Under the obama yeas, we have repeatedly heard that it wasnt the matter of guilt or not, but the seriousness of the charge that mattered. College men for "rape", when all evidence showed she was perfectly willing until several days or even weeks later, when she found out he wasnt rich or well-connected; Republicans incarcerated for criminal wrong-doing only to have the appellate courts say there wasnt even a crime committed; The accusation that disabled veterans, christians, conservatives and republicans are terrorists of equal standing to muslim jihadists;
Yes, many innocent and good people were accused, dishonored, and insulted by an entire political party that felt that making baseless accusations, and using the law to silence opposition, in order to hold power (hmmm, Ive seen these tactics somewhere before...) was perfectly acceptable. Until it was their own that was caught.
Congressional Record hold the fact Benhgazi was allowed to happen so that Taliban and Al Qaeda forces could get the military aid there. obama and hillary knew the attacks were coming, and so stuffed the building with as much medical supplies, ammunition, rockets, missiles, and arms as they could, so that the same terrorists groups we are at war with could conveniently "steal" them. What should have been open charges of treason were swept under the rug.
hillary's emails show she was taking bribes at a quarter of a Billion (with a "B") per pay-out to sell access to her and influence of American policy by foreign nationals, and doing so for several years. A republican was imprisoned for an unproved allegation of being bribed. But the FBI didnt press charges, in spite of hillary and her staff admitting the emails are hers.
The changes to espionage laws she helped write that obama used to prosectue several people were not used when she broke them. Why not?
We have a woman who committed espionage against her country, and also committed treason, on top of many other crimes. But to her and the entirety of the Democratic Party, the only "crime" is that these facts made it to public light.
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