
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

So, I decided to start a new blog for fun. I want to give ideas, viewpoints and thought.
I have education in psychology, sociology, political science, and criminal justice, as well as both civil and electrical engineering, and 20 years service as an enlisted combat soldier in the Army.

I feel that this gives me special insights to many of today's issues, looking from a holistic approach, with an understanding of both how policy is formed and then how it is implemented. My focus has always been on finding practical approaches to solve problems, with the understanding that compromise is a necessity in politics and diplomacy, but that certain ideals and beliefs must be maintained regardless.

I shall endeavor to use actual facts; they will be real and inarguable, however much one side or another wishes to deny the truth of those facts. I will also try to remember to provide links to the proof. If I forget, feel free to ask, as I admit to a poor memory.

When I say "Tactical", I dont mean that I will be encouraging violence or advising how to fight. While not a pacifist, I do not encourage civil disobedience or rebellion. I will instead provide information that seems to be lacking from discussions on current topics to aid those who wish to be able to discuss from a more informed position, and suggest possible additions to solutions for these issues. Some will be rather simple and straight-forward, as several of these supposed issues are making "mountains of mole-hills", or trying to complicate non-issues with opinions instead of facts.

I will be covering everything from medical issues of veterans (like myself), to political issues, and adding hobbies of mine for those that enjoy the pleasure of self-sufficiency and self-created goods. I hope that some will find this blog useful and entertaining.

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