with it. America opposed that stupidity to begin with; the majority of us arent interested in running off that cliff with you idiots.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
"Safe" conversations
We've reached the point where people are demanding "safe discussions" and the idiots clamering against recognizing a legitimately elected president, and demanding a 2nd civil war, have their mouthpieces spewing forth lunacy about how to "have fair and safe conversations". well, considering we have a very specific, targeted group thats committing all the violence, spewing the hate, and ignoring facts to hold to their delusions, having conversations is easy:
"Your crazy, stupid, and your opinion doesnt count."
My favorite was the fifth point, " acknowledge that the other person makes sense and that their opinion is valid."
Except that "Trump doesnt deserve to win because he's a republican" DOESNT make sense, nor is it valid, nor does it deserve to be validated. Calling the extension of obama's visa moratorium a "muslim ban" is a blatant lie, and therefore doesnt make sense, nor is it valid, nor should it be validated. To suggest that people who's mere presence inside our borders is a serious Federal Felony are not criminals and shouldnt be treated as such is lunacy; it doesnt make sense, it is not valid, nor should it be "validated".
Essentially, liberals and democrats claim that conservatives and republicans are criminals that should be stripped of all civil rights simply for not being liberal democrats. Meanwhile, these same democrats maintain that our ACTUAL laws and rights should only be enforced at their whim. Essentially, they want to go back to aristocratic fiat, assuming they will be the aristocrats. Yet again, democrats are happy to slap the slave chains on everyone that disagrees with them.
"Your crazy, stupid, and your opinion doesnt count."
My favorite was the fifth point, " acknowledge that the other person makes sense and that their opinion is valid."
Except that "Trump doesnt deserve to win because he's a republican" DOESNT make sense, nor is it valid, nor does it deserve to be validated. Calling the extension of obama's visa moratorium a "muslim ban" is a blatant lie, and therefore doesnt make sense, nor is it valid, nor should it be validated. To suggest that people who's mere presence inside our borders is a serious Federal Felony are not criminals and shouldnt be treated as such is lunacy; it doesnt make sense, it is not valid, nor should it be "validated".
Essentially, liberals and democrats claim that conservatives and republicans are criminals that should be stripped of all civil rights simply for not being liberal democrats. Meanwhile, these same democrats maintain that our ACTUAL laws and rights should only be enforced at their whim. Essentially, they want to go back to aristocratic fiat, assuming they will be the aristocrats. Yet again, democrats are happy to slap the slave chains on everyone that disagrees with them.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Retire pelosi
So, the senile old bat has spent several years now saying how she'd fight to make abortions legal, apparently unable to remember Roe v Wade is (unfortunately) the law of the land. And she wants to make Birth Control a "civil right" for women in America, apparently unable to remember that the SCotUS did that in the late 1960s. And just yesterday, she's complaining "While its only been a couple of weeks since the inauguration, we've seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on." She never did explain which Bush. Its been 16years since "Dubya" took office, 8 since he left. And another 8 on top of that since his dad was in.
She's more than 3/4s of a century old; at this age, elderly dementia, alzheimers, and senility tend to ravage the mind of people who held high-stress careers, and she's been a politician (a very high stress career, according to her) her entire life. Even though I disagree with every idea and position she's ever held, I thank her for her dis-service to our nation, and we dont need another senile, demented old fool trying to lead us through battles already won while unable to grasp what century we're in.
She's more than 3/4s of a century old; at this age, elderly dementia, alzheimers, and senility tend to ravage the mind of people who held high-stress careers, and she's been a politician (a very high stress career, according to her) her entire life. Even though I disagree with every idea and position she's ever held, I thank her for her dis-service to our nation, and we dont need another senile, demented old fool trying to lead us through battles already won while unable to grasp what century we're in.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Right to Work
Yet another state has joined the Right to Work movement, even as the Unions scream and whine against it. Oddly, for America, we had to pass a law guaranteeing the Right of people not to be FORCED into membership against their will, or to have dues stolen from their checks to pay for a membership they dont have.
The unions claim that somehow, freeing entire industries from mandatory membership, and dues collection even from non-members, is harmful to workers. So far, data from all the states where this law has been enacted shows the law is harmful only to the unions, which shouldnt be surprising from a group that steals from your paycheck and sues you to prevent your RIGHT to leave.
The unions claim that somehow, freeing entire industries from mandatory membership, and dues collection even from non-members, is harmful to workers. So far, data from all the states where this law has been enacted shows the law is harmful only to the unions, which shouldnt be surprising from a group that steals from your paycheck and sues you to prevent your RIGHT to leave.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Travel Moratorium
For the last 8 years, we've had a travel moratorium on the same 7 countries that trump, in his executive order, commanded be continued. There was no outcry when obama ordered visas not be issued to citizens of these countries seeking to immigrate here. It wasnt considered"bigoted" or "racist".
The fact that 6 of the 7 are in the middle of civil war, and have no steady government capable of vetting nor granting visa status was recognized as a serious and perfectly reasonable objection to allowing them access, at least until Trump Derangement Syndrome struck the Democrat National Party.
Democrats are quite happy to welcome immigrants from nations that have been exporting terrorists around the world for several years now. Probably because democrats are paying men (armed with the kind of guns those same democrats say you shouldnt be allowed to have) to protect their children, while telling you that to even worry about your safety is "bigotry". Their children are protected behind walls by men with guns and the finest security while they slime you with every insult they can think of if you dare voice concern over the safety of your kids.
A woman in a town hall meeting asked Pelosi which of her children were "expendable", which would Nancy Pelosi be willing to lose in a terrorist attack. The answer is very simple: Pelosi will drown the terrorists in your children's blood until the terrorists are too sick of killing to want to come after hers. And she believes that is "fair", "just" and right. Do you?
The fact that 6 of the 7 are in the middle of civil war, and have no steady government capable of vetting nor granting visa status was recognized as a serious and perfectly reasonable objection to allowing them access, at least until Trump Derangement Syndrome struck the Democrat National Party.
Democrats are quite happy to welcome immigrants from nations that have been exporting terrorists around the world for several years now. Probably because democrats are paying men (armed with the kind of guns those same democrats say you shouldnt be allowed to have) to protect their children, while telling you that to even worry about your safety is "bigotry". Their children are protected behind walls by men with guns and the finest security while they slime you with every insult they can think of if you dare voice concern over the safety of your kids.
A woman in a town hall meeting asked Pelosi which of her children were "expendable", which would Nancy Pelosi be willing to lose in a terrorist attack. The answer is very simple: Pelosi will drown the terrorists in your children's blood until the terrorists are too sick of killing to want to come after hers. And she believes that is "fair", "just" and right. Do you?
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
On Sanctuary Cities
In the same week that Trump made his infamous comment about some illegal immigrants (criminals simply for being here) being rapists and murderers, we saw a 21 year old woman murdered by an illegal immigrant who had already been deported 6 TIMES for class A and B felonies according to the California legal code, the highest a person can commit. The illegal was in custody for a DUI that had hospitalized 3 already, but San Diego's "Sanctuary" policy set him free rather than turn him over to ICE, as federal law dictates, and within the week, he murdered the innocent woman.
This same policy led to an illegal in Seattle, already hving been deported 9 TIMES for class A and B felonies, who was arrested for raping an 18 month old baby to death to be protected from ICE and proper incarceration and deportation.
If these had been US Citizens, everyone in the country would easily agree the animals should be locked up for life, at the very least, and possibly face the death penalty, if available in that state. But because they are illegals in sanctuary cities, they literally get away with rape and murder. Innocent citizens must fear going into the community as democrat politicians claim it somehow "just" and "fair" that we free monsters here illegally that we would otherwise not tolerate. Because their children are protected from these beasts, they see no reason for anyone else to be concerned that these proven rapists, murderers, and other monsters are allowed to walk the streets with a mere slap on the wrist for breaking some of our most basic laws.
How can any decent person tolerate even listening to these deranged lunatics (the liberal democrats) who try to pretend that the killing, raping, and violence hasnt already been an ongoing plague for the last decade? Why should we "consider the rights" of those for whom simply being here is a crime, especially when they go on to threaten the health and welfare of actual US citizens?
Nancy Pelosi was asked which of her children she was ready to lose due to her sypport of sanctuary city policies. I have a simpler question: Why do she and hers get to be safe, while the rest of us suffer from her insanity?
This same policy led to an illegal in Seattle, already hving been deported 9 TIMES for class A and B felonies, who was arrested for raping an 18 month old baby to death to be protected from ICE and proper incarceration and deportation.
If these had been US Citizens, everyone in the country would easily agree the animals should be locked up for life, at the very least, and possibly face the death penalty, if available in that state. But because they are illegals in sanctuary cities, they literally get away with rape and murder. Innocent citizens must fear going into the community as democrat politicians claim it somehow "just" and "fair" that we free monsters here illegally that we would otherwise not tolerate. Because their children are protected from these beasts, they see no reason for anyone else to be concerned that these proven rapists, murderers, and other monsters are allowed to walk the streets with a mere slap on the wrist for breaking some of our most basic laws.
How can any decent person tolerate even listening to these deranged lunatics (the liberal democrats) who try to pretend that the killing, raping, and violence hasnt already been an ongoing plague for the last decade? Why should we "consider the rights" of those for whom simply being here is a crime, especially when they go on to threaten the health and welfare of actual US citizens?
Nancy Pelosi was asked which of her children she was ready to lose due to her sypport of sanctuary city policies. I have a simpler question: Why do she and hers get to be safe, while the rest of us suffer from her insanity?
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