
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Safe Spaces for conservatives on campus

The liberals are up in arms, as usual. They find it insulting and hupocritical that their fellow students,  though conservative, want Safe Spaces as well. Never mind that the 14th amendment provides for equal treatment under the law; since when have liberals cared about the Constitution, or the Rights within?

But lets look back over the last year:
There have been plenty of claims by liberals of threats, and even a few spats of violence. But inevitably, either there is no corroboration (nothing but the person's word they were "threatened") or they doctored the event for publicity (the several proven cases of paying bused-in protesters to rough people up) or it was found that the liberal struck first, and then got their ass kicked.

We keep finding that, while liberals, leftists, and democrats feel threatened, no one is actually lifting a finger against them, except in self-defense.

On the other hand, we have quite a number of proven cases where these same scum sent people to the hospital for the "crime" of supporting republicans in general and trump in particular. And usually the police refused arrest afterwards, in spite of the fact it was clearly felony grade assault.

No wonder the conservative students want Safe Spaces. God knows when the next liberal will decide to attack, and under what pretext. These students, simply for having an opinion, are risking life and limb just walking the campus next to those psychotic liberals who think it is acceptable to beat someone half to death for the "crime" of  disagreeing. Hell, even ISIS has better reasoning than that, though not by much.

Personally, I find it very telling that those who"feel" threatened are the ones committing the brutal violence and denying others the basic civil right of safety.

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