So, yesterday a man who self-describes as a "devout muslim" and his wife killed 14 innocent civilians. Our government cant bring itself to admit this is jihadism at work. But the University of Tennessee feels that its more important to protect the feelings of immature adults who are offended by the idea that the world really doesnt care about them. Apparently, no one thought to teach them this simple truth as children.
So, the University of Tennessee is banning being able to call parties "Christmas" parties, showing any religious affiliations, any seasonal connection; heck, even Santa is banned. The bigoted self-centered fools in the administration apparently havent discovered that even non-christians celebrate this holiday. Some of the most dedicated celebrations of the holiday are actually in Japan; heck, even China has Christmas celebrations.
One of the suggestions is that "Refreshment selection should be general, not specific to any religion or culture". Well, Im going to have a small problem with that. Not so much with the idea, but rather the fact that most of what I can make is of Irish and German origin, just like me. Im not going to serve proper Kwansa stuff because I dont celebrate kwansa (nor know anyone that does) and dont know any "African" food or drinks, much less how to prepare them.
"Consider having a New Year’s party and include décor and food from multiple religions and cultures." Personally, I would find such tokenism insulting and bigoted. Its one thing if someone wants to do native Rowandan treats because s/he is from Rowanda. Its borders on tokenism for the big-wigs to do it "to show their sensitivity." Its out-right insultive if there are no Rowandans on the payroll.
Less than a month ago, 126 innocent women and children were brutally slaughtered by a religion still stuck in the dark ages, and these colleges teach that the answer is to be "tolerant" of the killers' religion, while banning other religions. In the muslim extremists, we see what fanaticism to a religion can produce, and yet universities only want to discuss this if it maligns Christianity or Judaism.
Even as these atheistic professors push to remove religion, they say we must respect the religion of others. For too many, their lack of dedication to any cause leaves them unable to comprehend what that dedication can inspire. And not just to religion, as they claim; Pot Pol, in his dedication to communism, slaughtered 1-3 million of his own countrymen.
The old proverb says that "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing." Pick your preferred variation, and then look at the lessons in our schools and colleges saying that you are not able or fit to judge deeds or ideas. By teaching our children to be "tolerant", we are teaching them to be slaves and fools.While it is admirable to be accepting of others' ideas and culture, one must look and judge if those ideas and beliefs are harmful or dangerous, according to our rughts and ideals.
Colleges today are teaching that it is better to surrender your rights, your beliefs, and your way of life than to risk offending someone. Unfortunately, extremists dont share this ideal; they are quite happy to hurt or kill. And in less developed countries, where brutality is all to common, they feel must commit true atrocities to make their point.
And this is what I mean by bizarre priorities; rather than worrying about hurt feelings, we should be worried about hurt bodies. Rather than entertaining the moronic idea that a teen boy should be allowed to shower with girls, we should be trying to feed the starving. Instead of caring about offending the atheist, we should instead focus on curing disease and healing the injured. Their bizarre priorities may be enough to fill their lives, b ut why justify the craziness?
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