
Thursday, November 12, 2015

The republicans' lack of courage

So, Benghazi happened 3 years ago. We've had several investigations; called an endless number of people to testify before congress, and so on in the monkey show.

The following have been established as facts:
The ambassador had been asking for increased security for over a year, and it was denied by clinton.
There was knowledge of a planned attack on that day, at that time, a week in adavnce, and nothing was done to prepare.
Hillary was trading military grade equipment, to include missiles and other heavy ordinance to the Libyan "rebels", self-admitted members of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda
Most communications before, during and after were done on a non-secure server in her home with private e-mail in an attempt to hide the arms dealing.
She was dealing through personal civilian contacts rather than US government sanctioned personnel.
She lied after the fact many times while under oath testifying before congress.

Even democrats are admitting there is a case for perjury. The whole server mess is grounds for espionage charges. If these investigations can prove she knowingly and deliberately was providing weapons, supplies and aid to Al-Qaeda and Talibani forces, forces we are in a declared war with, thats textbook treason.

The interesting question is "did she act alone?" Was obama telling her to do this? Did he know? Did she erase all those emails just to throw suspicion on him to weaken his ability to lead?

As long as this stays in Congress, where they fear her, and are generally corrupt and incompetent, we cannot get the truth or justice. Her actions warrant arrest and fair trial. But the republicans are too cowardly to do whats right.

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