
Friday, August 26, 2016

Freedom of speech and college professors

So we have now seen several confirmed cases where College professors, at State Universities, paid by our tax dollars, are proudly justifying their using those tax dollars to indoctrinate, bully, and fund their mission of attacking republicans-in-general, especially conservatives. Oh, and, of course, demonizing trump in the most juvenile and idiotic of ways. Just this week a woman was "honnored" by her peers and granted her Masters degree for comparing trump to Voldemort from the "Harry Potter" books, and claiming that fiction guided political beliefs. It is taking a great deal of effort to even attempt to take seriously the moronic lunacy required to make such an association.

Well, obviously its not true that fiction influences political beliefs, except maybe to win converts to the vilified side (the opposite of her claim); the fiction of the 40s, 50s, and 60s demonized liberalism, socialism, and communism, and yet thats all the democrats hold holy.

But the much deeper questions are:
Should our tax dollars be going to fund such blatant propaganda? The universities of America have become a second marketing vector, with a captive audience that MUST submit to the brainwashing in order to pass. They freely admit the bias, and say that it's their duty to push even harder against their opposition. Somehow, they miss the hypocrisy of demanding raises while at the same time demanding the entire country become socialists or communists. They see no conflict in "safe zones" where you cannot wsay anything that might offend them, while they are free to offend, insult and denigrate you, your beliefs, your race, history, culter, and background; the whole while claiming "1st Amendment".

Which leads to the next question. Should we be allowed to fire any Public Institution Teacher who presents political opinions? In the military, it's actually an imprison-able offense to publicly have opinions. In the corporate world, it is justified grounds for termination of employment. Most emergency responders and government bureaucrats can be fired if they make their political opinions known publicly. Most arent, because they share the "correct" opinions with their boss, which should offend any loyal American, regardless of beliefs or party affiliation.

Monday, August 1, 2016

use of the words "nigger", "honky", and "cracker"

Its interesting to see the endless double standard of this supposedly "racist" (but only when white people use it) word. Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, used it slightly more than half a decade ago, in a script he was forced to follow to stay employed; he used it "correctly" according to ghetto "culture" (for lack of a better word), talking to a close friend, both in life and in script at the time, and he had the permission of Booker Huffman (aka: Booker T) to whom he was referring, to use it for that scripted segment. Five years later he was savaged by the NAACP, among others, for doing once what they do on a daily basis.

Miss Teen USA is being attacked today for the same thing; some blacks (who call each other "niggers" all the time as a sign of "friendship") are offended that, at the age of 13, she had so deep a "friendship" with a black female that they called each other "nigger" and "honky/cracker" respectively (incidentally, you wont hear from the media or the blacks ranting over this about the bigoted remarks of the black girl, just the white one. How typically black) So, either this was a form of playful endearment between to children who were truly color-blind, as the good Rvd Dr Martin Luther King Jr had dreamed (and most blacks today are actively trying to prevent) or we had two bigoted little bastards that needed an attitude correction. Which implies that any black still using any of those 3 words is a bigot in need of an attitude adjustment.

So, we see that any black person on tv, from the arrested idiot acting like he won something to politicians and rich entertainers "gibin shou'outz ta mah niggers out de'ah" regularly. Buy why? They claim its to "own the hate", "turn it around",  and a bunch of other worn-out psycho-babble from the 60s (the last decade in which blacks graduating from high school, and there-fore having access to such vocabulary, was higher than 70%) And yet, Italian Americans arent calling each other racist derogatory terms, nor are Jewish descended Americans. Hispanics, who were enslaved in those fields beside the blacks dont refer to each other with bigoted terms. The Irish, who experienced slavery just like the blacks, except the Irish were used for unskilled labor in the North, instead of farming labor in the south; Their descendants dont refer to each other with terms of hate.

Nor do we see the claim that "(insert name) just isnt "(insert race)" enough!", except from blacks. George Zimmerman was the first Latino Ive ever seen in my lifetime called a "white" man;(which is entertaining - Spaniards are Mediterranian mixed with black African; Peruvian {hus mother} are Native America mixed with Spaniard; And his Father is American black. He was more in touch and a part of minority culture than obama will ever hope to be) Granted, it was only to sell the great lie of "ebul whitey!" But still.....Normally, Latinos are considered Latinos, especially by blacks; blacks see them as less than and different from white, though still partially "to blame" for black "suffering".

Now, Im not sure where the motivation would be to try being "black enough", considering everywhere you went, most every black you saw would be calling you one of the most bigoted words in our country's lexicon. (but only when said by white people) It seems that the "rights" they believe they should have, the right to assault anyone at any time, to do any drugs, rob anyone; basically to be lawless animals unfit to be called humans, much less allowed to live in human society, are not the "rights" any sane, responsible, humane person would support, nor even want. (well, ok, with an exception made for assault against ex-spouses lol)

These people say they want freedom, equality and respect. They've had freedom since 1865; they've had equality since 1965; respect is earned, not given. And they havent done much in 250 years to earn it. The only significant contribution they've made to our society is more hate and bigotry, the very things we should be trying to eliminate.