
Friday, December 18, 2015

Wandering through the news today

So, I see that Land Rover finally got someone to pay over half a million for their vehicle. ($600K to be exact) There is an unfortunate misunderstanding in today's markets; people think that the price the seller is asking is fixed, and based on some value. And they think it says anything good about them that they paid the exorbitant prices. I put this in the same category as the guy that believes his Batman comic book is worth a quarter million dollars because he was crazy enough to pay that for it.

The reality is that in today's global economy, you can get anything you want, or an off brand thats just as good at a cheaper price. Sure, you can buy that Versacci leather bag made with slave labor that cost you $600 only because of the tag on it. And for $30, you can make the bag yourself, without all the political baggage. (pun intended) The seller doesnt assign value; the buyer does. This has always been one of the great errors of economics; it teaches that the seller has some say because he can refuse if the price is too low. But that isnt true; you have to sell to pay the costs or else file bankruptcy, where your stuff is sold even cheaper than the price you refused. What makes Marketing so important is convincing people to pay the demanded price, instead of demanding a lower price. If more people realized that the buyer has the true power, our markets would implode, and costs would plummet.

Flying cars have been approved by the FAA. Cool. I can see it now: People demand Sky-scrapers made of stone instead of glass; the corner offices are no longer the treasured rewards they have been in the past; CEOs work from heavily reinforced bunkers designed to hold mega-tones of weight in the basement while the mailroom is in the top floor. And the "student driver" sign inspires a whole new level of fear.
Seriously, think about the last long drive you took. Think of the inevitable encounters with idiots you had while driving. Now, would you want them flying? At least tail-gating would be over; try that with aircraft and you just fall.
Also, will these things still run on gas? Or will they switch to JetA-1, and be a combination Diesel/jet (diesels can burn JetA-1 rather well.

So, the government banned another half dozen schools from having Nativity scenes, but is allowing them to get kids wearing Hijab and writing "the affirmation" ("There is only one" yadda yadda yadda) because its supposedly cultural awareness to have them singing muslim songs of worship, and saying muslim prayers, and studying the koran, but religion to do the same with the Jewish Torah or Christian Bible. It gets disturbing when "Civil Rights" groups have no problem allowing Islamic Ramadan songs at a Christmas pageant (I wouldnt either, except that this year Ramadan was the last half of July and first half of August; December seems a little late to still be celebrating, to me. Wasnt there a more recent holiday to use?) but the same "Civil Rights" groups have problems with...ya know...ACTUAL Christmas songs being sung at the same pageant.

Bernie's mad that no one is taking him seriously. After 20 years of being a publicly declared socialist, always being a pain in the ass to main-stream democrats, ........ You know, he's the Democrats' version of John McCain or Ron Paul; the extremist nut-job that suddenly tries to prove he's "main-stream" enough to win the primaries. On top of that, he's accusing a clinton of cheating. Thats like accusing the sun of being slightly warm, or water of being a little damp. I would have thought that after more than 20 years in the game, he'd be a little smarter than this. But then, he did decide to take on hillary; points for bravery, not smarts.

The Army is allowing those who's religion "requires it" to keep their beards and turbans. I have a great idea! Do what the Drill ergeants used to do to us in Basic Training when I was in: whenever we looked too relaxed, they would pop a few canisters of tear gas at us. It also helped them find out really fast who dodnt shave. If you arent clean-shaven, the mask doesnt seal, and you suck gas. These sihk and muslims and others want to be "individuals" (which I was always taught was the biggest insult in the military), fine. Let 'em suck some tear gas. As My old DS used to say, "You can be smart, or I can make you strong. Your choice."

A final bit of wisdom I was reminded of

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