
Thursday, December 29, 2016

trump versus democrats

The democrats are trying to stir up new faux outrage over the trump administration sending out questionnaires to the various federal departments asking to explain what they do, how they relate to the current "big ticket" issues debated during the election, and how many members of staff, what those staffers do, and why.

Routine stuff a new administration needs to know, unless it wants to:

A) make no changes at all, which is stupid. The democrats lost big-time because none of their ideas of the last 7 decades have worked at all in any positive way. You can look at Detroit, Chicago, welfare, social security; every idea of the democrats, however noble, has bankrupted whoever was supposed to run it, and produced only poverty, misery, and corruption.
Obviously not a direction an administration that hopes to be successful wants to follow.

B) Entirely gut and cut the division. Which is what the democrats are claiming the questionnaires will lead to anyway. Because they cant comprehend any7 way to succeed at anything, from properly running a government to properly running a business to properly running a computer server.

The problem for the Democrats is that the current "leadership" (if one can call it that) is a mix of brain-fried hippies and new-age socialists and communists. And they're all too mentally damaged to realize that none of the rest of America wants the corruption, misery, poverty, and suffering that socialism and communism bring. Until they can stop encouraging us to be like North Korea, Cuba, and the (former) USSR (which is FORMER for a reason) they are going to lose even more support.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Is it the seriousness of the charge or the fact of guilt?

Under the obama yeas, we have repeatedly heard that it wasnt the matter of guilt or not, but the seriousness of the charge that mattered. College men for "rape", when all evidence showed she was perfectly willing until several days or even weeks later, when she found out he wasnt rich or well-connected; Republicans incarcerated for criminal wrong-doing only to have the appellate courts say there wasnt even a crime committed;  The accusation that disabled veterans, christians, conservatives and republicans are terrorists of equal standing to muslim jihadists;

Yes, many innocent and good people were accused, dishonored, and insulted by an entire political party that felt that making baseless accusations, and using the law to silence opposition, in order to hold power (hmmm, Ive seen these tactics somewhere before...) was perfectly acceptable. Until it was their own that was caught.

Congressional Record hold the fact Benhgazi was allowed to happen so that Taliban and Al Qaeda forces could get the military aid there. obama and hillary knew the attacks were coming, and so stuffed the building with as much medical supplies, ammunition, rockets, missiles, and arms as they could, so that the same terrorists groups we are at war with could conveniently "steal" them. What should have been open charges of treason were swept under the rug.


hillary's emails show she was taking bribes at a quarter of a Billion (with a "B") per pay-out to sell access to her and influence of American policy by foreign nationals, and doing so for several years. A republican was imprisoned for an unproved allegation of being bribed. But the FBI didnt press charges, in spite of hillary and her staff admitting the emails are hers.


The changes to espionage laws she helped write that obama used to prosectue several people were not used when she broke them. Why not?

We have a woman who committed espionage against her country, and also committed treason, on top of many other crimes. But to her and the entirety of the Democratic Party, the only "crime" is that these facts made it to public light.

About that electoral college

So, the nominated electors have voted. None of the republicans changed their votes. Few of the democrats were allowed to change theirs. The state of Washington was one notable exception; 4 electors chose to break ranks and not vote for hillary.

After all the rants, hate-filled idiocy, attempted bribery (which is a felony), threats of violence and death (which are also felonies), and stupid games the dummycrats (those too stupid, dishonest, and childish to accept they lost) have been playing in their pipe-dream to steal an election, in their claims to defend and protect any elector who chose to become "faithless", to vote other than the results of the state, the dummycrats are now demanding the highest possible punishment (without trial, of course; as usual, democrats care about human and civil rights only when its convenient) for those that decided to "follow their conscience" and break faith, but by refusing to vote for the criminal hillary clinton.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Skating Rinks and Government

I know I say that people are stupid. In fact, I even have my own "law":
The intelligence of a group is equal to half tyhat of the most ignorant member.

I say this because only the "dumbest" and most ignorant are usually willing to speak up and volunteer an idea when in a large mass, and then the snarky smart-asses start "adding" to whats wrong in stead of trying to improve on it.

But when I say "people are stupid", Im referring to large masses; mobs and crowds. The ability of individuals to be intelligent is never rarely ok, not commonly in doubt. (except for Chicago drivers, but only while driving)

The reason I disagree so strongly with liberals and democrats (i know, usually one and the same) Is because they assume people are individually stupid, but in groups become "smarter" as those "more equal" (to use their terms) lead the way.

Look at an ice skating rink.
Imagine you're a government regulator and you've never seen a rink.I tell you I'm ginna flood that area with ice and then charge people money to strap sharp blades onto their feet and zip around on the ice. I will have few rules, no skill restrictions, nor age limits. Most any regulator would reject it in a New York Minute.There would be all kinds of demands for regulation; rules, safety measures, separation of ages and skills, required protection devices, etc etc etc.

However could people have possibly skated without a government to make all the rules and decisions for them? Yes, our brain-fried decrepit hippies, who went from hating the government to running (and even further corrupting) it, are the only ones snart enough to have ever figured out a smart and safe way for us to enjoy sliding on ice.

Leave people free to make their own choices and a skaters find their own path. Trust the average citizen to get by in his own life, and tell him to STFU about his neighbor's, and most our problems go away. I know its amazing and surprising, But those brilliant and educated men that wrote the Constitution and founded our Republic actually knew what they were doing.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Safe Spaces for conservatives on campus

The liberals are up in arms, as usual. They find it insulting and hupocritical that their fellow students,  though conservative, want Safe Spaces as well. Never mind that the 14th amendment provides for equal treatment under the law; since when have liberals cared about the Constitution, or the Rights within?

But lets look back over the last year:
There have been plenty of claims by liberals of threats, and even a few spats of violence. But inevitably, either there is no corroboration (nothing but the person's word they were "threatened") or they doctored the event for publicity (the several proven cases of paying bused-in protesters to rough people up) or it was found that the liberal struck first, and then got their ass kicked.

We keep finding that, while liberals, leftists, and democrats feel threatened, no one is actually lifting a finger against them, except in self-defense.

On the other hand, we have quite a number of proven cases where these same scum sent people to the hospital for the "crime" of supporting republicans in general and trump in particular. And usually the police refused arrest afterwards, in spite of the fact it was clearly felony grade assault.

No wonder the conservative students want Safe Spaces. God knows when the next liberal will decide to attack, and under what pretext. These students, simply for having an opinion, are risking life and limb just walking the campus next to those psychotic liberals who think it is acceptable to beat someone half to death for the "crime" of  disagreeing. Hell, even ISIS has better reasoning than that, though not by much.

Personally, I find it very telling that those who"feel" threatened are the ones committing the brutal violence and denying others the basic civil right of safety.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Feminists pissed over No-Shave November

Ahh, November. That one month of the year where men dont shave, in order to call attention to all the health problems, mental problems, social problems, sexual problems, and every other kind of problem that only men suffer from.

From getting your balls checked for cancer, to yet another sensitivity class because you prefer to call women you dont know "hun" or "darlin" instead of "ho", "bitch", or any of the other "quaint" ebonics terms the ghetto slime have infected our language with, these are problems women just plain dont have. The same way they claim we cant understand the burden of breast cancer because we dont have boobies, they cant understand burden of testicular cancer, no matter how much they claim to the otherwise. (and arguing will just get you yet another trip to HR's sensitivity training)

So its entertaining to see these dumb bitches whining that Ni-Shave November isnt inclusive enough of women, and so must go. Ummm, the only month of the year we arent eyebrow deep in your sniveling, bitching, whining, and crying about every little boo-boo, every almost-sad feeling; the one month of the year we arent required by the politically correct police to be head-up your cooch to our shoulders, your now pissing and moaning "doesnt include you enough"? Are you naturally this retarded, or are you going out of your way to act like a lobotomized brain-dead dumb bitch? No, seriously; I didnt think anyone could miss such a simple point with such an epic fail unless it was intentional.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Castro is dead.

Castro is dead. Democrats and liberals tell us we should "respect and celebrate" his life. That he was "a hero".

A "hero" that jailed and killed any who disagreed with him, and has been doing so since 1947. A ruler so feared and reviled by his people that there are more Cubans living in America, refugees who fled for their lives, than there are  left living in Cuba itself.

We are supposed to respect his support of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. Except that Mandela wasnt jailed for being black, Mandela was jailed for hanging tires filled with gasoline around people's necks and tossing matches into the mix. Mandela was jailed for cutting limbs off of innocent women and children with machetes in the middle of the street in broad daylight as "protest". Mandela was arrested, tried, and legally thrown in prison for doing in the 1950s exactly what ISIS is doing today in the Middle East. If Mandela were starting his reign of terror in today's climate instead of pushing up daisies, we would be trying to put a drone-launched Hellfire missile up his ass, as we are currently doing to Kony and the rest of his "Lord's Resistance Army" fanatics, instead of "celebrating his legacy", as liberal dumb-asses keep demanding we do. Castro helped a fellow anti-capitalism terrorist. Of course the American Left loves that.

Saddam ruled similar to Castro. But Saddam didnt support communism, nor was a friend of JFK. So it was ok to blow Saddam's brains out, while we're supposed to "celebrate" a bastard more evil, who tortured and killed almost as many, in spite of ruling a country so much smaller, both in size and population.

Joseph Stalin, the Russian Dictator that slaughtered more innocent civilians than Hitler, considered Castro too extreme, too brutal, too savage, and unfit to truly align with. But our current American Left mourn's Castro's passing, and sees Castro as a "hero".

Ask any Cuban decent American about Castro. The stories of his atrocities make even callous soldiers blanch in their cruelty. The fact that even as recently as a decade ago, failure to vote for Castro was still an executable "crime" in Cuba, a fact condemned by the UN and most civilized countries of the world, is ignored by the American Left, who demands we "celebrate" his life and wait "for History to judge" this murderous bastard.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Meandering through the headlines

So obama is saying he doesnt intend to constantly deride trump, but will step back to his community rabble-rousing roots whenever he feels it's important. He should remember that almost every single one of his elections was won by him bribing courts to unseal records. If he becomes too much of an inconvenience, his records can just as easily be unsealed, and America will finally know what he's been hiding these last 8 years.

Nancy Pelosi has been the House Democrat leader for 14 years, and is now facing a serious challenge. She doesnt know why. Well, lets look at her record:
A) in 2007, she took control as Speaker saying $5-$6 and higher for a gallon of gas was a great thing. Of course all her liberal elite friends, the people who hire driving services to hail them around thought this was great; it kept "the rabble" off the roads. The rest of America felt is sucked, as they had to quit jobs because they couldnt afford to drive to work.
B) "We have to pass it so you can know whats in it" Yeah, even the grade-school civics classes knew thats not how its supposed to work
C) for the last 8 years, this old bat has been fighting for "women's rights" to abortion and birth control, apparently forgetting that those battles had already been won decades before, when most the voters she's trying to win werent even a scratch in daddy's pants yet.

I dont know why California is so hell-bent on sending this poor old biddy, clearly suffering from elderly dementia and Alzheimer's, back to congress over and over. It's almost cruel to keep the senile old bag working when it's clear she doesnt even know what decade she's in.

Bloomington Indiana, home of one of the biggest party colleges in the state, and almost as liberal as the California college towns, decided that Easter and Christmas were "too christian", and Columbus Day was "too white", so they decided to rename them. Well, maybe Im just too logical, but if a Christian holiday, that exists only because of the religion, is too religious, then you should just shut up and be forced to work it like it's any other day (no extra pay, no special benefits, no nothing) while those that are religious take the time off for observances, as guaranteed by their 1st Amendment rights. Or you can just go ahead and ban ALL religious observance, including muslim, jewish, etc etc etc. Well, maybe we can keep Beltane; getting drunk, then getting naked and dancing around a bonfire sounds kinda fun, as long as we do it in decent weather.

A bunch of pampered self-righteous arrogant broadway actors took it upon themselves to lecture a popular governor and future VP about how he should govern, apparently too stupid to realize that VPs dont govern. They're just there to give the late-night talk show hosts something to monologue about. Sadly, these chumps cant understand that its precisely this sort of behavior that has ensured no one cares about their opinions in the first place.

And finally, an interesting comparison is about to take place, though it will take time to draw the data.
When obama took office, democrats controlled all 3 houses: White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. And couldnt get jacksh^t done. They blamed the fact they couldnt get their own party to support their lunacy on the republicans, and begged for a filibuster-proof control. When they got it, they still couldnt get anything done.

Trump is taking office with the republicans holding all three houses. But there are a whole lot of republicans that REALLY dont want to work with trump. Will they remain as deaf to the public as they have been for the last 8 years? Will they work with the man who won? Will they be as ruthless, and steamroll over democrats the way democrats ruthlessly rolled over them these last 8 years? It will be interesting to evaluate how these two parties respond when given a clear mandate and the near-unstoppable power to follow that mandate. Assuming the republicans finally turned up their hearing aids enough to understand what that mandate is.

What the HELL has happened to Black America?

As a little kid, when I looked at elderly black Americans, I saw pride. And I also saw pain. The first-hand view of the slights and real abuses suffered by their grandparents and parents right in front of them, to say nothing of what they endured themselves.... A young child couldnt understand the kind of emotional scars that leaves, not how those scars never go away. And hte pride of pain overcome, hardship overcome, of winning their right to be seen as equal to all others.

The black peers my parents' age didnt have pain in their eyes; they had rage. They used that rage to justify their terrorism: their symbol- a closed fist-promising violence; their ringing cries of "bah anay me-ans necessary"-used to justify the savage inhuman monsters gunning down children, pregnant women, and other "soft targets" as we would call them today. The only difference between the Black Panthers (both of Farrakhan's day and ours) and ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc is geography. They all use the same terrorist tactics, preying on the innocent, weak and helpless because they are too cowardly and weak to face a real fight. Monstrous beasts that deserved to be slaughtered as quickly as possible were instead raised as desirable, respectable, and valued citizens, allowing the cancer of their hate to fester in our society.

Then we reach the blacks of my generation, who had never known such hardship. There was joy and pride in their eyes as youth. But when they got older, and had to stand as adults, they found out "life sucks". And they were stupid enough to think it was because they were black, rather than understanding, as most the world does, that "Life sucks" is a universal constant, as real and impartial and continuous as gravity or the  Pythagorean theorem or Pi. This made them sullen, angry and bigoted, and they forgot everything their ancestors had fought so hard to achive.

And their children are worse, with a ridiculous sense of entitlement, no realistic concept of what bigotry or even hardship really means, and just as quick as their racist, inhuman grand[parents to brutalize and kill "what peoplez" because they think it will do something other that get them arrested, possible even killed.

In 1952, The "gang of 9" were 9 black children who had been the center of the Brown v Board of Education case that ended segregation. They had to be escorted to school by a platoon of Infantry soldiers for their safety; they risked their lives evey single day for the right to receive a decent education. This is the second generation demanding the "right" to be able to drop out of school and put on welfare, supported by America, simply because they dont want to work.

The good Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr died for, among other things, the right for black people to vote, and have that vote count equal to anyone else's. Today, we fight tooth and nail to get black people to care enough to e ven register, much less actually vote.

When the civil rights act passed in 1964, blacks talked of how they intended to have a renaissance period; they would revolutionize music, business, law, blah blah blahblah. The whole world would change, and it would be blacks changing it, and for the better. What few changes they have mad have been disasters. What the fuck happened?

Saturday, November 19, 2016

"Let them eat cake"......

So we see the fashion industry has jumped on the bandwagon, railing at the results of the election, throwing tantrums, and refusing to "dress" the future First Lady. One hag, who's sole claim to fame has been wrapping the wookie in tentage and claiming its "fashion" these last 8 years, decided she refused to work with the trump family. Guess the trumps are lucky they didnt ask her.

The theater children, only a half-step less contemptible than hollywood, for the same reasons, decided to lecture the future VP, apparently to ignorant of the material in the play they've been doing for months to understand vice presidents have no power; they exist only to give the talentless hacks doing "late night" material for their monologues. Maybe if they'd had a meaningful message, it could have been overlooked? But no, they had to continue the same tantrums as the rest of the snowflakes.

What none of these meaningless, worthless asshats can comprehend is that it is exactly this self-centered, elitist attitude that handed trump his victory; their being arrogant assholes for decades led to this revolt. They have, for a quarter century, been calling on the average man to suffer every more while they live in ever greater luxury, while claiming that luxury to be hardship, in effect paralleling perfectly the French aristocracy just before the Revolution. the only question left is which asshat is so out of touch as to be titled today's Marie Antoinette?

Friday, November 18, 2016

If not for double standards, they'd have none at all

In 1999, Senator Jeff Sessions (currently recommended for Attorney General under Trump)  called successfully for Alabama native Rosa Parks to be given the Congressional gold medal, one of the highest awards a civilian can receive. In doing so, Sessions made a passionate call for lawmakers to renew the principle of equality under the law.

“As legislators, we should work to strengthen the appreciation for this fundamental governing principle by recognizing those who make extraordinary contributions towards ensuring that all American citizens have the opportunity, regardless of their race, sex, creed, or national origin, to enjoy in the freedoms that this country has to offer,” Sessions said, before calling Parks a “living embodiment of this principle.”

A year later, Sessions attached an amendment to an appropriations bill that gave $1 million to Alabama for the Rosa Parks Library, Museum and Learning Center at Troy State University Montgomery Campus as a way of memorializing the Montgomery Bus Boycott, for which Parks’ protest was the impetus.

In 2005, after Parks’ death, Sessions gave a passionate tribute to her on the floor of the Senate, saying “history will remember Rosa Parks for shaking America's conscience and changing the course of our Nation for the better.”

In 2012, Sessions introduced a resolution to the Senate floor, along with Michigan Democratic senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, to observe the 100th anniversary of Parks’ birth. “Her courage ignited major changes in our nation and lead a revolution in race relations. Mrs. Parks will always be remembered as a courageous individual, who confronted injustice head-on and, in so doing, changed our nation. Her legacy continues to endure,” Sessions said.

When Senator Sessions was U.S. Federal Attorney, he filed a number of desegregation lawsuits in Alabama and he also voted in favor of the 30-year extension of the Civil Rights Act,and also voted to confirm Attorney General Eric Holder.

And he is still accused of being a racist
A) because he's attached to the Trump administration
B) because he's from Alabama. Personally, Im getting rather sick of the liberal asshats of this country accusing everyone else of being bigots when the only real signs of racism come from the liberals.
After all, its liberals that tell all the so-called minorities they cant succeed unless a bunch of old white men in DC do it for them. And the minorities suck it up like candy every time.

Hypocrisy in action

When otraitor openly admitted he wanted to make America a fully socialist country, anyone that opposed the idea was "racist".
Anyone who opposed his plan to steal every last penny from the middle class and give it to Louise Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and his billionaire donators was an "ebul bigot".
No one was allowed to even suggest disagreement with his moronic communist ideas, extremely racist views, and liberal lunacies without being savaged by the entire media, most politicians, and half the country, collectively, being called every insult in the book, with plenty made-up on the spot to explain new "outrages".

Not even the most violent of the racist groups called for odipshit to be assassinated, even though, given the numerous counts of treason he committed, there was plenty of justification. Never did anyone call for his wife and children to raped. (only democrats consider that acceptable "protest")

Bush never defended himself, never rubbed odumbass's nose in the fact that reality kept justifying Bush, the chemical weapons were found (and kept being denied; even today, the democrats will admit soldiers were poisoned, but by WMDs that "were never there; that didnt exist". Figure out that stupidity) Bush did everything in his power to ensure peaceful transition of power, and then stepped aside, accepting the will of the people, to let the traitorous coward sabotage our country, without any attempt to foment discord or rebellion.

Its been just over a week. Democrat filth have murdered almost 25 people, and wounded hundreds more. Calls to assassinate Trump for the sole "crime" of defeating a traitor and spy in a fair and honest election now number at around 5 million. 3 million people of the total 5million not only want trump assassinated, they want all his male family members also murdered, and all his female family members raped (apparently, its been upped to "gang-raped by niggers" because in the supposedly non-racist democrat mind:
A) its ok for anyone, especially white people, to call blacks "niggers".
B) being "gang-raped" by blacks would somehow be worse than being "gang-raped" at all?)

Odisgrace has joined hollywood, the media, and many democrat politicians, and is now openly calling for rebellion against the results of the fair and legal election. Which makes sense, given he only won his through criminal activities, like forcing open sealed records and blatant voter-registration fraud and actual voter fraud.

They are demanding to get rid of the electoral college, since that system is the only reason:
A) we even have republican victories
B) Anyone living outside of Southern California and NYC gets to have a voice in choosing our leaders.

Looking at the democrat platform (both words and deeds) for the last 15 years, it not surprising they are trying to strip most of America from having a voice, or rights, or any freedoms at all in this country. They want to go back to medieval Europe, with themselves as the aristocrats.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lena Dunham

So we have a woman who's whole mission in life is to pretend to be someone else.
She is eager to expose as much of her nude body to the paparazzi as they can stomach; lets face it, she may not be ugly, but there are FAR more photogenic actresses willing to get naked. I know the days of classy actresses like Audrey Hepburn are long gone, but she and her peers sink the bar to new lows that mean "classless" needs to be redefined". Given her willingness to flaunt her nudity and willingness to screw anything desperate enough to crawl in the sack with her...well, here in Indiana, we have a few names for women like that, and none are complimentary. 

As if all this wasnt enough indication that this woman should be considered a colossal failure in life, (and an indictment of our society that she isnt) trump's win last week left her deciding she's going to go ask a rock in the Arizona desert for the answers to all the great questions of life. Yep, a rock. As if that wasnt crazy enough, she expects it to answer her. This humongous train-wreck is what Lena Dunham calls a life, and the media demands we not only care, but give it special attention as a guiding influence in our own.

Well, God has a purpose for everyone, even if that purpose is simply to be an example of what not to be.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Planned Parenthood's professional protesters

Ok, lets do the math:
Planned Parenthood is paying $15 per hour and promising 77hours a week
so thats 40 hours at $15=$600
and another 37 hours at time and a half, or $22.50=$832.50

So each protester gets $1432.50 per week of protesting Trump.
and Planned Parenthood is averaging 11,000 people at these events they protest, so they are spending $15,757,500 PER EVENT, and having at least 3 events a week. So they are spending 47,272,500 PER WEEK.
Last year, they took in a total of 553.7 million for operating expenses. Total, for the entire year. And for the last two months, they have been spending almost 10% of that, EACH WEEK, for eight weeks, to bus protesters in to cause trouble.

Now, if they've spent nearly 80% of their reported income (10% each week for 8 weeks is 80%) just on "protests" against trump (polite wording from the media for what more honestly should be called riots) how much do you think is being spent on anything else? Considering the fact that abortions make up 3/4ths or more of their medical expenditures, is there really anything else going on? Is there enough money left to pay for anything else, really?

And the ones getting paid $15/hour are the bottom of the barrel; they pay up to $35 and $45 and hour for "special events".

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Next from our "peaceful" protesters

It took several years for the scum infesting the democrats to start calling for the rape of the Female Bush family members and assassination of the male ones. Its only taken them a week to get there for trump. The media is still calling this "peaceful" and doesnt consider it in the least sexist or misogynist for democrats to DEMAND women be raped.  That tells alot about the media, and about democrats. No decent, civilized, humane, sane person could or should belong to a group that expresses their displeasure by demanding rape and murder of those they disagree with.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Day Six

And still the protests continue.....

We have a select section of bigoted  negroids that think only in terms of skin color, and so assume that trump's win is about racism, unable to comprehend that the rest of us care more about the content of your character (or lack of character, in their case). No one cares what black people say or think anymore because most every one that gets on tv is spouting the bigoted, moronic horseshit these f^*ktards encourage.

Then we have the skank sluts claiming to be feminists. The Director of the FBI announced hill-bitch was too stupid and incompetent to comprehend the severity and seriousness of her crimes; she was mentally unfit to stand trial because she couldnt comprehend why or how she had broken the law. Then, on weiner's porn computer, they found 650 THOUSAND emails showing she most certainly did understand, and had deliberately played the FBI for chumps.

The feminazi skanks somehow think that holding a bitch responsible for her treasonous spying is "sexist". This is why no one gives a shit what feminists think anymore, because they keep spouting retarded shit like this.

Liberalism is, quite simply, a mental illness. How else can you classify any "philosophy" that makes such lobotomizing statements as:
"if you manage to crawl above the lower 30% of Amercia's economic division, you deserve to be punished!"
"Soldiers should be sent to war, but not sent food, ammo, or equipent to fight that war!"
"You have the freedom to do anything you want, as long as "what you want" is to do everything I say, and agree with everything I say!"

These protestors are doing the very things they spent the week before the election demanding the nation take steps to criminalize and prevent from happening, when they thought it would be trump supporters. And they deny that they are hypocrites. America would be better off without this filth; tap the Marines; issue live ammo; authorize lethal force; and inform the Marines "no prisoners, no tolerance".

Sunday, November 13, 2016

"peaceful" protests; several shot but none dead....yet

So, its been 5 days since trump won. We're still seeing rioting, looting, vandalism, traffic stopped by burning obstructions (and white people assaulted at those stops), buildings being set on fire if there's anything that looks like support for trump, or even support for business, and there have been reports now of about 20 people shot, though none dead yet, thank god.

This is what the media terms "peaceful" protest. But only when done by democrats or blacks. If done by anyone else, the media would be demanding the National Guard be deployed with orders to shoot first, forget the questions, and shoot again.

Buy why are these psychopathic homicidal monsters so worked up over this election?

Basically, they believed the echo chamber saying they would win. They believed that the larger part of America that's been suffering for decades; the part that ISNT academia, or rich, or gay, or liberal, and therefore has been getting shit on and forced to slave away to provide for the convenience of the rest; these idiots honestly believed the "silent majority" either didnt exist, or didnt matter. They expected hillary-the-criminal to breeze into her coronation with no problems, and turn the whole government into communist USSR. They cant understand why anyone would resist that. They cant understand why people they've continuously raped and beaten for decades didnt cheerfully bend over to take it up the ass again.
Yes, they really are that f*^king retarded.
And its only because the media has long since sold out any hint of ethics or integrity (like calling protests that: beat people near to death; burn buildings; and encourage mass shootings; Calling that "peaceful") that such dangerously insane, mentally damaged morons are allowed among the general population.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The blind, deaf and stupid

so, its been 4 days since the election.. And the media, the politicians, and hollywood are still trying to tell people what to think, what to feel, how the people were supposed to vote. Apparently these poor fools still cant comprehend the idea that Americans dont like to be told what to do.

And now we watch as all the people that ranted that elections should be accepted regardless of outcome or undeniable proof of fraud are rioting, vandalizing, and assaulting in protest of a completely legal and legitimate election. Its just about time to order the military to lock and load, and patrol the streets with standing orders to leave no surviving rioters or looters.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Trump won

So, the ruling elites have been workung overtime, scratching their collective ass, unable to understand why Trump won. The only answers they can comprehend sre the "-isms", that race, gender, etc are why trump won.

And, as usual, they're so wrong it would make a typically shitty hollywood comedy flop if anyone filmed it. So here are the REAL reasons trump won:

1) Life sucks under the elites, and has for a quarter century, and the elites didnt care. Thanks to slick Willie, too worried about sexually molesting women to pay attention to the moronic mistakes his staff were making, the trade agreements shipped our jobs off to mexico and china. If you studied economics, yes, this is supposedly a "good" idea, but only for the very top and very bottom of the economic spread; everyone in-between gets fucked. As we've seen happen. Why do you think quality of life is improving in the shit-holes, and here, the rich get richer while everyone else gets screwed? Thats the way the model is SUPPOSED to work. The rulers knew it, and didnt care. "let them eat wheat grass." :roll: Damned fools didnt realize that by copying the attitudes of the French Monarchy, they would get the French revolution. Fortunately, we're civilized enough not to lop off heads.

2) And then, since dem filth took over about a decade ago, theres been the grand inquisition against middle/upper-middle class: if you manage to succeed well enough to earn $125K a year, you get punished. Never mind the fact that in places like CA, much of FL, NY (hell all of New England, really) $125,000 is just middle class; you can just barely pay all the bills on that.
Aint much sense in striving to hit that pay level when the tax bracket means you'll take home smaller checks than if you were earning "only" $120grand a year. The dem policies put a cap on how well you want to do, dissuading people from even trying to achieve beyond a certain point.

Its much like welfare; until you find a job with a certain pay level (in Indiana, it happens to be $60K annual) you're actually better off to stay on welfare and try for all the extra programs, and live off of other people's money. The same with the democrat tax plans; if you intend to earn over the $125K mark, its going to have to be a huge jump over it, or your actually better off staying just below, where you get to keep more of your money. Basically, you're forbidden from being successful, unless you can make the jump directly into the upper 0.01%
It shouldm be obvious how that ruins lives and the country.
And it should piss everyone off.

3) The insults; the way the elites decided anyone who disagreed with them was a bigot; It wasnt bad enough that they set out to destroy everyone's life, then they had to start insulting the victims for being upset about it. And couldnt figure out why the victims were becoming even more angry.

4) Michael Moore
I was shocked to discover I actually agreed with thus guy on something. Paraphrased, his rant says:

"What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. Working-class middle Americans have lost their jobs, houses, and cars; they have terrible health care plans; they're angry. On Nov. 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth … and put a big f---ing X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives: Donald J. Trump."

Even HE gets it:
Life has sucked for the average blue collar worker (regardless of color, religion, gender, or even planet of origin) for decades. And its kept getting worse. No one has cared, and the few that noticed only used it for lip-service to gain votes. obama the cowardly traitorous filth disgracing The People's House only won because people thought he would help the lower half of America, not sell it out to the muslims, allowing them to kill us at their leisure. Trump promised to put some foot to ass and put the rungs back in the social economic ladder that would let those of us at the bottom start climbing up again. Like odumbass' win, the people are buying into trump, begging for a chance to regain the old America, where the American Dream was possible for everyone, not just the filthy rich.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

The third debate is over, and the only thing being taken away is Trump saying he would wait to see the results before accepting them. Democrats and the media are rabidly frothing at the mouth over this warning that he expects voter fraud. "How dare he?" "Why does he?" Well, lets just look at the facts:

We go on to read in the story that it was actually 6 times! 

thousands of voter records with first names or dates of birth that were altered for unknown reasons.
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

We have illegal aliens, convicted felons still in prison, children and the dead not only registered, but casting votes!
And democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

 In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. Snopes confirms the numbers, but goes on to claim that its not only possible for a candidate to receive ZERO votes in over 50 districts, but "That {the} result was hardly surprising." They go on to make claims "proving" their (consistently liberally biased) beliefs. We're supposed to believe that in a city of 1.57 million people, there arent any republicans? At all? Anywhere? Thats enough bullsh!t to fertilize every farm in Indiana!
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

And we wont even go into the fact that most of Philly (and other liberal strong-holds) yet again had more voters show up pulling the "D" lever than there were citizens legally eligible to vote in the district. You had more votes than people!
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

The repeated statement is "There isnt enough fraud to suggest its a problem." As listed above, a woman during live broadcast across the nation on CNN, publicly confessed to voting SIX TIMES for obama in 2012. And, of course, The obama administration Dept of "Just-us" refused to prosecute; The Obama FBI refused to arrest. 
Democrats and the media told us there was no voter fraud, even as people confessed to it. On live television. In front of the entire nation.
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.

 And they try to villify Trump for saying the fix is in. The FBI director admitted Hillary committed espionage against her country, laid out a full case for perjury as well, refused to investigate the treason or "accessory to murder" charges for Benghazi,  nor bothered to look at the very obvious (and record level) of bribery (pay-to-play) she confesses to in her emails; all this, but he didnt think confessions by her own hand were strong enough evidence to justify prosecution. He didnt arrest her because he "didnt have enough evidence". 
A 4-star general is going to prison for lying to the FBI once. Hillary lied for almost 4 years, and the FBI shrugs its shoulders. There are 10 different military servicemen in prison for "sharing classified itell", for passing details and picture of enemies on to the next patrol, because that was "classified". Obeying the 2nd general order of the military, that you will report info to the next guy coming on-shift, was considered a crime, and these men are locked away in a federal penitentiary with no chance for parole, while hillary sold us out to enemy nations and the terrorists we're at war with, and still walks free.
She should be in prison, not a candidate for presidency.
But democrats and the media tell us this election is rigged. You have to wonder, if this isnt blatant and depraved enough to make them honest, what level of criminal activity will it take before they finally admit that the elections are fixed?

Friday, August 26, 2016

Freedom of speech and college professors

So we have now seen several confirmed cases where College professors, at State Universities, paid by our tax dollars, are proudly justifying their using those tax dollars to indoctrinate, bully, and fund their mission of attacking republicans-in-general, especially conservatives. Oh, and, of course, demonizing trump in the most juvenile and idiotic of ways. Just this week a woman was "honnored" by her peers and granted her Masters degree for comparing trump to Voldemort from the "Harry Potter" books, and claiming that fiction guided political beliefs. It is taking a great deal of effort to even attempt to take seriously the moronic lunacy required to make such an association.

Well, obviously its not true that fiction influences political beliefs, except maybe to win converts to the vilified side (the opposite of her claim); the fiction of the 40s, 50s, and 60s demonized liberalism, socialism, and communism, and yet thats all the democrats hold holy.

But the much deeper questions are:
Should our tax dollars be going to fund such blatant propaganda? The universities of America have become a second marketing vector, with a captive audience that MUST submit to the brainwashing in order to pass. They freely admit the bias, and say that it's their duty to push even harder against their opposition. Somehow, they miss the hypocrisy of demanding raises while at the same time demanding the entire country become socialists or communists. They see no conflict in "safe zones" where you cannot wsay anything that might offend them, while they are free to offend, insult and denigrate you, your beliefs, your race, history, culter, and background; the whole while claiming "1st Amendment".

Which leads to the next question. Should we be allowed to fire any Public Institution Teacher who presents political opinions? In the military, it's actually an imprison-able offense to publicly have opinions. In the corporate world, it is justified grounds for termination of employment. Most emergency responders and government bureaucrats can be fired if they make their political opinions known publicly. Most arent, because they share the "correct" opinions with their boss, which should offend any loyal American, regardless of beliefs or party affiliation.

Monday, August 1, 2016

use of the words "nigger", "honky", and "cracker"

Its interesting to see the endless double standard of this supposedly "racist" (but only when white people use it) word. Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, used it slightly more than half a decade ago, in a script he was forced to follow to stay employed; he used it "correctly" according to ghetto "culture" (for lack of a better word), talking to a close friend, both in life and in script at the time, and he had the permission of Booker Huffman (aka: Booker T) to whom he was referring, to use it for that scripted segment. Five years later he was savaged by the NAACP, among others, for doing once what they do on a daily basis.

Miss Teen USA is being attacked today for the same thing; some blacks (who call each other "niggers" all the time as a sign of "friendship") are offended that, at the age of 13, she had so deep a "friendship" with a black female that they called each other "nigger" and "honky/cracker" respectively (incidentally, you wont hear from the media or the blacks ranting over this about the bigoted remarks of the black girl, just the white one. How typically black) So, either this was a form of playful endearment between to children who were truly color-blind, as the good Rvd Dr Martin Luther King Jr had dreamed (and most blacks today are actively trying to prevent) or we had two bigoted little bastards that needed an attitude correction. Which implies that any black still using any of those 3 words is a bigot in need of an attitude adjustment.

So, we see that any black person on tv, from the arrested idiot acting like he won something to politicians and rich entertainers "gibin shou'outz ta mah niggers out de'ah" regularly. Buy why? They claim its to "own the hate", "turn it around",  and a bunch of other worn-out psycho-babble from the 60s (the last decade in which blacks graduating from high school, and there-fore having access to such vocabulary, was higher than 70%) And yet, Italian Americans arent calling each other racist derogatory terms, nor are Jewish descended Americans. Hispanics, who were enslaved in those fields beside the blacks dont refer to each other with bigoted terms. The Irish, who experienced slavery just like the blacks, except the Irish were used for unskilled labor in the North, instead of farming labor in the south; Their descendants dont refer to each other with terms of hate.

Nor do we see the claim that "(insert name) just isnt "(insert race)" enough!", except from blacks. George Zimmerman was the first Latino Ive ever seen in my lifetime called a "white" man;(which is entertaining - Spaniards are Mediterranian mixed with black African; Peruvian {hus mother} are Native America mixed with Spaniard; And his Father is American black. He was more in touch and a part of minority culture than obama will ever hope to be) Granted, it was only to sell the great lie of "ebul whitey!" But still.....Normally, Latinos are considered Latinos, especially by blacks; blacks see them as less than and different from white, though still partially "to blame" for black "suffering".

Now, Im not sure where the motivation would be to try being "black enough", considering everywhere you went, most every black you saw would be calling you one of the most bigoted words in our country's lexicon. (but only when said by white people) It seems that the "rights" they believe they should have, the right to assault anyone at any time, to do any drugs, rob anyone; basically to be lawless animals unfit to be called humans, much less allowed to live in human society, are not the "rights" any sane, responsible, humane person would support, nor even want. (well, ok, with an exception made for assault against ex-spouses lol)

These people say they want freedom, equality and respect. They've had freedom since 1865; they've had equality since 1965; respect is earned, not given. And they havent done much in 250 years to earn it. The only significant contribution they've made to our society is more hate and bigotry, the very things we should be trying to eliminate.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Will the people win in this election?

The GOP convention is over, and those seeking to overturn the voice of the voters failed in their attempt to keep power concentrated within the elite circles. Now we wait with concern to see if the democrats will be able to pull free from their overlords or not. It is a problem I discuss often with my democrat and liberal friends: do you actually support whats happening in DC? They tell me "no, but I oppose republicans!" Then I talk to them, draw out their actual thoughts with examples and scenarios and opinions on laws, and discover they didnt realize most of their firmly held beliefs about republicans are fantasies and lies fed to them by the power-mongers of DC; that they actually DO agree with the actual policies of the conservative republicans, just not the soundbites played by the media. Interestingly, they see that as a "sneaky trick"; yet another duplicity to hate republicans for. And people wonder why I find liberals and democrats so silly.

Ultimately, while I have my preferences, I am willing to accept any legal candidate who fairly and honestly wins in a free and democratic election.

But as trump and bernie have both pointed out, the democrat primary was rigged. It was rigged 8 years ago, when the party ordered hillary to let the cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House  win. The only way to appease her and prevent her burning the entire party to the ground was to promise her "nexties". Hence the "super delegate" bullshit, where some party flunky with orders from the elites gets more of a say than any of the voters.

And while everyone knew it was happening, now we have the proof that the party did everything it could to screw bernie over and gift-wrap the nomination for hillary. Thats not fair, not free, not honest. Thats not the voice of We the People. And so I cannot support her, even if she does win the election. Only by cheating, collusion, and favors did she advance this far; God only knows what she did to keep from being charged in the several crimes that FBI freely admitted she committed, but refused to prosecute her for.

No. An election between trump and bernie would have been the voice of the people. And the elites might be right, it could be bad for the country in the short term. But it wouldnt be as bad as this, the elites trying to kill democracy, which will have long-term ramifications. If they win, We the People lose.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The truth about guns

so matt damon wants to open his mouth about who should be allowed to own guns. Even as he's praising Australia for their buy-back, their papers, FINALLY able to get trie crime statistics from their government, find out crime has been exploding at an 80% growth rate for the last decade. The Aussie PM is threatening the criminal biker gangs of the country that smuggle guns that he is going to get serious about it. Meanwhile, they'll just shoot some more cops, and a couple innocent citizens for kicks.

Damon is too much the retarded moron to comprehend the underlying message most the films of his career have hung on: no one screws with you if they think you can kill them. Democrats keep using that mindset to justify taking guns from the people least likely to use them illegally. The biker gangs of Australia prove what most of us already knew, what prohibition already proved: if you make it illegal, then only criminals will have it, be it guns, booze, drugs; whatever.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

And the Storm continues....

I had been waiting for things to calm down after hillary was declared too incompetent to be arrested for her crimes.

Funny thing, that. People see only what they want to, and democrats somehow actually saw comey's saying she DID commit the crimes, but was either too incompetent, too senile, or too stupid to have malicious intent as saying she was not guilty. Of course, the problem is that much like illegal immigration, drug possession or most weapons charges, the specific 2 articles he chose to focus on (while ignoring a good dozen others he was ordered to investigate for) DONT REQUIRE malicious intent. Hell, they dont even require your knowledge you're committing a crime, as the many lawyers on the congressional committee pointed out.

Then we had yet another angry black man acting like a worthless POS animal, living down to the stereotype thats become far too much a reality these days. 5 cops dead and 6 wounded, and that bwas just the start. Since then there's been at least one more officer killed every day. BLM, Black Panthers, and the other agitators and hate-mongers got their wish. And they are seeing how little it is tolerated, and how they've lost any forward movement they hoped to gain since their lunacy started. Now a good many decent, law abiding, respectable, kind people cheer the cops on. A criminal trying to kill a cop to keep from being arrested didnt get much sympathy before; now, Blue Lives Matter! And they matter far more than the filth trying to kill them. Shoot the ghetto scum for the same reason you shoot rabid dogs: to protect society.

Then there are the multiple muslim terrorist attacks, even as the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House tries to omport more, hoping they will succeed where his black armies of ghetto filth have failed; more dead white people, more chaos, more damage to America.

And then there's the coup in Turkey, where the gutless cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House congratulates hard-liner muslim extremists running the government, of course.

I guess Im going to have to stop waiting, because the shit-storm doesnt show any signs of slowing down. The only real question now is will Americans keep putting up with this, or not?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The eternally offended

Julie Roginsky is offended by Trump's "Star of David" tweet. Somehow, a red, filled in star is supposed to be the same as the Star of David. trump says it refers to a sherrif's badge which (except for the red) it looks identical to. She calls him a liar, and says that even if its the truth, he should be more sensitive.

Should we demand that every sheriff department in the nation change their badges to something else to satisfy her whiny thin-skinned worthless ass? (reporters being, by definition, worthless) I'll admit, I have trouble comprehending how people can claim to be adults when they are so weak, helpless and fragile that mere words cause them injury. Maybe the Army just did too good a job toughening me up, but it takes, ya now, actual physical violence to hurt me.

And this is really the point of our problems this last year:

Blacks are "hurt" that no one is kissing their ass; to tell them bluntly to Grow TFU is supposedly "racist". If using the word "peanut butter" and saying they should be treated the same as me makes me racist, fine! All they really succeed in doing isproving themselves too moronically ignorant to be allowed into adult society.

Nearly every single piece of gutter filth rightfully removed from both society and existence over the last few years was shot because they were trying to kill a cop. Both the law and public opinion outside the ghettos where this filth multiply, its a basic fact: try to kill a cop, and he's going to shoot you. Somehow, these worthless dregs ruining society for the rest of us feel that its "racist" to be prevented from killing cops, especially white cops; "id be nuttin but pyur bigotry an' racisist dat dey fights back." *sigh* You almost want to give them 6 months confinement to a reform school just for the crime against the English language, even before you address the sheer retardation it takes to believe the stupidity pouring out of the sewers they use for mouths.

The rhetoric from other "minorities" is just as bad, though they havent been stupid enough to resort to violence yet. Which is a good thing. The blacks want to repeat the riots and race war of the 60s. This time they wont face stoned hippies full of white guilt ready to take their side. They'll face people that have already given them equality, and saw how they squandered it; people raised to live MLK's dream, only to be told "it wasnt enough" because blacks were only treated equal; they will face large numbers of people that quite willingly own guns, have military training, and combat experience. No one wants to be responsible for starting the war that eliminates the 17% of our nation responsible for so many of its woes. But tolerance is just about used up, especially when "its not a hate crime" for degenerate blacks to target whites, even after saying their sole motivation is to find white to hurt, but its a hate crime if its "white on black" no matter the circumstances.

We have a president that says "we cant know the reasons or motivations", and attributes the cause to mental illness and social injustice when the mass murderer is black or muslim. The POS that murdered 5 Dallas cops made very clear to anyone listening he was going to kill cops, especially white cops. And we're supposed to try and find some shred of reason to paint this as anything other than the blatant racist bigotry that it was. But for the last year, we've watched endlessly as cops, white or BLACK, shooting a black thug trying to kill them, is a "hate crime".

Orlando- The muslim psycho stops multiple times before and during to ensure that everyone understands he has sworn himself to allah and isis and that he's doing it as part of jihad. But our cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House cant bring himself to say the word "terrorist" until after almost a week, where even fellow democrats are bashing him to call a spade shovel a shovel spade. (oh no, I used the word "spade" in a post talking about blacks. they'll snivel its "racist"  lolololololo)

Essentially, the eternally offended are taking over our country:
Atheists are perpetually offended at anything that acknowledges religion exists
Homos are offended that not everyone loves them
Blacks are offended that they arent ruling everything
muslims are offended that there are other religions

And the rest of us arent allowed to be free from their anger.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The difference between blacks and muslims

There is a simple difference between blacks and muslims anymore: even democrats and liberals will admit that there are dangerous muslims (well, at least those not connected to the current administration will admit it) Jihadists, extremists, whatever you want to call them, no one can deny they are here and they want to kill us, and they should be stopped. Even democrats ask why the "moderate" muslims arent doing more to help contain the problem and capture the jihadists that endanger everyone and vilify their religion.

Then we look at blacks; almost every black injured by a law enforcement officer was either resisting arrest or trying to kill the cop. Most were caught "red handed" committing another crime, and then attacked the officer, usually while under the influence of drugs. And yet, democrats and liberals side with the black agitators that openly demand more blacks try to kill cops, especially white officers. Somehow, its "racism" to arrest a man for actually committing a crime. (though after the clinton farce, they may have a point) Its "racism" for an officer to resist an attempt on his life. The scum and filth of our nation proudly march demanding whites, especially white cops, be killed, just for being white, but obama's administration doesnt consider that bigotry or "hate speech", while a white man trying to protect himself from these savage animals is automatically suspected of being a bigot. Even as the victim, somehow it is the white man's fault the animals tried to kill him.

Idiots in the media and politics claim this is a civil rights matter; that blacks are searching for justice and "equality". By chanting "kill whitey" and "kill cops" as they look for new targets to attack? To these predatory beasts, it is somehow unfair that the most basic laws of our nation: "no killing" and "no fighting" are applied to them as equally as to anyone else. Their words and actions prove they do not want equality or "fairness" but rather to be the same jungle animals bent on genocide that their ancestors were, and that they shouldnt have to face any of the consequences for it.

The cowardly traitor disgracing The People's House says that this is the reason to ban guns. These animals have already proven themselves willing to break the most basic laws of civilization; what makes you think they will obey a gun ban? Either obama is truly an idiot, or he just wants white Americans to be helpless before the animals who have openly declared a willingness and desire to kill whites. In reading the autobiographies, lokking over the legislative history, and his governance these last 7&1/2 years, it is quite believable that the cowardly traitor is working to aid muslims and blacks in their stated missions of killing off white people.

When a dog goes rabid, you shoot it. Not to punish it, but to protect the rest of society. These rabid dogs need to be put down for the same reason. And I really dont see any reason to feel guilty about it. If you want to be a monster, threatening the lives and safety of innocents, then you deserve a bullet to the head.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Time for another Reality Check

So I saw an article about this mentally ill man with fake tits claiming he was being "oppressed" and "persecuted" because he wasnt allowed to use the little girls room. Thats not a euphemism either, he wanted to use a bathroom used by the girls little leaguers (no one over 12) Because it was closer that the public park bathrooms.

The very next article was about honor killings in Pakistan; if the poor girl doesnt live perfectly according to the laws of Islam, they set her on fire. If they care, or want to be merciful, they choke her unconscious first.

I wish I could take all these sniveling thin-skinned pansies and send them to Pakistan for 3 months, just to see what REAL oppression looks like.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Pintrest win

I was surfing pintrest and saw "non-powered amplifiers for smartphone music". Sounded interesting. So I looked closer at the catagory; unfortunately, it was all merchants selling these things. Some were PVC pipe with a slot cut for your phone. Some were wood blocks. All were priced $50 or more. The one that really caught my eye and seemed silly was a cedar wood block version Etsy was selling for $65 dollars. Basically, it was a 4 inch cube with a half inch slot cut in the top for the phone and a 2&1/4 inch hole bored into a side 90* perpendicular to the phone slot.

I spent $45 on a forstner bit, which Ive been wanting anyway for several other projects, (almost mandatory for Adirondack furniture) to bore the hole, and used my miter saw for the slot. I had scrap 4x4 laying around from another project. 5 minutes of work, using scrap materials, instead of spending $65. Looks good, works decent; its more for sound in the garage, rather than any audiophile trying to play in his room. I wish every job was this easy.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Its about trust?

Sometimes, I have to wonder if the media clowns and politicians live on the same planet as the rest of us. They claim hillary's problem is getting people to trust her. Even FOX is dragging the overly mauled dead horse as an excuse why everyone hates hillary, even those voting for her.


Did these idiots drink leaded paint as children instead of kool-aid? Lived under the whole power transfer complex? Used as hockey pucks while infants? Exactly how much and what kind of brain damage do you have to have to think hillary's problems are about "trust"?

In 2008, this stupid hag claimed she was dodging snipers on a visit to Bosnia. She hadnt even finished the damned speech, and even MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic agenda, had to call bull$h!t and play the footage of the 10yr old girl giving her flowers as greeting. Even in 2008, her lies, her willingness to abuse and destroy any woman that tried to escape her husband's sexual assaults, and her greedy willingness to ignore laws and sell out to foreign hostile countries for cash had been well documented. Only the deluded and retarded (or senile old relics like pelosi, who cant even remember what decade she's in) would use the worlds "clinton" and "trust" in the same speach, unless it was opening argument to a (very rightly needed) criminal trial.

No. There is something even more basic that "trust" that leads even those that are planning to vote for her to hate her. Its just the little tiny things, like:

When asked why she let a US Ambassador be assassinated, answering "what difference does it make?"

Or, when asked why she letting the  government's most confidential secrets leek, answering "so what? Everyone does it."

When asked bluntly why she broke a law she helped her husband put into place, answering "it wasnt convenient."

It's not that we dont trust hillary. Or rather, its not just that we dont trust hillary.
In the 70s, Nixon swore he wasnt a crook.
In the 80s, Reagan couldnt remember if he was a crook.
In the 90s bill and hillary said it depends on your definition of crook.
This last several years, hillary's been saying "Of course Im a crook. So what?"

She feels she is above the law; doesnt understand why nearly 5 years of public confessions,  not just of the initial crimes, but of all the cover-ups, illegal deals, cronyism, corruption, and general douche-baggery and asshattery she has given has so many demanding she be arrested and tried. To her, its "a vast raaht-wang republican gub'mint witch-hunt conspir'cy ta bring me down", ignoring the fact that she HAS already confessed to committing all these crimes people want her arrested for.

And it is that blatant disregard for law and authority; her belief that the constitution only applies when she wants it to, and to who she wants it to; that she clearly believes is "seperate and NOT equal" law, rather than the 14th Amendment; that is her problem. She thinks she's aristocracy in a country that never had any. She's demanding her rights as "nobility" during a time when her own party base is trying to go classic Marxist. (RE: kill the nobles and split their loot among all) She's classic French fool "Marie Antoinette" complaining about her "suffering", and if the poor lack bread, then they should eat cake. Someone should probably remind her how that turned out for Marie.

Trump calling for arrest

Many politicians, on both sides, are criticizing Trump, saying he has gone beyond all sense of taste or even decency to be demanding his presumed opponent, hillary, be arrested. "Never before has one candidate accused another of felonies" they claim. The fact that the talking heads, demagogues, and politicos are so serious when they make such a lie just makes it even more funny, at least to me.

We're supposed to forget that obama, the disgrace to all Americans, was accusing Romney of 1st degree murder? According to the cowardly, honor-less traitor disgracing The People's House, Romney deliberately planned and co-ordinated the death of a woman just to save a few dollars.

The truth of the story? 4 years after Romney held any authoritative position anywhere in the company, owning a margin of stock that left him well below "Controlling interest" (this means he couldnt have done anything, even if he had known about the issue) A man who had left employment of that company found out the company insurance would no longer pay for his wife's medical bills.

Imagine that. You stop working for a company, and they take away the benefits they give you. Before I saw this 50something year old man on the news, schlepping for obama, I would have thought only college students (well, and certain European countries) were so stupid as to think this was "unfair".

Now, on the other hand, lets look at hillary's actions, and the actions obama is leaving her to hang for (because, honestly, pretty much nothing about the entire pooch-screw when she was the disgrace of state could have been done with out the president's approval) :

Within hours of the attack, we already knew the "movie" lie was just that, a lie. A lie she told on the news to the public. And a lie she told during multiple congressional inquiries and hearing, which is perjury. Democrats pilloried poor Scooter Libby for that, simply because he couldnt keep repeating the same story, word perfect for 3 years straight. And, coincidentally, he got 3 years in a Federal Penitentiary for it. Hillary couldnt keep the same story from before lunch until after. But she's not in jail yet. We have the standard, we have the precedent, we have inarguable proof of crime and guilt. We also have very obvious bias and refusal to enforce the law.

Then came the claim help couldnt have come fast enough; 4 dead Americans, one being an ambassidor, and she had the gall to say "what difference does it make?" In spite of 4 Carrier Battle Fleets in the area, all carrying 2 full wings (around a hundred planes) of combat aircraft capable of Mach 1, who could have put initial air support on-target, or the Missile Frigates of the carrier group who could launch their Tomahawk Missiles with a thousand mile range, accurate to with-in a foot, to clear the roads a bit, or the Marine Emergency team in Italy, who could have been there (from frikken ITALY!!! much less all the other, CLOSER forces the disgrace has fighting his secret wars the public hasnt been told about) in 2 hours. They claim "2 hours was too long!" So, they sat and watched live satalite feed for 8 hours as Americans fought, waiting for help that they refused to send. Even today, 5 years later, the military involved still provide evidence for the "stand-down" orders this joke of an administration claims it never made.

We have proof that the ambassador had been reporting attacks for 18 months prior to his death. He had been asking for a reinforced AMERICAN security team, instead of being forced to trust his safety to the very people threatening to kill him. We  knews within a day that not only did he report this was going to happen and ask for help; just about every informant the CIA, DIA, and the rest of the alphabet soup of Intelligence Agencies (all 41 of them) had known this was coming and warned the State Department, and been ignored. Dereliction of Duty IS a prosecutable felony offense for federal employees, especially when people get killed because of it.

We knew from the out-set Benghazi was a weapons cache obama intended to supply Syrian Al Qaeda and Libyan Taliban with. He didnt believe any of us from the military who pointed out that such equipment would end up in the hands of Afghani Taliban and International Al-Qaeda, and now we find that ISIS is using it too. Bluntly, hillary, on orders from obama (according to the congressional records) was going to pull the same Iran weapons deal that nearly got Reagan impeached 30 years ago.

All of this was kept on her private server, yet another felony that she's already confessed to. The illegal use of private property for government purposes, lack of security, intentional destruction of evidence, espionage, use of classified information for personal gain.....

And all of this is not in doubt. She has publicly confessed, either in Congressional hearings or inquiries,  (both of which are public record, and cant be blocked or suppressed) or during interviews, speeches, and debates.

We have proof of crimes. We have public confession of committing those crimes.
Trump is right:
Why is she not arrested and on trial?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Unaccounted factors to global warming

The "man-made" warmer crowd continues, in the face of all reality, to claim its people in cars causing the planet to warm up. Nevermind that planetary temperatures have remained fairly constant for over a decade. Nevermind that the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s spewed out far more C02 (among other pollutants) in 25 years than we saw during the second half of the 1900s. Nevermind that the models have been proven irreconcilably wrong (we've passed the 10 year mark that was supposed to doom the planet, and we're no where close to the tragedies predicted) We still have glaciers, and while some are melting, others are growing.

I wont address all the terrible crimes against science and humanity committed by the IPCC and the man-made warmers in general; too many others have done a far better job. Instead, Id like to look at several factors the warmers refuse to acknowledge as having any bearing on the topic. Which is why their opinions cant be trusted.

First off, they dont factor in any solar activity; flares, sun spots, and other phenomena. If you want to discuss temperature, you should start with the heat source, right? Logically, that should be a significant factor in the data. Except they still havent done any models factoring in the sun and its known effects.

Next would be another factor we already know causes massive changes to the climate world-wide. Volcanoes. True, we cant predict them, but the computer models left off the effects of the ones already erupting and effecting gthe atmosphere, and the models were never corrected for further volcanic activity. We have reliable records of 2 "Year(s) of no Summer" the first in 535-536, and the second in 1816, where volcanic ash blocked enough Solar radiation from getting to the earth that crops failed, and there was snow in July and August in most places. We know, through both science and history, of the massive impact, and how it lasts for some time, when a volcano erupts. We also know of how much (and what kind of) gas pours out with the eruptions. And yet, none of these men thought to include such data, even when trying to update their computer programs.

The next few possible factors are pure speculation on my part, I will admit.
Its seems every year for the last 20, there have been massive forest fires on the West Coast. The laws of environmentalists forbidding the clean-up of underbrush were well intentioned, but make the perfect tinder to start monsters that tend to take hundreds of miles before the fires is put out. Anyone who's worked with fire will tell you it does crazy things: It can cause gale force winds to form, pushing the air in front of it,or a back-draft can suck air to a near-vacuum. It can form a vortex going up or down, literally a tornado of flame and heat. I find it curious that all this heat, over all that area, shifting the air so much, doesnt affect the climate?

Move on to the power companies; towers extend a quarter mile in to the air for nuke, coal, or natural gas. The super-heated steam rises another quarter to half mile before it cools enough to stop being visible. That much heat should be affecting climate as well, especially with how common they are.

Solar farms are even worse, though much more rare, thank God. The air over a solar farm can reasch over 1000 degrees. That has to be affecting things.

Personally, I doubt humans are capable of harming the planet significantly. But I cant take seriously any claim to be a "scientific" study when I can thing of so many factors, right of the top of my head, that can skew the results that werent accounted for.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When enumerated rights are ignored

One of the officers of Baltimore is facing his third trial over the death of the criminal on the way to lock-up last summer. Thats "Double Jeopardy" (actually, Triple Jeopardy) and blatantly unconstitutional in the Bill of Rights. But in order to appease the the ghetto dwelling animals that will burn down their own neighborhoods in protest, he must keep being tried until they can find him guilty.

Then again, the other officers, at least the ones not acquitted or exonerated, were "found guilty by reason of being cops" rather than any actual evidence of misconduct or wrong-doing. It becomes painfully obvious that this is all theater to give legitimacy to kangaroo courts when you see even black officers being charged with "hate crimes" of racism against a black man caught red-handed who then resists arrest.

Oddly, while everyone attacks the cops and demands their blood, no one bothers to suspect the other convict in the back with the man, who was fine before the second convict was picked up, but dead when both are dropped off at lock-up. What should be tyhe prime suspect immediately was declared the star witness for prosecution against the police, before any statements or investigations even started. And this isnt setting off alarm bells anywhere?

This is what happens when you let feelings and political correctness supersede equality and the Constitution.

Activists are a plague on our society

People often ask me why I hate activists so much. Even the ones that supposedly side with me, I dislike, and my friends dont understand. Well, only activists, with their polarized, ridiculous views, could come up with the things Ive seen:

A black woman whined how unfair it was that she had to eulogize the Orlando gays infront of a crowd that was "too white" for her tastes. And the non-whites in the crowd agreed. Apparently, only minorities are allowed to give a damn now when a national tragedy happens. Then again, for activist bigots like her, national tragedies only occur when minorities die. And it must somehow be blamed on "whitey craka".  And then they wonder why they are treated with contempt and disgust.

Another dumb liberal twit blasted out a message about how she was glad that the 2 year old boy was eaten by gators in Orlando, and somehow, it was again "ebul whittey crakka's" fault. Even though she is white herself.

We're not supposed to assign guilt to the jihadist who swore allegiance to ISIS even as he was telling 911 what he was about to go do; we're supposed to blame the guns he legally had instead. And we're supposed to overlook the fact that he legally was able to get them due to bigots in the obama administration giving special treatment because of his nationality and religion; you know, basic bigotry.

But its not just liberal activists that burn me up. Twice now Ive seen stories about women who had to face the hardest choice in the world. They had late stage cancer while pregnant. Hell of a choice: get treatment that will cause an abortion, or Carry the kid and hope you live long enough to safely give birth. I lost a lot of respect for the "pro-life" movement when I heard them complaining that there shouldnt even have been a choice offered. I figure if you really want to kill yourself, you have the right. But you dont have the right to kill another. Nor demand they die to appease your conscience. That horrible choice those poor ladies had to face is a matter for them, their doctors, God, and their significant other. And no one else has the right to say a word. Oddly, for some reason, many  "pro-lifers" try to throw flak my way for that stance.

When the average people of America get together, the divides are rarely so vast that compromise cant be reached. Even people with polar opposite views can agree that "my rights end at my finger-tips, just like yours." But once you get activists involved....Its like they work to drive every discussion to the stupidest possible conclusion, and then keep it there, to cause as much pain, grief, and suffering as possible. And that is simply intolerable. Which is why I cant stand them.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Current events

So, Lynch, Head of the Dept of Justice (which no longer qualifies for that title) now wants to destroy evidence and tamper with facts to hide the motivations of the shooter in Orlando, "in order to determine [his] motives." Removing and destroying the 911 tape where he swore loyalty to ISIS doesnt change the fact he did it, or remove it as a reason.

Lynch (and the rest of the obamination administration) want this to be about guns and gays and crazies. Well, ISIS and its supporters are crazy, but ojackwagon has sided with the muslims; a point he made in his autobiographies before he got into politics, and has kept.

There's no evidence the shooter was gay, except from liberals, who claim everyone is gay a little, at various points in their life. Rather reminds me of Siggy Freud, the whack-job shrink who figured that just because he wanted to bang his mom, it must be normal. He whipped all his BS into garbage no one could prove was wrong, even though everyone knew it was. Just like modern democrat politicians; especially hillary and obama.

And then there's the guns...Democrats cant declare martial law and turn the Republic into an Empire, Roman style, as long as the civilian populace has the fire-power to resist. Why do you think democrats are so dead-set on stealing your guns from you? Laws we've had on the books since the 1930s should have prevented the jihadist from buying his guns.

But the obama administration hasnt bothered to enforce too many laws these last 8 years.At least they're consistent; consistently refusing to uphold the law, as per their oaths. And the "new" laws the democrats want to put in place wouldnt have stopped the chuckle-head from getting his guns either. They would only have prevented normal people from having access to the fire-arms that keep criminal, traitorous, cowardly would-be tyrants like obama and hillary in their place.

Our problem isnt mental illness, jihadists, guns, or terrorism. Its democrats that side with those across the world that want to destroy America. And there is a very simple and accurate word for people like that: traitor.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jim Carrey's "Liar Lair"

So, this illegal immigrant, Francisco Aguirre, that hid in a church to avoid deportation (again) back in 2014, is working on getting current administration officials to help him keep from being deported. The idiot has the nerve to say he wants ICE and other authorities to "stop targeting [him] and [his] family."

And Im reminded of Jim Carrey's Brilliant legal advice from the movie "Liar Liar": "Then stop breaking the law!" I wouldnt think that would be too hard to understand. And if he cant speak English, it should be a piece of cake to find someone able to translate a single sentence onto mexican spanish for him. Personally, I believe it takes a special kind of stupid to not simply understand that simple principle from the beginning.

The Orlando Embarrassment

The truths have come out., and the democrats must work extra hard to try spinning people's attention away from them:

 The shooter was a muslim jihadist under FBI investigation. Twice. One investigation was ordered to be ended by Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security, the second ordered to be closed by Hillary's State Department. This started, happend, and tragically ended entirely under the watch of the obama administration; there's no one to blame.

The 9-1-1 call recorded his declaration of faith and loyalty, both to is;am and to ISIS, but both obama and hillary spent several days trying to deny the tragedy was islamic terrorism.

obama has now turned to blaming the guns, because inanimate lumps of metal somehow force people to become monsters, in his delusional world. Except that this crazed psycho bought all his guns legally.

Indeed, the laws we used to have on the books that would have prevented his purchase or access, arent gun laws, but rather intelligence-sharing laws obama chose to end. The same "walls" bill and hillary built in the 90s that led to the intel agencies not being able to share the information in time to prevent 9/11, that even bill and hillarey admitted were short-sighted, poorly planned and implemented, and needed to be ended in light of that tragedy..... obama has spent the last several years rebuilding.

Democrats from obama the failure on down are trying to spin this, because it shows, just as clearly as the 9/11 commission said, that weapons arent the issue. The dedication of the enemy, and the fact that most democrat ideology plays right into the enemy's hands, are the problem.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Man and Nature

Once, there was an inherent belief, so ingrained in society that it didnt even have to be said. The idea that man was intrinsically connected to nature was common sense; medicine men taught thatb man should spend time out-doors in the elements to maintain health.

we've seen through observation that our current scientific thinking that nutrition and health is simply a matter of getting the right vitamins, minerals, and chemical compounds is wrong. We need other things that science cannot even detect. But it does know a healthy diet and activity is the best medicine for a healthy life. The more man made pharmaceuticals a person turns to, the more they have to take to alleviate the side effects of other medications.

As we study all the catastrophic environmental disasters we are facing from past environmentalist activism and knee-jerk reactions to observations without understanding and study, we should be exceedingly leery of any suggestion such fools make currently or in the future; they are the reason much of our planet is so polluted, a fact they cannot accept because they cannot admit the failure of their ideas.

But that should not prevent us from looking back at our grandfathers, our great grandfathers, the generations before us stretching back in time that didnt live as disposable consumers, and seeing what worked, and how to live in harmony with nature as they did.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

addressing the real causes

So democrats, in their usual incompetent way, are using the blood of innocents to push the tired old line that guns are evil.

Never mind the fact that this man had somehow passed Hillary Clinton's State department background check, and another from Each Sec of the Dept of Homeland Security, as well as two FBI investigations, ALL done during the Obama administration.

Was special preference shown because of his color, religion, heritage, or any of the other excuses democrats like to give for failing to do their job right? We may never know. But reporters arent having to dig too hard to find no doubts that this man was a proud jihadist with ties to ISIS and other terrorist groups, a fact obama and hillary are having a hard time admitting. An Afghan/Paki muslim with ties to the Taliban, basically the poster child of what we've been at war with for over 15 years now, and obama keeps ordering the US military to provide aid to, under obama's administration, in spite of the endless red flags going up, was allowed to buy fire-arms legally, even after he started saying what he intended to use them for. For (beep)'s sake, he called 911 to swear allegiance to ISIS just before the attack, and hillary still tried to say he wasnt a muslim terrorist.

But supposedly, it was the gun's fault.

I gotta admit, if thats the case, I am truly impressed.
Ive starved my guns, beat them, dropped them, thrown them against the wall, kicked them in the mud; just about every kind of abuse I could think of, and they still wont kill anyone FOR me. Nope, I gotta do the leg work myself, go to where the person is, and pull that trigger before anyone dies. That this paki can train a gun to kill for him; now thats an impressive trick I aint never seen successfully performed before. Id even volunteer to risk my life, to see how its done; how he can order that gun to kill me without anyone touching it.

Maybe we should stop worrying about the guns and spend more time worrying about the psychos, crazies, and sick (beep)s carrying them. The news doesnt report how many shootings are prevented by armed US citizens. Fact is, fire-arms were banned in that area; I dont know if it's city ordnance, state law, or just the rules of the club. But one veteran with a pistol  could have saved a lot of lives.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tough Love for graduates

Its graduation time, and the pundits and editorials are once again trying to sound "deep" by saying graduation cards are too soft and sugary. Well, gee, thats like saying water is wet. Whats more, they act surprised that no one is inspired and awed by their "brilliance" as they dispense what they consider is "Tough Love" advice.

Well, when your "toughness" amounts to: "no one will love you like mommy and daddy, and work is more demanding that your grade school teachers", umm yeah. Are you addressing the Kindergarten graduates, maybe? If you want "Tough love" try telling the truth about the world; the real, raw, simple truth:

In General
Tell them that everyone will be looking to use them as a step towards something, so they'd better be ready unless they like being a doormat.

On Family
Outside mommy and daddy's door, the only people that care if your dead are the cops and the coroner, and thats only because it means more paperwork for their work. The average person will lift exactly one finger to to help you; its the middle one. Ok, maybe two if they're feeling really ambitious about it.

On Girls
Talk to a girl 2 or 3 times before taking her out, and let her pick the place. Use a cab or an old beater, especially if you have a nice car. Dont let her know you have money until after you've decided you want to spend time on this girl. Oh yeah, in the real world, that phrase means at least a year commitment, maybe life. Dont waste time with feminists and "womens libbers", they will spend all their time trying to be more manly than you, and nothing will get done. Unless your into being the girl of the relationship; we're not here to judge.

On Work
If you arent getting stabbed in the back at least twice a day, you're not doing enough to advance your career. Unless your career is selling armored vests.  Work sucks. If it didnt, they wouldnt have to pay you to do it. You think your boss doesnt "appreciate" you? Take a look at that check. If he really didnt appreciate you, he'd fire your ass and hire someone else for less. Got it?

On "finding yourself"
Hold up your hand. Slap your palm against your forehead. There you are. Now that you found yourself, dump the new age hippy mumbo-jumbo. That was garbage made up by stoners to sound "deep" while they were baked. You are what you do. Not your job, car, couch, bank account, or anything else. What have you done? Have you ran in the rain? rebuilt a car? juggled explosives? (am I really the only one thats done that?) What have you done? That is who you are. Anything else doesnt matter. nfortunately for most graduates, you havent done anything yet. Yes, that means your nobody, so far. And its up to you to get off your ass and change that.

No crying, no partying, no sitting around; the losers get ground down to be the steps of the ladder of success for the leaders. And may God have mercy on your soul, because the world is gonna do its best to break everything else in you.

Shooting in Florida

My prayers for the families of the 20 poor souls lost last night. The cops have said jihadist, domestic jihadist, and the investigation is still ongoing, so we probably wont be certain until tonight.

We really should be grateful. Guy walked into the club full of 300 with an AK, and only 20 died. That may sound callus or cold, but consider that a trained man with a 30 round clip will see 80-90% of rounds fired are lethal, and its obvious the death count could have been much higher. Thank God for even the small miracles.

Edit: since I wrote this, its been confirmed 50 dead and 53 injured.A third of the patrons. Light a candle, burn some incense, or whatever you do to send the dead on their way in peace; take a moment to be grateful you're not one of those 103, and go commit some random act of kindness tomorrow. Thats the only true and useful way to negate such tragedy.

Its interesting to note that we have our first acknowledged muslim attack on gays in the US. We've known for decades that gays in the Middle East are routinely killed in brutal ways for the "crime" of being homosexual, but our liberals and democrats have said for years "that could never happen here. Its a slippery slope fallacy to think that our muslims might act like other muslims!" Well, humanity tends to treat "Slippery Slopes" the way 5 year olds treat a "slip & slide", not just going down it repeatedly, but trying to invent new ways as they do.

Its funny to me how many of these "atheist" gays started praying the moment the bullets started flying. I love the old joke about "no atheists in fox-holes" ; Ive sen so many converts because they lived when they knew they shouldnt have, and they know the only reason that makes sense.

In the end, we do only what we can. Its time to light a candle for the dead, and offer support to the living. We mist review how this happened to see if there's a way to prevent it next time. And, of course, we must silence the insanely moronic fools that try to blame the inanimate lumps of metal being carried instead of the monster that pulled the trigger.