
Friday, August 26, 2016

Freedom of speech and college professors

So we have now seen several confirmed cases where College professors, at State Universities, paid by our tax dollars, are proudly justifying their using those tax dollars to indoctrinate, bully, and fund their mission of attacking republicans-in-general, especially conservatives. Oh, and, of course, demonizing trump in the most juvenile and idiotic of ways. Just this week a woman was "honnored" by her peers and granted her Masters degree for comparing trump to Voldemort from the "Harry Potter" books, and claiming that fiction guided political beliefs. It is taking a great deal of effort to even attempt to take seriously the moronic lunacy required to make such an association.

Well, obviously its not true that fiction influences political beliefs, except maybe to win converts to the vilified side (the opposite of her claim); the fiction of the 40s, 50s, and 60s demonized liberalism, socialism, and communism, and yet thats all the democrats hold holy.

But the much deeper questions are:
Should our tax dollars be going to fund such blatant propaganda? The universities of America have become a second marketing vector, with a captive audience that MUST submit to the brainwashing in order to pass. They freely admit the bias, and say that it's their duty to push even harder against their opposition. Somehow, they miss the hypocrisy of demanding raises while at the same time demanding the entire country become socialists or communists. They see no conflict in "safe zones" where you cannot wsay anything that might offend them, while they are free to offend, insult and denigrate you, your beliefs, your race, history, culter, and background; the whole while claiming "1st Amendment".

Which leads to the next question. Should we be allowed to fire any Public Institution Teacher who presents political opinions? In the military, it's actually an imprison-able offense to publicly have opinions. In the corporate world, it is justified grounds for termination of employment. Most emergency responders and government bureaucrats can be fired if they make their political opinions known publicly. Most arent, because they share the "correct" opinions with their boss, which should offend any loyal American, regardless of beliefs or party affiliation.

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