
Thursday, September 17, 2015

PTS no D

I am going to address a sensitive subject. Which is hard, because I'm not a sensitive person. So I'm going to bury this in a lot of gallows humor, and ask that you take it with the whole salt shaker.

I wont call it a disorder. A disorder is defined as:
A disturbance or derangement that affects the function of mind or body

Basically, that your mind is broken somehow, and not working right. Except that with PTS, it is, really. The brain has, over the endless millennia that man has walked the earth developed this mechanism to cope with “too much bad stuff” when it happens, compartmentalizing it away until you are in a safe place and able to deal with it. From the days when Ugh the cave man was trying not to become Saber-tooth kitty chow to the Romans hanging people on trees for fun and profit, to today's modern battlefields with "point and click" killing, this “shell shock”, battle fatigue, whatever you want to call it, has been known by soldiers in war.

And its not just in war; we recognize that police, EMTs and Fire-fighters max out their stress meter pretty easily in their job. Rape victims are also recognized and treated. What most people dont seem to understand is that its not just danger that triggers this response. Vehicle incidents that cause injury; death of loved ones; even childbirth is a traumatic event, and the brain will try and protect you by blocking out and “forgetting” the worst parts.

We even have a word for this event, this forgetting of pain, stress, and the general unpleasantness of life. “Nostalgia” was invented by a Medical student in the 1600s to describe the Swiss mercenaries who were suffering a mix of home-sickness and battle fatigue. He observed that the Mercs talked of how great things were back home, as if anywhere was that good in the 1600s.

Its this same sentiment that lets Grandma (or Great Grandma for some of you young pups) talk about how “wonderful” it was to work in a factory during WWII. 12 hour work days; No A/C, no heat, no tools to help lift; fearing the letter informing you your loved one was dead; having your kids raised by the one woman on the block who didnt have to work (because her husband was already KIA) all while living on rationed food, gas, and other necessities only seems good in hind-sight. We have thousands of sources telling us honestly just how bad it sucked by any reasonable standard. Or we can just look at North Korea.

Many cultures have a similar word that expresses this same sentiment; the remembering of the good of the past while forgetting the bad. And we can read through history of that soldiers have always dealt with PTS; when you see in old writings that someone “returned funny”, that “the war soured them” and similar such terms, you are seeing the phrases of their times to explain what we today call a disorder.

PTS has a problem in that it is “the invisible wound”. You can see an amputated limb, from the bloody hamburger freshly removed and still bleeding to the bandaged stump after the medics work their mojo. You can measure healing, from the newly stitched stump after the doctors have performed surgery to the tanned scarred tissue that the artificial limb connects to.

You cant do that with PTS. You cant see if a person is injured. Have they started healing? Are they healed? You dont know without prying, and that very prying can be the trigger for another episode if they arent ready.

Second is the fact that different people respond differently to the events that can cause PTS, and so have different wounds. If you shoot a man with a .45ACP, he has a bullet hole in him. (unless he's Superman) Training, strength, natural toughness; none of these matter. You shoot him, he gets shot, he gets a hole in him. But with PTS... What injures one man, another doesnt even notice. Im told my driver the night I was injured spent quite some time in therapy for PTS over my injury. Me? It didnt bother me at all; all my issues came from other incidents. One of the men in my platoon (a former cook reclassed to Infantry) was traumatized by our Section Sergeant continually joking how he wanted to win a Purple Heart. I gather quite a few of the young'uns were. Us old crusties laughed in public, since we were supposed to support the incompetent moron in his stupidity. Behind the scenes, we tried to quiet fears and keep moral up, and remind the guys how good we were and how that would keep us safe.

But it goes to show, what one man considers a joke, another will consider trauma.

PTS and the VA
How the VA determines if you have PTS: (only slightly tongue in cheek)
  1. Have you been kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  2. Do you try to avoid remembering being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  3. Do you have nightmares, even ones that dont involve being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  4. Are you very unhappy/upset/angry when reminded about the time(s) you were kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  5. Do you have strong physical reaction when discussing being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies? (you sweat, grip the chair, pound the table, etc)
  6. Do you have flashbacks of being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  7. Do you avoid people, places or things that remind you of being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  8. Do you avoid people, places or things where you are likely to be kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  9. Do you thing you are a bad person? Or that you have done bad things?
  10. Do you blame yourself, at least partially, for being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  11. Have your interests changes since you were kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies?
  12. Do you feel disinterested or detached from others?
  13. Are you irritable or short-tempered?
  14. Do you enjoy activities others would call “risky”?
  15. Do you have a strong flinch reflex?
  16. Do you have trouble concentrating?
  17. Do you have trouble sleeping?

These are the 17 questions that the VA will ask you, disguised in various forms, to see if you have PTS. If you answer yes to 5-7 of them, you are diagnosed with mild PTS; 8-14 is moderate; any more and you are considered severe. You probably noticed that many of these questions tend to have a positive answer, even from completely normal, healthy people. Thats kinda my point; outside of goths and emos, most people, especially soldiers, are going to test mild to moderate on this scale normally.

The VA is big on group therapy. So, having decided that you have PTS from being kicked in the nuts or punched in the bewbies, they send you to the PTS group therapy session. There, you're told that your wounds have equal merit, validity, and honor as everyone else's. Then you look around the room: to your left is a guy, poisoned by the chemicals democrats still wont admit were there, who has been told the chemo didnt work, and he's got months left. On your right is a guy missing a limb. Across from you is a lady who was raped by one of the interpreters, who wasnt punished because “mission dictates we need him.” Another is a guy that had his guts turned to jelly by an AK; the body armor didn't stop all the rounds. He's trying to cope with the fact that he “coded” (died) three times on the operating table, and he has another surgery in a few weeks that only has 50/50 odd of survival. And you have to tell them that the VA sent you here because they diagnosed you PTS because of a kick in the nuts or a punch in the bewbies. And the VA doesnt understand why you feel out of place among these people.

Many of the Veterans I talk to have mild PTS from their time in uniform, no matter the hell they endured, compared to what the VA did to “help” them.

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