The New York Post had an article yesterday showing that its starting:
This Germaine Greer, who has made a career of being a "victim" feminist, is saying that trans arent women. When told that hurts the trans' community's feelings, the lady who made a very lucrative career cashing in on her supposed mistreatment (being treated like a man, ei: like crap) and screaming women are constitutionally protected from hurt feelings, started singing a different tune: “Try being an old woman. For goodness sake, people get hurt all the time, I’m not about to walk on eggshells.”
The bigger laugh? She blames misogyny and "teh ebul patri........blah blah blah blah blah" I tend to tune out the stupid repeated rants after 50 years of repetition. Yep, its mans fault that these men think they're women, and the media, in its drive to sell more, is pushing the fake women are "better" than the real thing. While we should blame the media for this idiocy, they're just trying to make money. Thats why they pressured the Psychiatric Community to remove what used to be a recognized mental illness from their medical manuals. The controversy of presenting this as a "normal" acceptable alternative lifestyle draws attention, which means money and power in the media world.
I especially like this segment from the NY Post article, as it sums up much better than I can the real battle that will be fought between these two liberal democrat voting blocks:
It’s more than just a rival victim group, but one that threatens to expose feminists’ contradictions when it comes to sex differences.
Feminists typically deny that meaningful gender differences exist between men and women, while allowing that there are some areas in which women are superior to men.
Yet what happens when transgender women start competing against plain old women in other areas of life? Say, in tennis matches and swim meets?
Or how about for slots on corporate boards and in top universitieslooking to meet targets for gender balance? Feminists may find their cause stalled and themselves forced to acknowledge that biology plays a bigger role than they care to admit.
Indeed what does happen? These transgenders are claiming that Feminists are wrong. That for 50 years, all the science and the studies Femenist organizations have sponsored; its all wrong. Trans say that there is a very large difference between men and women; there are women's tastes, colors, preferences, hobbies, jobs, and so on. That women are just plain different from men, and in very meaningful ways. So meaningful that it requires years of medication, counseling, and surgery to correct.
We know what happens when a man, be it cross-dresser, dude with boob-job, or full post-op transgender, competes with women in sports. Thats why they test at pro athletic events; because its been done before, and men dominate over the women to an unfair (and sometimes dangerous) advantage.
But what happens when they start competing for job slots? CEO positions? When the real woman has to take3-6 months off because she's having a child (last month or two of pregnancy plus the first few of it life) and
The author of the NY Post article is saying that Feminism may have received the fatal blow, and may be doomed to die because of this. Most feminists I know never give up a fight, even after its obvious they've lost. And they dont let minor things like reality or facts get in the way of their arguments. Like the old bag at the start of this article, they'll claim its all mens' fault, and they're victims, again. :roll: And they will use all the political influence, power, and money to make sure they win, even if that means getting transgenderism declared an insanity again.
The question is, is the Gay lobby large enough, and committed enough, to stop them?
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