This is based on purely anecdotal evidence, but its more about why I feel inspired for our future, rather than a response to any current issues.
As much as I hate to say it, I think
obama actually might have been good for our country these last 6
years. I try hard to ignore what people say, biting my lip to avoid
foolish reactionism, and watch what they do, to understand them. (I dont always succeed, but I try) And
I generally like what Ive seen, even if I dont like the motivators.
GenX, Y and Millenials have largely
moved away from materialism and consumerism, it seems. Then again, it
makes sense; you cant rush out to buy the latest stuff, just to own
stuff, if you have no money. And its hard to have any money when most have spent the better part of a decade un- or under-employed. Gardening, homesteading, and "artisan"
crafts (woodworking, metalwork, pottery, canning, etc) are on the
rise, as people decide to make what they cant afford to buy, and are
amazed at how over-priced (and unhealthy) so many things are. Recycling isnt
a fashion anymore, but an actual consideration in purchases, where
people judge if its worth the cost of repairing, recycling and/or reusing.
Plastic is slowly being replaced by metal, glass, and cardboard when
available, because they are safer in reuse and cheaper to recycle.
the one side, you could say the hippies won, as we're moving to the
drug-hazed dream of a "greener" lifestyle that they had. On the other, its clear they lost, as expenses, profits, practicality, and standard-of-life are the
major deciders of what goes green and what doesnt, rather than the
New Age stuff their delusional psyches hoped would rule. The
homesteader, prepper, and survivalist movements (really all variants
of the same critter, really) are growing because they have to. We have to
re-learn to live like grandma and grandpa, re-using everything we
can, because we sure as hell cant afford to live like mom and dad,
treating the entire world as disposable, and we probably never will
again. And thats not entirely a bad thing. Unless you're talking about
diapers. :D
Im also seeing these age groups voting
with their feet for churches. The giant mega churches of the prior
decades are suffering. Those that want to “new age” The Word and
try to be multi-media stage events seem to fail far more often that
the simple country churches, where its “God and Bible and you and
thats it”. The younger generation doesnt seem to want "Rock &
Roll Jesus" or "Buddy Christ", (and you win an internet cookie if you know that reference) but rather seeks a close personal
relationship. Its natural for man to turn to God when times get hard. Even the great atheist philosophers admitted that, though they saw it as reason to mourn for humanity.
But what gets me is that I see young men digging deep into the Bible,
or other holy books by choice, attacking it (them) with the same intellect and
questioning attitude applied to science, engineering, philosophy, and
everything else we study today, so that what truths they find, they know to
be truths. When they come to accept these truths, by their own
choice, instead of "because mom said so", or “my family
always has”, or “thats what the preacher-man said”, it
is with a deeper level of faith and commitment. They find their own
truth, and their own application, making it relevant by themselves,
and for themselves.
And the more I talk to other “arm-chair theologians”, friends more interested in understanding “God”, both mine and yours, and the drive of the human soul to fill this special void, and even the few atheists that are willing to acknowledge the philosophical need of most humans, rather than just mock; we see this in other religions as well. Islam is suffering a painful period of introspection; as extremist fundamentalists try to hold to the ancient bloody teachings of the First Millennium, willing to kill even their own who seek tolerance and moderation, the “average” Muslim simply tries to reconcile ancient teachings to modern life, much as modern Christians and Jews do. “Liberal” Muslims (perhaps too strong a term, but it will suffice for the moment) read deep into the Koran and its supporting holy books, studying to see if some of the teachings are “too out-dated”, much the same way modern Jews and Christians found some of the commandments of Leviticus to be …. unimportant if not impossible to follow in today's society. (like that whole “not wearing fabrics of mixed fibers”. Good luck finding something that isnt a mix of natural and man-made fabric today) My Sihk friend says he sees more youths getting involved at the temple; Buddhists I correspond with say there is not much increase in foot-traffic, (admittedly, their temple is off the beaten path) but interest and requests for knowledge and teaching has increased.
And the more I talk to other “arm-chair theologians”, friends more interested in understanding “God”, both mine and yours, and the drive of the human soul to fill this special void, and even the few atheists that are willing to acknowledge the philosophical need of most humans, rather than just mock; we see this in other religions as well. Islam is suffering a painful period of introspection; as extremist fundamentalists try to hold to the ancient bloody teachings of the First Millennium, willing to kill even their own who seek tolerance and moderation, the “average” Muslim simply tries to reconcile ancient teachings to modern life, much as modern Christians and Jews do. “Liberal” Muslims (perhaps too strong a term, but it will suffice for the moment) read deep into the Koran and its supporting holy books, studying to see if some of the teachings are “too out-dated”, much the same way modern Jews and Christians found some of the commandments of Leviticus to be …. unimportant if not impossible to follow in today's society. (like that whole “not wearing fabrics of mixed fibers”. Good luck finding something that isnt a mix of natural and man-made fabric today) My Sihk friend says he sees more youths getting involved at the temple; Buddhists I correspond with say there is not much increase in foot-traffic, (admittedly, their temple is off the beaten path) but interest and requests for knowledge and teaching has increased.
The polls show that conservatives are
“losing”, that people are more tolerant of social immorality and
the ideals of liberals. Instead, when we actually talk to these young
people, we find a deep appreciation for personal freedom. Its not
that these people accept and share these beliefs of liberals, the
idea that you can choose to be a man or woman, that abortion is
right, that gays should marry, that I should pay for all my neighbor's
wants, and so on; but rather that they believe each person is
accountable for his or her own life choices. They support the two
greatest freedoms of America: the right to be left alone, and the
right to be foolish without being punished for it.
That's not to say the whole nation is
going for this trend. Its getting to be a clear separation. And these younger generations seem more dedicated to
their convictions; no “lesser of two evils” anymore, but “right”
or “wrong”. It is an age bracket that is learning it can survive
far worse than anything our corrupt government, greedy unions, greedy
corporations, and dedicated agitators can throw at us. That all the
stories those who profit from discord use to accuse us of
“oppressing” them, and “enslaving” them, and “killing”
them, really arent bothering anyone, beyond noise and the chance for
a silly law-suit to make some lawyer rich. And two clicks of the
mouse takes us to world news, where we see people really being
oppressed, enslaved, and killed, just to further drive home the
ridiculousness of the rhetoric our media regularly uses.
I look at all this, and the compassion
that even those with very little are trying to offer out to anyone they
see with less, and I see a better America in spirit, even though it
has less toys. I may not approve of obama's style or philosophy; that
is my right as an American, and only the ignorant would assume that
philosophical differences are explained by “bigotry”. But this
has made America stronger in spirit, and many of her peoples are now more
self-reliant. The end result may just have been worth the means to get
here, and as Grandpa used to say, “your not supposed to enjoy the
medicine. Just as long as it cures ya.”
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