
Saturday, October 31, 2015

If its being done right, its not being done by the government

I have a magnet on my frig. Its got a cartoon character (Bill the Cat, for those old enough to know who that is) in a straight-jacket, with the caption "some days it isnt worth chewing through the straps."

I usually get a chuckle out of it, and think "todays better than that."
But today, after reading a headline in the news......

Radioactive material keeps being stolen from lab.....
So our dear Uncle Sammy isnt just being robbed of radioactive materials, but "KEEPS" as in they know its happening and cant stop it. Then I read in the article that there have been 76 thefts discovered just this year. Now, call me silly, but in this day of terrorists and crackpots and everything, I would think that this should be ...I dont know..... one of the major items you'd bury under so much security people couldnt even talk about it without the NSA's super secret ninja spy commando squirrels parking a full team of completely legal wire-tapping stealth poodles in your back pocket for "surveillance".

So finding out that the "master thief" was just dumping contaminated radioactive stuff in the bushes outside the fence of the facility to pick up later is kinda ....well..... depressing. I mean, I was in the Military, so I know how low to expect the standards to be, but...... wow. Really? Hillary gets better security for her fund-raising dinners.

No, today the magnet won. But there's always tomorrow.

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