
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

LARP Armor

Many survivalists look at the Live Action Role Players and other organizations that create real and fantasy armors, and think its silly, somewhat childish, and useless.Most never look at more than pictures, or maybe see someone in the distance. And its a shame, because a close inspection would be most educational.

For starters, those that make their own are going to be quite skilled in leatherwork, and the other materials used to make the armor. Armor making is not a feat one starts off attempting, but a project for someone who has achieved fair or better proficiency at the necessary skills, and already attempted similar work on a smaller scale. Crafters must test themselves before trying, because of the amounts of materials (and the expense of those materials) that will be wasted if they screw up.

Second, it does depend on the purpose the gear was made for, granted. But most leather gear made even for the "light" contact LARPers is still a medium grade on par with what good leather work gloves are made of. It wont stop a bullet, true. Then again, by the time you get enough material to do that, you usually cant move. Tandy Leather sells a 10-11oz grade; its about a quarter of an inch thick. You can cut through it, if you're dedicated or patient. In a fight, its right handy for keeping your innards inside, where they belong. And it makes some of the most beautiful of that fancy, fantasy armor that most the survivalists and preppers sneer at. Because if you're going to be uncomfortable, you might as well look awesome, right? Quarter inch stainless is real easy to get, and makes great plates for armor. The actual battle armor used in most of history was a mix of leather, chain mail, metal plates, and cloth for padding; there was no single solid uniform armor, no matter ho it looks.

I like to point out ideas and options for people. My old unit used to have a saying, "the first one to stop fighting because its too (hot, cold, dark, whatever) is the first to die." If you care more about your looks than your hide, you aint gonna survive. Im willing to look like a dorky elf, or some knight from D&D if it means I got all my soft parts covered while going into a fight, and my opponent doesnt. And Im not worried about "fair" fights, if its for survival. Tonight, when Im alive and you're not, I'll make sure to tell the story so that we both sound like the most noble heroes since the Dark Ages. Heck, I might even put on my dorky armor and look the part.

This gear will stop the environmental injuries, for the most part. If made and padded right, it will stop all but the mnost dedicated attacks. That makes it almost as good as any man-made combat armor on the market. Its cheap, very functional, durable, and easy to make if you know how. And, if you use lighter weight leathers, it becomes "buckskin" leathers, like the Native Americans wore.

Just a thought....

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