We go on to read in the story that it was actually 6 times!
thousands of voter records with first names or dates of birth that were altered for unknown reasons.
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.
We have illegal aliens, convicted felons still in prison, children and the dead not only registered, but casting votes!
And democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.
59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama
received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for
Romney. Snopes confirms the numbers, but goes on to claim that its not
only possible for a candidate to receive ZERO votes in over 50
districts, but "That {the} result was hardly surprising." They go on to
make claims "proving" their (consistently liberally biased) beliefs.
We're supposed to believe that in a city of 1.57 million people, there
arent any republicans? At all? Anywhere? Thats enough bullsh!t to
fertilize every farm in Indiana!
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.
we wont even go into the fact that most of Philly (and other liberal
strong-holds) yet again had more voters show up pulling the "D" lever
than there were citizens legally eligible to vote in the district. You had more votes than people!
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.
repeated statement is "There isnt enough fraud to suggest its a
problem." As listed above, a woman during live broadcast across the
nation on CNN, publicly confessed to voting SIX TIMES
for obama in 2012. And, of course, The obama administration Dept of
"Just-us" refused to prosecute; The Obama FBI refused to arrest.
and the media told us there was no voter fraud, even as people
confessed to it. On live television. In front of the entire nation.
But democrats and the media tell us there's no voter fraud.
they try to villify Trump for saying the fix is in. The FBI director
admitted Hillary committed espionage against her country, laid out a
full case for perjury as well, refused to investigate the treason or
"accessory to murder" charges for Benghazi, nor bothered to look at the
very obvious (and record level) of bribery (pay-to-play) she confesses
to in her emails; all this, but he didnt think confessions by her own hand were strong enough evidence to justify prosecution. He didnt arrest her because he "didnt have enough evidence".
A 4-star general is going to prison for lying to the FBI once.
Hillary lied for almost 4 years, and the FBI shrugs its shoulders.
There are 10 different military servicemen in prison for "sharing
classified itell", for passing details and picture of enemies on to the
next patrol, because that was "classified". Obeying the 2nd general
order of the military, that you will report info to the next guy coming
on-shift, was considered a crime, and these men are locked away in a
federal penitentiary with no chance for parole, while hillary sold us
out to enemy nations and the terrorists we're at war with, and still
walks free.
She should be in prison, not a candidate for presidency.
democrats and the media tell us this election is rigged. You have to
wonder, if this isnt blatant and depraved enough to make them honest,
what level of criminal activity will it take before they finally admit that the elections are fixed?